
Loving The Forbidden

"Would you love him, if he took away all that which reminded you of the living?" "I don't know." "You should because when the devil loves you, he keeps you caged from seeing the possibilities of being without him. Even if it means killing all those that you care about," she murmured into my ear. I was sure that she could hear my heart drumming loudly in my heart and the growing smirk on her face proved me right. The sound of the door being opened abruptly was heard and we both turned to find him come in. Talk about the devil and he will appear. What happens when the life you dreamt of suddenly shattered in front of you and the only thing you had to save your life and the ones you loved was to seal your fate to the unknown? Aria, known as the young light siren dancer, who always seemed to draw people in easily with her moves and acting but never seemed to keep her pain away finds herself striking a deal with the devil twins. Now having to learn how to bite her tongue and become queen of the underworld, knowing that hell won't welcome her with open arms as she's now stepped on many people's toes for marrying the devil king.

Serial_seresposa · Fantasy
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298 Chs

Chapter Sixteen: Tom, Dick & Harry Not Henry.

Aria didn't know whether to hate him or just tolerate him. The man did nothing to her but it was the fact that he had her mother's full attention that annoyed her. Her mother stared at him like he was the last man on earth and nothing else mattered but him. And every time he said something to her she just blushed and responded like a teenager.

What the heck was this? The old Friends series?

Aria wanted more than anything to just puke rationality out so that she could punch him in the face but she knew that wouldn't be wise. She at least had to wait for her mom to look away before she gave him a cheap shot.

"So what do you think Aria?" came a voice "Aria?"

"Huh? Sorry Dick, I mean Tom, fudge Harry. That's it, Harry." I said as I tried to get out of my daze. "Sorry about that."

"Uhm... not an issue, your mother was saying it would be nice if you all could join me for dinner tonight at six pm?" Harry requested kindly.

He was warned by Aria's mother that her daughter was very possessive of her because of her past choices but he wanted to prove to her that he was different. Harry knew what it was like to have been married and have children.

He knew what it was like for a family to split apart unexpectedly, his children lived in a different country. His ex-wife had moved back to Russia with the kids because he couldn't provide the lifestyle she desired, so when push came to shove she upped and left when he least expected it, for another man who gave her everything she wanted with a snap of a finger.

He made it his goal to speak to his children, every night. To try and keep whatever relationship he could without much fight. His kids adored him and he made sure to have them travel to this side of the country at least thrice a year. He travelled to see them at least six times a year but that hindered his time to socialize, his time to relax.

He always needed to work so that there was enough money to have his kids live comfortably on this side when they came. He had also considered trying to get custody but he knew it was best to have enough money for when he was ready to strike.

Yet when he met Aria's mom one night at a pub, he had never expected a beautiful woman to not be in a relationship. At first, he was worried that maybe she was similar to his ex-wife but after some time of getting to know each other, his feeling evolved into one that he couldn't hide. He knew he was falling in love with her and he hoped it was mutual.

Yet there was one thing or well person that kept us apart and that was her daughter. Similar to her mother, she was slightly petite but curvier, her eyes were a beautiful hazel with a tinge of dark gold. She belonged on covers and it was clear that she got some of her features from her mother.

I was sure though that her attitude and stubbornness were not from her mother. Her mother was more delicate and calculated. Aria on the other hand was expressionless and had an aura that wasn't very welcoming. As if a guard was placed up for anyone.

"Sure, Harry, sure," she stated then pulled on her mother's hand so that they could walk away.

Eliana knew how protective her child was of her and sometimes she adored her for it but sometimes it made her very annoyed how she treated the other person because she didn't trust them.

Eliana knew that her choices weren't always the best and at times it had made her very depressed at how her choices were poor. Yet Harry was different, she could see him for who he truly was and she loved the transparency. She loved how he focused on her when they spoke, how he opened the door for her and always offered even if she never asked.

At times, she made sure to repay him back or spoil him so that he could see she wasn't that type of woman. Eliana did love luxury but she didn't want to indulge in it as though a spoiled brat. She enjoyed the little things, the ones that came unexpectedly and unasked. She wasn't one to enter into a store and demand for a five thousand dollar watch.

She enjoyed the love of simpler things, she enjoyed the attention and home-cooked food. Going out at times and being in the comfort of her loved ones. At times yes she would desire to do something grand but it wasn't a need. more like a once and a while desire.

Yet now she felt like a brat as her daughter dragged away from the man that seemed like a rare form of diamonds.

Sigh, sometimes she felt like her daughter was her mother.