
Loving Montenegro

nerdy_ugly · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

I woke up to a gentle knock on my door, stirring me from my sleep. After a moment of grogginess, I rose from my bed and opened the door to my room. The memory of the late-night kiss I shared with Mike still lingered in my mind, though I couldn't help but think it was an impossibility, considering he wasn't my usual type.

"Get your things ready, we're all heading to Hacienda Montenegro. It's best for Mama's health," Mike informed me. I gazed up at him, furrowing my brow as I met his eyes. Unintentionally, my gaze drifted to his enticing, crimson lips, and before I knew it, I found myself biting my lower lip.

"Are you just going to stare at me, or should I be the one to assist you in the bathroom?" he said with a serious tone, yet a playful undertone was evident in his voice.

"You've got some nerve! Go ahead and try it, see if you can handle a punch from me," I seethed, slamming my door shut in anger. But before I could close it completely, Mike swiftly blocked it with his arm. I was taken aback by his sudden action, and in a split second, he had entered my room.

"Not so fast!" Mike said, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

"What do you think you're doing? I'm not joking, Mike. You're really going to experience my punches."

He chuckled, shaking his head with amusement, and swiftly made his way to my drawer, retrieving something from it. He raised his car keys, winking playfully at me. How did his car keys end up in my drawer? Was it some kind of magic trick?

"Don't be so dramatic. I only needed this, and you're acting like I'm going to assault you. I'm not attracted to flat-chested girls," he replied dismissively before turning away. It was only then that I could finally take a deep breath, realizing I had been holding it due to anxiety.

I instinctively placed a hand over my chest and made my way to the bathroom for a shower. As I stood there, I couldn't help but touch my own chest and let out a sigh.

Flat-chested? Seriously? That guy has some nerve! Maybe he's just used to being around girls with larger assets. That infuriating man, I muttered silently to myself.

After showering, I quickly got dressed and efficiently packed my belongings into my suitcase. Stepping out of my room, I left with determination.

"Are we all set?" Micah asked, her smile brimming with excitement as she eagerly anticipated our trip to the hacienda, knowing it meant she could indulge in her favourite activity of horseback riding.

"I'm thrilled that you're joining us, dear. In just a few days, you'll be starting a new chapter at the Montenegro estate," Mr. Montenegro remarked, his gaze shifting between Mike, Micah, and me.

"Is that true, Ate Levi?" Micah queried; her voice tinged with surprise.

I observed Mike's silence, seemingly absorbed in our conversation. I nodded in response to Micah.

"Yes, Micah," I affirmed, addressing her.

Mrs. Montenegro came closer to me and embraced me tightly. "But that won't happen anymore because you're going to marry Mike. And I trust that you won't let me down, especially someone like me who is nearing the end of her life," Mrs. Montenegro announced to everyone present. Mr. Montenegro coughed and covered his mouth, while Micah looked completely taken aback. The father and daughter duo were clearly shocked.

"Sweetheart, are you serious? But what about Levi's future? We know that these two won't get along. I don't think it's a good idea, sweetheart," Mr. Montenegro objected.

"My decision is final, Marco. Michael Angelo won't receive his inheritance unless he marries Levi. And nothing will change my mind about it."

"But Mama, what about Levi's feelings? Have you even considered that? It seems incredibly unfair to her," Micah interjected, still struggling to comprehend the situation.

"No, as far as I'm concerned, it's fine. I can handle it. We'll only be living together for two years, and if our relationship works out, that's great. If not, we can always seek an annulment," I calmly expressed.

I couldn't fathom where I summoned the courage to speak those words in front of the Montenegro family.

Mike simply shook his head from the side. "Do you think it's acceptable to me?" he questioned.

I offered him a gentle smile, radiating warmth, and gently guided him away, signalling to his parents and Micah before leading him towards the garden.

"Can we give it a chance? If I may come across as overly dramatic, then you're even more so. Can we just go along with your mother's wishes? Because if it were solely up to me, I wouldn't agree with her demands. For Pete's sake, Mike, please consider your mother's health, even if it's just for the time being. Can you control your anger? Let's establish an agreement after our wedding, would that be an issue? It's quite common, just like what I've read in pocketbooks," I elaborated, while he remained captivated, his gaze fixed on me.

