
Loving you was a mistake- Steve Johnson and Margaret Smith

"Loving You Was a Mistake" is a captivating tale of love, revenge, and redemption that follows the tumultuous journey of Margaret Smith and Steve Johnson. Forced into a contract marriage orchestrated by Steve out of a misguided belief that Margaret was involved with his sister's husband, Margaret finds herself bewildered by Steve's sudden animosity towards her. The narrative unfolds from their wedding day, where Steve's plan to enact revenge on Margaret begins. As Steve deliberately orchestrates circumstances to make Margaret fall for him, his initial intentions blur as he witnesses Margaret's genuine affection. However, his resolve wavers, and he decides to abandon her, only to realize his true feelings too late. Through a series of flashbacks, the story delves into the origins of the misunderstanding, unraveling the intricate web of deceit and betrayal that led to their strained relationship. As Steve comes to terms with his mistakes, he embarks on a quest to win back Margaret's trust and affection. The novel explores themes of fake love, revenge, drama, and forgiveness as Margaret grapples with the decision to forgive Steve or sever ties with him permanently. Ultimately, "Loving You Was a Mistake" is a poignant tale of love's power to overcome even the deepest wounds, leaving readers questioning whether love can truly conquer all.

mehravatsala · Urban
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22 Chs

chapter 5: "Trapped in Darkness: Cruel Realizations"

As the music swirled around them, Margaret found herself swept up in a whirlwind of partners, each new dance bringing with it a fresh wave of uncertainty. But as she twirled into the arms of Robert, her attempts to break free were met with Steve's burning gaze, his jealousy igniting like a flame in the darkness.

With each passing moment, Steve's anger simmered beneath the surface, his possessiveness flaring as he watched Margaret twirl in the arms of another man. And when he could bear it no longer, he stormed across the dance floor, his steps fueled by a volatile mixture of rage and possessiveness.

As Steve reached Margaret, his determination was palpable, his grip firm as he swept her off her feet and carried her away from the party, leaving the swirling dancers and twinkling lights behind. And as they disappeared into the night, the echoes of Steve's anger lingered in the air, casting a shadow over the fragile peace that had briefly settled between them.

Steve drove through the night, the tension in the car was palpable, his grip on Margaret's hand tightening with each passing moment. Despite the darkness outside, Margaret felt suffocated by the weight of Steve's control, his fingers digging into her skin as if he feared she would vanish into the night if he loosened his hold even for a moment.

With each mile that passed, Margaret's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions, her thoughts consumed by the suffocating grip of Steve's possessiveness. She longed to break free, to escape the prison that he had built around her, but with his grip tightening like a vice, she knew that any attempt to defy him would only lead to further turmoil.

Margaret's desperate attempt to free herself from Steve's grip was met with a fierce glare, his anger boiling over as he tightened his hold on her hand even further. Despite her cries of pain, he refused to relent, his control over her absolute.

Feeling the sting of his grasp intensify, Margaret's frustration bubbled to the surface, her voice rising in a desperate plea for release. "You're hurting me! Let go of my hand!" she cried out, her words echoing in the confines of the car.

But Steve's anger remained unyielding, his grip unrelenting as he continued to clutch her hand with a vice-like grip. In the suffocating silence that followed, Margaret felt a sense of helplessness wash over her, trapped in a cycle of control and manipulation from which she saw no escape.

Margaret's heart sank as Steve's callous words pierced through the air, his indifference to her pain cutting deeper than any physical wound. With tears welling in her eyes, she pleaded with him once more, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and desperation.

"Please, Steve," she begged, her voice barely above a whisper. "You're hurting me. Please, just... loosen your grip. I won't run away. I won't do anything. Just... please."

For a fleeting moment, Steve's gaze softened, a flicker of doubt crossing his features as he looked at Margaret. But as quickly as it had appeared, the moment passed, replaced by a cold, steely resolve.

"Do you really think I care if you even die?" His words were like a dagger to Margaret's heart, each syllable laced with a cruelty that sent a shiver down her spine.

In that moment, Margaret realized the depth of Steve's callousness, his indifference to her pain a stark reminder of the darkness that lurked within him. And as the car hurtled forward into the night, Margaret couldn't help but wonder if escape from Steve's suffocating grasp would ever truly be possible—or if she was destined to remain trapped in his web of cruelty and control forever.