

When he picked off, I screamed off with fear, my hold on him got tighter, I don't want him to drop me, don't drop me, don't drop me. I say over and over again holding to him more than before now, he must have sensed what happened. "Don't worry pup, I won't drop you" he says his hold on me tightening. "I don't like this" I say closing my eyes now, this was too scary. "Relax, I'd never drop a little girl" he says, but that didn't help me feel any better, I closed my eyes hiding in his chest, holding on to him.

I did run a decent distance, it's taking us forever to get back, I knew I shouldn't be wish to get back, knowing I'm going back to Lucifer and what's waiting for me, but that would be better than flying around. Keiran didn't use the door I used, instead he flied us toward a balcony on the top floor, the floor we were on. I was never happier to touch hard land underneath my feet. I took a sigh of relief now, but it wasn't very long lived, Lucifer was waiting for me, the second Keiran let go, I turned back to see Lucifer standing with a big frown on his face.

"Thank you Keiran, you may go" Lucifer says, I wanted to get back with Keiran, could he fly me off again! "You're not going anywhere little wolf, you'll be lucky if I let you out of my sight anymore" Lucifer says dragging me by the arm back inside, he closed the doors of the balcony behind him, this room was his bedroom, I hate this room.

"Lucifer please" I say trying to move away from him, but he kept coming after me. "Come here little pup" he order, I shake my head no, still taking steps back. "Now little wolf" he order again, coming toward me, I took off running this time, but he ran after me. He caught me no problem, what did I think I could outrun Lucifer the king of hell, he caught me by my waist and moved back toward the bed holding me.

"No, please, please no! I won't run away again" I lie, I will run away in the next option I get. "Lying to me Nova? This close to punishment and still lying" he says in a firm voice, he wasn't yelling but he did sound angry. "I'm not, I'm not..." I say tears going down my face, I wasn't sorry but I'm afraid of being punished. "Nova, let me make something clear to you, don't even try lying, I'll know every time" he says in a very firm voice, I believed him this time, I nod my head yes, I don't want to try my luck with him anymore. He laid me over his lap again while I tensed knowing what's coming I tensed, trying to contract my bum cheeks, but when the first slap landed, I screamed up, it hurt, but he kept spanking me, after the third one, I relaxed, I couldn't keep on tensing. "You would not leave anywhere without asking me first," he says, landing a painful smack, but he wasn't using his hand anymore, these hurt worse. "You would not lie to me," he says landing two slaps. "You would obey, even if I have to take you over my knees every day," he says smacking my bum over and over again with the same torture device he had in his hand.

He finally stopped, but I kept on crying, this hurt too much, he was petting my back, but the tears never stopped, after about ten minutes, I had no more tears to cry, he pulled me up, sitting me on his lap, but my bum sting too much, I whined with pain. I could see a hairbrush next to him, the torture device is now being used in more than one way.

After minutes of trying to get off his lap but his hold on me didn't stop, his hand kept petting my back, helping me calm down, but I didn't want any of his comforts. "Is this how my life is going to be? You beat me and then comforting me?" I say trying to get off his lap again but he kept me in place. "I didn't beat you," he says, but he just stepped on another nerve of mine. "I have a stinging red bottom! What do you call that?" I ask him. "I'll call it discipline, and you'll be getting a round two if you don't fix that attitude of yours" he warns. "There's nothing wrong with my attitude, I'd like to see your bum tanned and how you'd feel then!" I say back to him. "Let's get you to bed, unless you want a round two," he says finally letting me go, pushing me back on the bed.