
Gift of Sight

OOF i am back everyone! kind of. ill try and write more today ^^ I hope you enjoy! The ending is bleh btw im sorry 


   You checked over your appearance one last time in your mirror before you left your new apartment in Los Angeles. You had recently moved to L.A. from your hometown due to a job transfer. You were a crime scene photographer for your hometowns police and the LAPD needed a new one, so they offered you a well-paying job and you accepted. Your whole body buzzed with excitement and nervousness for your first day.

   "Can’t forget my camera on the first day!“ You said to yourself. You grabbed the black case and made sure to check that our camera was there before you left out the door. You took an Uber to the LAPD and arrived ten minutes early, just as you planned.  You wanted to get to know some of your co-workers and to get a tour of the building.

   As you walked up the steps to the precinct, you notice a very beautiful woman walk out of the building. She had long black hair with tan skin, which complimented her dark outfit quiet well. You made eye contact with her and for a few seconds, her face shifted into something else. Half of her face was still the same, but the other side was like it was burned or rotted away, leaving grey and black skin. Her once dark eye looked clouded with a yellow tinted white.

   She stared at you as you both walked past each other, she stared too. The woman’s face was pure shock before and you decided best to just look away and keep walking forward to the building. Whatever you just saw was strange, but you tried your best to just let whatever happen go. You needed a clear head for your first day.


   You’ve been at the LAPD for two hours and you were already having a blast. You were spending most your time with Ella Lopez, the forensic scientist for the LAPD. She is very outgoing and made sure you felt at home; even giving you a tour of her lab. Currently, you both were in the lab as she told you about all her close friends who work alongside with her.

   "Chloe Decker and Lucifer Morningstar are like the top team here.” She explained, “They work well together but Lucifer can get a bit… arrogant? Yeah that can work for him. But he is still a good guy nonetheless. Chloe is great too. She’s a good worker and an awesome friend.”

   "I can’t wait to meet them.“ You smile with excitement.  

   "Oh, I can’t forget about Dan Espinoza! He’s a really sweet guy and a good detective, despite his past.”

    Ella told you more about people in the station, and some of the gossip too, just to keep you in the loop. As she told you the relationship theories between one of the officers and the janitor staff, she dropped her story mid story and dragged you out to the main floor, towards two people at a desk.

   "Lucifer! Chloe! Meet our new crime scene photographer!“ Ella smiled as she called out. The man and woman turned around and smiled as well. Your eyes went to the blonde woman first, she had a kind look and presence about her.  

   "Hello, I’m Chloe.” She greeted, shaking your hand.

   "I’m (Y/N). I can’t wait to work with you.“ You responded.

   "Hello, darling.” The man’s British voice pulled your attention away from Decker. You looked to the tall, handsome man. But once your (e/c) eyes met his dark eyes, his face became distorted. You were taken back his face, it was red and marred, his eyes were sunken in while their color was a blood red. You gulped and broke eye contact with him, his face was back to normal. From the look of his face Lucifer was also taken back as well.

   "Well, I should probably get you more familiar with the lab, (Y/N).“ Ella pulled you away, back into the lab room. "What was that?”

   "Did… Did you see that?“ You stuttered, wondering if she too could see what you had just saw.

   "Yeah, you and Lucifer were making googly eyes at each other! Like you were having a rom-con ‘love at first glance’ moment.” Ella exclaimed with a grin on her face. “Oh my gosh you guys are soulmates!”

   "What? No! It’s just,“ You paused for a second, wondering if you should tell her wat you had saw a few moments ago, "He looks a lot like someone I know back where I used to live, I thought he might’ve been that person.”

   "Oh, uh huh…“ She smirked but thankfully she dropped the subject and went on to showing you the lab.

   You through your keys on the corner table and closed your apartment door. Despite it being an easyi-sh day, you still were tired after all you learned. You put your bag down and immediately put on pajama bottoms for some comfort before going to the kitchen. Right as you were about to make yourself some food, there was a knock on your door. Your head fell back and you groaned but went to answer the door anyways. To your surprise, Lucifer Morningstar was standing in front of you.

