
Chapter 34 : A friend


Sitting in front of my laptop, I continued writing my book. My book was a story about my relationship with Cary, and as I wrote, it gave me so much joy. I couldn’t wait to get to the happy ending I had always pictured.

I was still writing when I heard Coco’s voice at my door. “Miss Della, you have a visitor.”

I sprang to my feet immediately after hearing her. Cary was the only name in my head, and he was the only visitor I wanted to see.

I opened the door with a large grin and before I could talk, I saw Donald standing next to her with a flower in his hand. Coco left both of us after I opened the door.

The happiness in me washed away instantly, and I gulped hard.

“Donald,” I said, trying to fake a smile.

“Hi, Della. How are you today? I got you this,” he responded, stretching the bouquet of flowers to me.

Sadly, I shook my head and moved back. “I’m sorry, Donald, but I can’t accept this.”