

No one messes with LUCIFERA.... She's a devil.

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43 Chs

38. Her highness II


"But your highness..."

"Here eat this and make sure you finish it" Peyton cuts into Ace's statement as she handed him a plate with a huge cover on it. Ace opened the food just to see BLACK BEANS the food he hated the most.


"hun? but mom?" Ace stopped his cutlery halfway when he saw the food. "Who's your mom?. I don't have any child" Peyton threw Ace a hateful glare as she continued eating her food and chatting with Alison.

Ace stared at the food and gulped down. He suddenly wish the food could just magically disappear. He shoved a spoonful of black beans into his mouth and emptied the plate. "Y... Your highness", Ace stammered having the urge to throw up everything he had eaten. "Hmm" Peyton turned to look at him. She then asked "Are you done?". "hmm" Ace nodded don't daring to open his mouth for the fear he'd throw up.

"Alright then" she said as she wiped her oily lips stylishly and turned to Damon her husband. "honey are you done?. Alison and I want to take a stroll down the lake. Help me keep an eye on this brat... If you collide together with him you wouldn't eat black beans but 5 plates of chilly sauce and a jug of lemon juice. Got me?"Peyton instructed in a motherly tone like she was talking to her naughty kids.

"hmm" Damon nodded. Damon who was huge, bulky and muscular look no less than a dog on leash infront of his wife with a goddess aura. "Good. we'd get going then... Allie love let's go". Peyton said stretching her arms and wrapped it around Alison's as they took a stroll out.

"Can you tell me how to became pregnant at a young age?" Peyton asked Alison while leading her to a tree with two swing seats hung on it. "Hmm" Alison slightly nodded.

"mother, Jennie fell for my father Ray because he lied been a son of a rich tycoon. Jennie fell for his stupid lies and eventually got pregnant for him. After I was born I became the sorrow in the family. Ray began to fight Jennie, drink, smoke and became a womanizer. Jennie began to see someone else outside the marriage and married to him after breaking up with Ray leaving their 10years old daughter, promising to take her away with her after few months after settling. alas the promise was a fairytale...ahh.*sighs* "Alison paused and looked up to the sky remembering everything vividly like it was yesterday.

"I hate people who live up to their promises.... as I was saying the 10 years old girl became a sex toy to her father who molested for 3years before fleeing from his abusive arms. The 13years old girl now was picking up by the UCC. (Unfortunate Children Care). where she stayed for 2years before finally getting adopted to the girl...Her foster who lustfully fell for her and had planned on getting her in his bed. Well he and his friend ganged up and tested the waters..."Alison then stopped talking and turned to look at Peyton.

"Whose fault is it? tell me?" Alison asked with blood-shot eyes. Peyton stared back at her pitifully. This girl right here suffered alone all because of someone else careless and greed. "I'm sorry Allie" pulled her into her embrace. Tears Alison had held up and never shed for years slowly gave in and rolled down her face as she sobs. Peyton patted her back gently in a consoling way."Don't worry. don't think too much you're now my daughter. okay?" Peyton asked still with Alison's head resting on Peyton's shoulder.