   "Oh hey, Lucifer… How did you find where I lived?” You asked, a little cautious since he hardly know him, and because of what you saw.

   "Easy, the police data base.“ He smiled, but you can tell by his body language he was nervous.  

   "Why are you here, may I ask?”

   "It’s best if we talk sitting down… Can I come in?“ He asked. You nodded and invited him, watching him carefully as he strutted towards your couch.

   "Would you like something to drink?”

   "No thank you dear.“ You joined him on the couch, he was squirming and fidgeting. "Well, I’ll just right to the point: you can see my devil face.”

   "That’s what you call it? A devil face?“ You didn’t mean to giggle, but it was a funny way to describe it. "Wait was that woman I saw in front of the L.A.P.D. a demon?”

   "Mazikeen? Kind of scary looking, wears a lot of leather, half her face gone?“ You nod, his description of her was exact. "So how can you see us both? I mean, how can you see our faces? How does it work? How-”

   "Whoa whoa, Lucifer. I don’t know anything, I didn’t even know I could see your true faces until today!“

   "You have to come to my apartment tomorrow, to test how much you can see. Starting with my angel of a brother!” He exclaimed. “I cannot believe I found a human who can see my devil face, this is amazing!”

   "So, I guess demons and angels are real…“

   "Sorry if seeing my face is frightening or off putting. I know for you humans it can be a lot to take in.”

   "No, no! You don’t scare me. I was startled at first, but it isn’t so bad. I bet you’re a real sweet guy…devil?“

   "Do you really mean that, (Y/N)?”

   "Of course, Lucifer. Can’t judge a book by its cover, right?“ You smiled sweetly while he stared with his mouth open. "Would you like to stay the night? Just to chat and figure out my whole seeing thing.”

   "I would love to darling.“

   It has been a month since your first day at the L.A.P.D. and to say you and Lucifer were close was an understatement.  You two were attached to the hip. He would hardly ever leave your side and grew extremely protective of you; even Mazikeen and Amenadiel grew close and protective of you. Chloe and Ella were you closest friends and Dan become a brother to you, you quickly grew your own little family here in Los Angeles. Lucifer even introduced you to his therapist, who connected with you due to you both have seen his real face.

   You were currently at a diner near Lucifers apartment with him in tow. He and you were getting breakfast before work. He sat across from you, enjoying a traditional American breakfast, while you enjoyed (food of choice). You picked up on his nervous behavior and notice his face seemed to flash in-between human and Devil to you, a thing you noticed when he felt anxious.

   "Is everything alright, Luci?” You asked, using the nickname you picked up from Amenadiel. “You are more fidgety than usual.”

   "Oh yes of course! Of course, dear.“ He replied to quickly, taking a bite out of his food.

   "You know I can tell you are lying, your face is flickering.”

   "I guess I need to get this off my chest.“ Lucifer wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin and cleared his throat, before he stared directly into your eyes. "You are… the first human to see my face without me purposely showing it to you, and you fully accepted me for me. You always support me but you are never afraid to speak up if I do something truly stupid. I guess what I am attempting to tell you, dear… Is I really… Oh hell!”

   Next thing you knew is Lucifer slid out from his side and was immediately at your side, his soft lips were on yours. One of his hands was placed on your jaw, while this thumb gently brush against your warm cheeks. You were in shock, but it was good shock. Immediately you melted into the kiss, reciprocating while your hand rested on one of his shoulders.

   "Lucifer…“ You say over a whisper, a smile slowly growing on your face as you broke apart from him.

   "I’m quite smitten with you, dear. Ever since you invited me to stay the night at your apartment, I’ve fallen hard for you.”

   "I can say the same for myself. I’ve grown to really like you as well.“ You both smiled. Lucifer pulled his plate over next to you and sat down, pulling you to is side with his arm around your shoulders. HE sat confidently, but had a charming smile on his face, not his usual smirk.

   "Eat up dear, we are going on a date day.”

   "But what about work?“

   "I’ll pull some strings, today is a day for you and me, darling.”