
Luke Adventurous Life in Final Fantasy VII

Reza, a rich middle-aged NEET gets reincarnated into Final Fantasy VII world after filling a questionnaire on the net. How will his life be as Sephiroth Twin brothers?

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 20 (Title at the end)

Junon, 27 December, 0006.

Inside Junon Virtual Traning Room, there are two people stood against each other. On one side is a short broad haired woman wearing a green uniform with a white cape on her back. She is holding a Katana on her right hand.

In front of her is a man with long silver hair wearing black pant and a long coat with silver pauldron on his shoulders. He held a seven to eight feet long Nodachi on his left hand. These two were Elfe and Sephiroth and they were about to have a duel to test Elfe power after her operation.

"So, we meet again, Sephiroth!" said Elfe as she readied her stance.

"Ah, I hope you are stronger than last time after the operation that Luke's done to you." he answers.

"Let's us see how it is." she said as she dashed forward before they clash their sword.

"Hmm, speed and power are all right." said Sephiroth as he blocks the attack.

Elfe continues her attack as Sephiroth block and parries her attack and their speed raise little by little until their speed is so fast that it won't be seen by normal people.

"So, have you found your reason to fight?" asked Elfe, talking about her question on the day they first meet.

"My reason to fight?" said Sephiroth remembering their first meeting that's happening here in Junon. At that time he was still working for Shinra and she is an invader that's come to destroy the Make Reactor here in Junon. He remembers at that time she asked him what is his reason to fight as she retreats along with her Avalanche comrades.

Now, he already left Shinra and she did not have any reason to destroy the Mako Reactor as it was already dismantled by Luke and replace with his technology that uses water as fuel.

"I still haven't found it. For now, I will just help the friend I have reached their goals." he answer as he starts to counter-attack Elfe by firing off a flying slash to her.

"Heh, what are you saying? You already found it, your reason to fight." she said as she cut through the flying slash only to see Sephiroth already firing numerous ice bolts to her which reflect it using reflect-ga, Firing it back to Sephiroth.

Sephiroth hearing her tilting his head not understanding what she said as he slash all the ice bolts that fired towards him.

"What are you talking about?" he asked as Elfe shakes her head.

"Nevermind, let's continue our fight!" she said as she start to use haste on herself along with many body reinforcement magic. Making her speed raised by a triple from before.

Seeing this, Sephiroth also up his speed an their fight reaches an unprecedented intensity that it is a good thing that Luke already strengthen the training room to take on the strength of ten Sephiroth and still unscathed.


Outside the training room, at the observation room. Here Luke, along with Angeal, Genesis, Cloud, and Zack stood as they watch the monitor that shown the fight between Sephiroth and Elfe.

"That woman is quite strong, she already surpassed our strength before you cured us!" said Genesis as he watches the fight with an eager expression.

"Yeah, just a little more experience in using that power of hers and it will not be long before she reaches our strength level or surpasses us." said Angeal telling his assessment on Elfe strength.

"Damn, it was so exciting. I also want to fight her!" shouted Zack excitedly.

"You sure you can take on her, Zack?" said Cloud with a smirk on his lips.

"What you say? I will show you my strength now if you don't believe me!" shouted Zack as he drags Cloud out. Must be going to other training room.

"Heh, They're so excitable like a kid." I said as I continue to monitor Elfe body condition as she fights with Sephiroth.

"You are at fault there! What with that sword you gave Zack. His perpetually high sugar rush got enhance ever since you gave him that sword, Kubikiribocho." said Angeal with distaste as he was one of the people who got bother the most by Zack ever since he got that sword.

"Hehe, I just want to cheers him up. Who knows, that he cheered too much, hahaha" I said with a laugh.

"Oh, looks like the finished!" I said as we all see both Sephiroth and Elfe stop their fight and were now walking out of the training room.


Elfe and Sephiroth walk into the monitor room and Elfe greeted us.

"Hey! So how is it?" She asked me as she sits on the chair and took a bottle of water to drink.

"Everything is ok! I didn't see any of your past symptoms as the fight goes on. You are officially cured." I said with a smile and she nodded with a burden-free smile.

"You! Fight me after you have rested, we have to unearth all that potential in a fight! I'll be waiting at the Training Room." said Genesis as he walks out of the room to the training room.

"Uhh, what happens with him?" asked Elfe confused.

"Nothing, just the usual him. You should try to fight with him and next with Angeal to get used with all that strength you got after the operation." I said and she nodded.

