
Loving you was a mistake- Steve Johnson and Margaret Smith

"Loving You Was a Mistake" is a captivating tale of love, revenge, and redemption that follows the tumultuous journey of Margaret Smith and Steve Johnson. Forced into a contract marriage orchestrated by Steve out of a misguided belief that Margaret was involved with his sister's husband, Margaret finds herself bewildered by Steve's sudden animosity towards her. The narrative unfolds from their wedding day, where Steve's plan to enact revenge on Margaret begins. As Steve deliberately orchestrates circumstances to make Margaret fall for him, his initial intentions blur as he witnesses Margaret's genuine affection. However, his resolve wavers, and he decides to abandon her, only to realize his true feelings too late. Through a series of flashbacks, the story delves into the origins of the misunderstanding, unraveling the intricate web of deceit and betrayal that led to their strained relationship. As Steve comes to terms with his mistakes, he embarks on a quest to win back Margaret's trust and affection. The novel explores themes of fake love, revenge, drama, and forgiveness as Margaret grapples with the decision to forgive Steve or sever ties with him permanently. Ultimately, "Loving You Was a Mistake" is a poignant tale of love's power to overcome even the deepest wounds, leaving readers questioning whether love can truly conquer all.

mehravatsala · Urban
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22 Chs

Chapter 6 "Beneath the Surface: Unanswered Questions"

As the car screeched to a sudden halt, Margaret's head collided with the unforgiving surface of the dashboard, a sharp pain shooting through her skull as she felt warm blood trickle down her forehead. Before she could even register the injury, Steve's hand was on her door, yanking it open with a force that left her breathless.

With a sense of urgency born of desperation, Steve grabbed Margaret's arm and pulled her roughly from the car, his grip unyielding as he dragged her towards the imposing facade of his mansion. Despite her protests and the throbbing pain in her head, Margaret found herself powerless to resist, her every movement dictated by Steve's relentless control.

As they crossed the threshold into the opulent foyer, Margaret's head spun with a dizzying mixture of fear and confusion. She had never felt more vulnerable or alone, her world reduced to nothing more than the relentless tug of Steve's grip on her arm.

With each step they took, Margaret felt the weight of Steve's dominance pressing down upon her, suffocating her attempts to break free. And as they disappeared into the shadows of the mansion's grand halls, Margaret couldn't shake the sinking feeling that escape from Steve's suffocating grasp was slipping further and further out of reach.

As Margaret landed on the ground with a thud, the sting of Steve's betrayal fueling her anger, she summoned every ounce of courage within her and delivered a resounding slap across his face. The sound echoed through the room, a sharp crack of defiance in the suffocating silence.

Steve recoiled in shock, his hand instinctively flying to his cheek as he stared at Margaret with wide eyes, disbelief written across his features. But before he could react, his shock turned to fury, his grip tightening on Margaret's arm as he twisted it in a punishing hold.

The pain shot through Margaret's body, but she refused to cower in fear, her voice ringing out with a fierce determination. "Don't you think if you married me I'll be scared of you," she shouted, her words a defiant challenge to the dominance that had bound her for far too long.

In that moment, Margaret felt a flicker of empowerment, a glimmer of strength rising within her despite the darkness that threatened to consume her. And as Steve's grip loosened ever so slightly, she knew that she had finally taken the first step towards reclaiming her freedom from his suffocating grasp.

Feeling Steve's grip loosen, Margaret seized the opportunity to confront him, her fingers curling around his shirt collar with a fierce determination. As she pulled him back towards her, her voice trembled with a mixture of anger and desperation.

"Answer me," she demanded, her eyes blazing with intensity. "Why did you marry me? Why do you hate me so much? I didn't even know you before that stupid day. What have I done to deserve this?"

Her words hung heavy in the air, a poignant plea for answers in the midst of the swirling chaos that surrounded them. With each question, Margaret's voice grew stronger, her resolve unyielding as she refused to be silenced by Steve's indifference.

For a fleeting moment, Steve's facade wavered, his eyes betraying a hint of vulnerability beneath the mask of indifference. But as quickly as it had appeared, the moment passed, replaced by a cold, steely resolve.

"You don't need to know why," he replied tersely, his voice laced with a bitterness that sent a chill down Margaret's spine. And with that, he tore himself free from her grasp, leaving Margaret alone in the suffocating silence of the room, her questions unanswered and her heart heavy with the weight of betrayal.