
Lucian: Lord of the night

He met her on the night he was bound by the wolf clan but the trauma of that night blocked her memory. Years later, she unknowingly wakes him from the eternal sleep by the blood from the wound inflicted by the wolf clan but he has no memory of his past, only a growing passion to claim. But what happens when the wolf lord gets involved, insisting she is his with no idea of whom he is?

D_Infinity_0137 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 12: Tides

" You and I know exactly what happened and no fear of you can change that for me. You broke your word, you derailed from the rule and became it yourself.

Come on, Lucian, do you really expect me to concede defeat to you because you could take us all in a fight? You should know by now that I would never go down without a fight.

"Don't bother pulling up the memory strings. He doesn't remember anything of the past," a voice came through, approaching the council with the gigantic doors shut behind him," he only knows himself as Sky. And I'm wondering why he never wondered where the earliest part of his life was spent," he remarked, looking straight at him in defiance.

"I'm doing just fine, Raphael, and if there's someone we should be worriedly wondering about, I know just how far away he's from me at the moment.

So, you shouldn't bother... and you, isn't it about time you came up with something? I won't have this drama on my watch!"

"And how's it possible that you don't remember anything about yourself but somehow the oath binds you still?" Marcus countered fuming.

"I don't think you would like to know. For all I care, your friend here brought this upon us all and he should handle it," he stood glaring at Vincent, but he couldn't meet his eyes nor anyone in the hall. Standing close by, Raphael grinned feeling the bruised ego of the man before him, recalling the contrast to the pride and gloating he exhibited when they were bound.

"Just so you know, after all of this, I'm putting you back in that dungeon we released you from."

"I did... and I get to decide whether he goes back or is totally dismembered,"Lucian frowned looking at Raphael who met his gaze obdurately in rebellion.

"Please, gentlemen..."

"I don't think I asked you for an input," he cut in immediately.

Elijah swallowed and whispered to Marcus," has he always been like this?" and without a word, Marcus fumed, examining the man he once knew and the one before him.

"He has always been like this. The only difference is that the blood rage changes him. Under it's touch, he is like a mad man and normally, it led to a killing spree but something must have happened while he was with her," he explained and bit his lower lips when the thoughts that had been lingering for years resurfaced, " just get lost already."

Looking back at the door he had just exited, accompanied by Elijah and Vincent, he seethed in rage, fist balled so hard his knockles turned red, before he left them.

"I might not have met him before, but he doesn't look so much as a blood thirsty devil that we make of him."

"I fear for your eyes, Elijah. If only you know what lies inside that shell masked by those manly traits and countenance, you will put the dagger to his heart," Vincent replied and followed closely behind Marcus.

Few yards away, Elijah caught sight of her by the pool, dishing orders, infuriated and yelling at the servants before her. He took a deep breath and walked down to her.

"You shouldn't ask me such questions. Marcus is there to attend to that."

"Well, you know very well that he has not said so much as few words to anyone without flaring up. Everything annoys him, and since Mr. Sky's return, it all got worse."

"It's Lucian...not Sky. If you are gonna survive around here for long, you should learn not to dine with the devil's son."

Slipping into a white linen evening dress with a strap across the shoulders, she poured herself a drink and invited him for a walk.

"That night Marcus returned home heated in rage. He scattered everything that stood in his way. Furniture, glasses and even his own people. Something he never did. Raging, I heard the mixed of voices, including Vincent's. Soon some of the council men started showing up one after another until the house went cold with not so much as a single cough. Every one was on edge and with my fragile position in the heart of the land, I could barely breathe well.

The calmness that once dwelt in his eyes had faded in a twinkle. Every shade of the man I ever knew was gone and that thought was confirmed when he threw Vincent into the dark dungeons. It was unbelievable. I couldn't get my hands around it. What could have driven them so far from each other that Marcus scarred his chest and left the blood rose embedded in it, mixed with his blood.

You know, such was unheard of in our history and even blessed with eternity than any other that was with them or would come after them, such bond couldn't keep them together.

I wondered night after night. Tossing on the bed and trailing him. I sought answers. One day I learnt that Vincent had done something that could claim both of their lives, only that it was not intended, yet for that very blood, the consequences followed.

"The maiden in question was Lucian's lover but I would also discover that the reason why Marcus drove a dozen guards out without to be without the family was the same girl.

Elijah,do you have any idea why Marcus DeGeneres would shield a girl in the dark tower for days and punish his own men when she escaped?"

"But...but it's not possible. It is said that the moon goddess deprived him of that in his lifetime through endless ages."

"You are truly a young one, Elijah. It was not only Marcus that was to remain unmated. Lucian was as well but the goddess played them a bad card."

"Their....they are mated to the same woman."

"Excellent!"she exclaimed, amused.

Only few years ago, I kicked life out of her and left her for dead. She survived it but I can't tell how.

The girl is both Luna and high mistress," she said with a smirk smeared across her face mischievously, and looking into the distance, broodingly , heavy with a secret.

The winds blew gently over their faces and both turned towards a giant whistling pine sitting out directly opposite, with its leaves scattered abroad and humming to the tune of the breeze unrestrained. Elijah felt sorry for her, reminiscing about the power she had brandished over the years, unchallenged and much like the pine, unrestrained by no one except Vincent. But he recalled that she was the Least happy when he was locked away, and only became more insecure after then.

Taking a deep breath after ruminating over everything, she smiled, satisfied, and just before leaving, she leaned onto him and whispered," There can only be one high mistress, and the former still breathes!"