
Chapter 41 : You'll pay


Laying on my bed, I couldn’t help but think about what was happening on social media about Della and me. I wasn’t sure how and when to react.

James called me a few minutes after this topic became a trending one, and for the first time in the thirty years of our friendship, I was terrified by the way he spoke to me. He yelled so hard, I felt like if he was right in front of me, he was going to kill me on that spot. He kept asking me why his daughter of all people.

He said he wouldn’t have minded if it was another younger person as that was my business, but Della? He wasn’t going to ever let that happen. He went as far as informing me that he was going to sue me for undue influence. I couldn’t even defend myself, because what could I say to him? Nothing. I felt the urge to disappear for the first time in a very long while. Again.