"Okay, I've rested enough. Let's see what the other First Class SOLDIER's got." she said as she walks out of the room followed by Angeal.

"What do you think, brother?" I asked Sephiroth who look at her back as she left.

"Hmm? She is good." he answers absent mindlessly.

"Is that it?" I asked, confused with his behavior.

"Ahh." he answers before leaving the room.

"What is wrong with him?" I said before looking at the monitor again to see Genesis, Angeal, Elfe, and Sephiroth inside the training room and start a battle royal between the four of them.

"So he just wants another match?" I said to myself and continue to monitor their battle where Elfe battle prowess continues to improve to match the trio Monster SOLDIERS.


Back in Midgar, Shinra Electric Power Company Headquarters.

"What is all this about, Heidegger? Calling on a meeting so suddenly." said President Shinra a little annoyed.

"Mr. President, I am sorry for calling on your busy schedule. But, Project SS is now at the last stage. I just thought you might want to watch as it was going on." answer Heidegger piquing the interest of all board of directors including President Shinra.

"I see, when will it start?" asked President Shinra eagerly.

"This Afternoon, at 4:50." he answers.

"I see, then I will free my schedule at that time!" President Shinra said with a nod.

"What about the rest of you? Want to see the birth of new Super SOLDIER?" said Heidegger smugly at the other Director.

"I will pass, there are many things to be done now as we are close to the end of our preparation." answers Reeve as he bowed to President Shinra before he left the Meeting Room.

"Our division is also busy, so we will be waiting for the news of success." said Tseng as he also left.

"I have time, I will accompany you Mr. President." said Palmer as he smiles while rubbing his hand together.

"Heh, they must be Jealous at my success." said Heidegger with a sneer.

"I will be waiting for you Mr. President." he continues.

"Ahh, I will be looking forward to it!" said President Shinra as he dismissing both Palmer and Heidegger.




4:00 pm at Lab 00, close to the first Reactor.

Inside a tank, it can be seen that there is a youth with shoulder-length silver hair that hides one of his eyes. This youth is Kadaj, one of the experiments where Shinra gave an infant a slice of Sephiroth Gene.

Right now, he was connected with many injections while submerged inside a Mako-filled tank.

Heidegger on an observation deck along with President Shinra and Palmer. He look at President Shinra who nodded at him and he nodded back. "Proceed with the procedure!" he said as the Scientists start to work.

The experiment started and they start to inject Kadaj with all Jenova Cell they manage to salvage after they found out that the Jenova body at Nibelheim is already missing which they suspect Luke have a hand with it as after investigating for a while, they found out that he lived in Nibelheim do quite a long time.

"DIRECTOR!" shouted one of Shinra Scientists as he found out an anomaly on Kadaj.

"What is it?" said Heidegger annoyed as there is Mr. President with them and it won't look good on him if there is an accident on the experiment.

"There is a high level of activity inside the body of Subject K! If we continue like this, his body won't be able to take it." said one of the Scientists.

"Bullshit, from what was left from Hojo and Hollander note this will work. Continue to pump him with Jenova Cell! Even if it ends with Failure, we can gather enough data from this experiment." said Heidegger as he instructs them to continue with the experiment.

As all Jenova Cell was injected and all procedures are finished, there was silence in the room.

"See, look what I said, We succeed!" said Heidegger excitedly as he looks at the still alive and stable Kadaj inside the tank.

"Shall we, Mr. President!" he said to President Shinra excitedly while pointing at the door into the lab.

"Ahh, let's go!" he answer equally excited as they walk into the lab with Palmer follow after them.

But, as they were inside the lab. One of the Scientists shouted.

"Something is wrong!" he said in alarm and suddenly.


The tank containing Kadaj explode and from there, numerous tentacle shoots out and stabbed into all the people inside the Lab, including President Shinra, Heidegger, and Palmer. It starts to suck on them leaving a mummified body on its wake.

It retracted back toward the durection of the tank and walking out of it is a naked Female version of Sephiroth. She looks around before she smiles.

"Finally, I am back!" said the woman as her body starts to morph to create clothes to cover her modesty and a Saber appear out of nowhere on her left hand.

"Luke Valentine, you will pay for taking away my main body!" she said as she walks into a chair and sits on it and close her eyes to digest the memories she got from absorbing all the people in the room.

"Soon, we will meet again soon! But, before that, I will take back what was taken from me." she said as she opens her eyes and left the room.

(Title: JENOVA Re-Emergence!)