"I know I'm beautiful, so can you please give me an answer? What do you say? Deal?" I teasingly prodded Mike, hoping for a response.

He swallowed hard and shook his head in disbelief at my words. He couldn't fathom what he was hearing from me.

"I'm at a loss for words, alright. I must say, you're an extraordinary woman who even applies the lessons from pocketbooks to your own life."

"Of course, life is like a fairytale. I owe a great deal to your family, Mike. Without them, my life might have taken a completely different turn. That's why I told you, right? I'm prepared to do whatever it takes for this family."

"Whatever! Could you please let go of me? Let's go before they start assuming things about us," Mike retorted with a furrowed brow.

I quickly released my grip on his arm, wincing slightly, and followed him back to where the couple was.

"Get in," Mike said.

Why did we have to ride in this old car together? It was evident that Mike's mother had orchestrated this. It wasn't a new scenario for me; I had read about similar situations in the books I enjoy.

"Just a friendly reminder, please refrain from raising your voice at me. Otherwise, I'll have no choice but to exit the car right here," I gently reminded Mike, noticing the furrowed brow on his face.

"I couldn't care less about what you do. Please don't jump to conclusions about my reactions. Just a gentle reminder, you're merely a peripheral figure in this family! Perhaps you've forgotten," he responded with a serious tone.

Though his words stung, I maintained my composure in front of him.

"Oh, why are you sitting in the back? Levi, I'm not your chauffeur. Come join me up front," he suggested.

Swiftly, I relocated and settled beside him in the front seat. I promptly fastened my seatbelt and released a relieved sigh. He started the car, and our journey commenced.

As I looked out the window, I found solace in the passing scenery. Adjusting my earphones, I immersed myself in love songs. Gradually, weariness overcame me, pulling me into a state of drowsiness.


I woke up on a soft bed, my gaze taking in the unfamiliar room. It took a moment for me to realize that I had dozed off in Mike's car earlier.

Getting up, I glanced out of the window, greeted by the sight of a vast open field. We had indeed arrived at the Montenegro Hacienda. I quickly freshened up with a shower before stepping out of the room.

I searched for my companions, but they were nowhere to be found. Deciding to explore, I made my way towards the pool. There, I spotted Micah and Mike engaged in a deep conversation. Seeking some privacy, I discreetly positioned myself behind a majestic mahogany tree, quietly observing them.

"Kuya, is it really true? How did Mama make Ate Levi agree to her proposal?" Micah asked, her curiosity evident.

"I'm not sure, Micah. Can we please avoid discussing that for now? I need some time to clear my mind," Mike replied, taking a sip from his bottle of alcohol.

"Don't you think that's the right thing to do, Kuya? It's absurd! Personally, I believe both you and Ate Levi still have the option to step back," Micah exclaimed, her voice filled with hysteria.

"Although I want to protest, Micah, I can't bring myself to do it. I'm worried about Mama's well-being. I don't want her to suffer a heart attack. Sometimes, I can't help but think that Mama is just being overly dramatic. And it's incredibly unfair," Mike expressed with a sigh of frustration.

Hidden from their view, I swallowed nervously. Carefully, I made my way out of the pool area and headed towards the stables. I sought out my favourite horse, Sapphire. There, I discovered Mang Ben tending to the horses.

"Mang Ben, how are you doing?" I greeted the elderly man.

"Oh, it's you, Levi. I'm glad to see you're awake. You seemed quite exhausted from the journey earlier. Even though Señyorito Mike tried to wake you up, you remained fast asleep. Thankfully, he decided to carry you to your room," Mang Ben remarked.

I was taken aback by the old man's words, realizing that it was Mike who had carried me. Blushing, I tried to suppress a giggle, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over me. Quietly, I cursed myself in my thoughts.

"Wait, so it was Mike who carried me?" I exclaimed in surprise to the old man.

"Yes, my dear, fortunately Mrs. Montenegro insisted that he carry you," he replied. A sudden wave of disappointment washed over me upon hearing his words. I had naively believed that he had shown genuine concern for me, only to realize that he was simply following his mother's orders. I couldn't help but furrow my brow and purse my lips in frustration.