
Luck is always on my side

You know, the usual mc, shit, death, void, god, wish-WAIT WHAT THE FUCK? I GET NO WISHES? I GET 3 GACHA ROLLS? AND WHY IS MY WORLD FUCKING FULL OF SPANDEX?

daoistofeverything · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 7


Name: Kuro Surname: Kurayami

Age: 1 year

Race: Evolved Nephilim (Quirk type)

Strength: 51




Intelligence: 150


Mental fortitude Lv20

Drawing LvMAX

Pink muscles Lv.Max


Darkness manipulation Lv35 (Active)

Spiral energy Lv Max (Passive)

Night vision Lv.11

Hard Bones Lv. 8

Demon Fire Manipulation Lv.1

You can produce and control fire

Effect: Produces fire from your pores, and makes you able to control it

Restrictions: Max temperature is 100 Celsius, you can control fire only 10 meters away from you

Side effect: Your body temperature will rise depending on how hot the flame is.

Demon Fire body Lv.1

Your body has been made to resist fire and use it.

Effect: Lessen the damage caused by flames, making you able to not be damaged by fire at 100 Celsius degrees, making it easier to wield fire, when in contact with fire your body will heal 50% faster

Side effect: You will easily feel cold, and it will be harder to feel warm.

Ice body Lv.13

Cursed energy Lv.11

Demon Hearth Lv,1

All demons possess a demon hearth, which is the fission of all their emotions placed all in one place, this place can be an object or an organ of the user.

Current location: Hearth

Effect: When the host taps his demon heart host enters an enchanted state, based on the host soul, powers, and stats, the form and buffs will change( blocked until host stats reach 200 or host enters an enraged state)

Side effect: All emotions will be 50 times stronger

Gacha: 73 tickets

Shop:250 SP

Inventory: Mentality pill, Military knife, Empty bottle, Zanpakuto

Kuro:' Damn, 40 stats points, and from how my body feels restricted I just have not even scratched the surface of how powerful this bloodline can become, I also still have 73 Gacha tickets, and a mentality pill to take.'

Before using the tickets and pill, I checked the time, and it is barely 3 am, so I still have three hours before anyone wakes up, so that I can use this body.

The first thing I noticed is how fast my thoughts were going, everything seemed to go in slow motion, not like a 0.25 speed, but at least a 0.9, which is already a lot, if I am lower by 0.1 every 100 points then by the time I reach 1000 I will see the world in at 0.1 speed... that's op.

My other stats are now reaching the stats of a 15 years old boy, which considering I am 1 year old, can easily scare people.

My next experiment is to test my weaknesses, first I tried to pull my tail, and as I expected I felt all my strengths fading.

Kuro:'Fuck, this will be a problem.'


The power Spiral Energy has deemed necessary the unlocking of the power: Strong Tail Lv.1


Cost: 100g calcium, 100g proteins( when I say it's gonna use proteins and calcium I don't only mean the ne he ingest but also the one that is present in his muscles and bones, or even his baby fat)

Strong Tail Lv.1

Your tail is gonna look cool and useful.

Effect: Nullifies weakness generated from the action of someone grabbing the host tail, which will make the tail more durable, and sharper.

Side effect: It will become harder to learn how to use it.

I instantly click yes, and my previous black stinger-shaped tail, turned is a tail that looks more like the tail of a dragon, with black pointy scales covering it, and an arrowhead at the end.

And laslty I activate my new fire manipulation power.

Unlike the previous dark red fire, now its color changed to dark blue, and even though its temperature is 100 degrees what I feel is only a simple warm feeling touching my skin, I wanted to continue to train with it, but my clothes wouldn't have like the experiment I wanted to do, so I extinguish the fire. and decide to get out to take some fresh air.

Obliviously before going out I spread my shadow to see if there is anyone near enough to hear me going outside. (Imagine pride shadow spreading in his house)

And like I expected everyone was asleep, I then opened the door and headed to the nearest window.

With my faster, stronger, and more durable body, reaching the nearest window, and jumping from it was pretty easy.

Since it's 5 am, on the 13 August, the air isn't either too cold, neither too hot, just the perfect nice breeze moving my hair and clothes.



Daily quest received: Save the damsels in distress

Goal: Stop the villain from stealing the family's money.

Reward: 10 Gacha tickets, 100 SP, random skill, random item.

Failure: Family gets killed, the mother gets raped until death.

Kuro:'... I just wanted to relax for 5 seconds.'

I use my own shadow to coat myself, only leaving seeable my eyes and mouth, I activate my night vision and use the rest of my shadow to create a ladder so to let me see where the scream is from.


Fortunately, the scream of a baby immediately made me pinpoint where the location of the family is.

My shadow changes from a ladder to a bird, I get on top of it and use it to get there as soon as possible.

When I arrived I saw the thief wielding a knife, fighting against what I assume is the father, but from the looks of it, he surely isn't winning.

He is covered in small cuts, but from what I can see his quirk makes his skin harder and because of this the knife couldn't go deep enough to hurt him badly, but the blood loss is making him weaker by the seconds.

Instead, the villain has a wicked smile on his face, not even caring to cover his face, his body is constantly producing a knife, which he throws at the man.

Father:'' I AM GONNA KILL YOU.'' He dashes towards the villain, most likely thinking, that if he goes down at least he will take the other villain with him.

But before he could reach him, a dirt wall created in front of him, causing him to crush against it, and faint.

Villain 2:''Kekeke too easy.'' Says the other villain popping out from an alley.

Villain 1:'' Now we can have fun with the woman, I go first you kill the baby and the father.''

Villain 2:'' Fi-''

Before he could end his words, his whole body got covered in dark blue fire, his gruesome screams spread all around the block.

The other villain seeing this scene thought that a hero had arrived, how wrong he is.

He tried to run away and get as far as possible.

But before he could move, he felt something catching his leg, he looks down, and he sees a black tentacle all around his leg.

He created a knife trying to cut it, but the moment the knife touched the tentacle it got stuck, and the tentacle absorbed the whole knife.

Before he could create another knife the tentacle rose him from the ground and split into 4 other tentacles 1 for the other leg, one for the arms, and one hanging him from the neck.

Suddenly from the biggest tentacle a... shadow? come out, the only recognizable features about this being are his complete red eyes, his sadistic smile with spiky teeth, and his height.

Villain:''Please don't kill me I can do anything I can give you money I can give you weapons I ca-''

Before he could continue one of the biggest tentacles formed another tentacle, becoming even thinner, and the new tentacle changed shape to a drill, which pierces the stomach of the villain, and spikes come out of the same drill, turning the body of the villain in a french cheese.

And before either the son of the woman could speak all the tentacles disappeared, and returned to the shadow.

The shadow then created a wall of dark blue fire, which blinded both of them, and as he had appeared he disappeared.

Kuro:'Those assholes deserved it... did I go too far? Nahhhh... ok maybe I scared a child for life but at least he is alive.'