
Eve Proposal

For several days Lucifer has been acting distant. It confused you as it was now Christmas Eve and he wasn't around the last few days. That was also odd as because he always liked to stay by your side. You had asked your mutual friends if they know something you didn't, but all of them said he was fine. Ella suggested it was just him looking for gifts, but him and you agreed to no gifts. When you asked Dan he seemed to get nervous and told you not to worry before he hung up the phone to get his Christmas party in order. 

You sighed and sat down on the couch, your face buried in your hands. You haven't seen Lucifer since yesterday as he left the penthouse before you woke up. You didn't want to think he was planning on leaving you but the anxiety and the distance let the thought fester. The rational part of your brain told you he loved you deeply and irrevocably, but that irrational part was louder. You felt tears sting your eyes as you let yourself collapse, sideways, on the couch. You took in deep breaths to try to not cry. 

You heard the the elevator ding and the doors slide open, but you didn't move from your spot. 

"Hello darling. I can tell you aren't asleep." You heard the angel in question. You still didn't budge. You didn't want to look at him, you had a feeling the tears would start falling  if you look at his face.

"Hey, welcome home, Luci." You replied, hoping you'd sounded like you normally do.

"What is wrong?" You heard his footsteps approach the couch and soon enough he was in your field of vision. Slowly you sit  up and face the angel you love dearly. His eyebrows rose as he saw the tears threatening to spill from your eyes. Your name gently passed his lips as he placed his hands on your cheeks, his thumbs soothingly brushed along your skin.

"Are you planning to leave me, Lucifer?" The question tumbles out before your mind could stop and let you process what to say. You internally cringe and tears finally slip. Lucifer was quick to swipe them away as he looked at you sadly.

"Where did this come from, darling?" 

"You-You've been distance for a few days and it's the holidays." You allowed yourself to breath. "I know it's probably just me being irrational but..." 

"I love you too much to ever let you go." Lucifer smiled and removed his hands from your face. You immediately missed his warm touch. He ruffled around in his suit jackets inner pocket. "I was waiting to do this tomorrow at the Christmas party Dan is hosting, but I can see my...behavior and planning has upset you."


"I want to really show the universe my love for you and honestly, you know I don't care much for human concepts, but I care for you and I want to...what is the word... tie myself to you in a way?" Lucifer pulled out a small black box out from his jacket and lifted the lid, revealing a beautiful ring with your favorite gemstone. "Will you do me the greatest honors and marry me?"

"Oh Lucifer-" You sobbed, happiness filled your being. 

"I didn't think there would be this much crying."

You wrap your arms around his neck. "Of course I'll marry you. Gosh, I am so sorry I thought you were leaving me."

"It's quite alright, I was a bit distant but only for planning purposes." He moved himself to place a kiss on your forehead and on your lips.

"Well now I feel bad, I don't have anything to give you."

"Shush, you alone are the greatest gift I could ever have in my long life. You are my all, darling."