
Loving Montenegro

nerdy_ugly · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

"Levi, do you think this apartment is okay for you?" Tessa asked me excitedly.

I looked around the apartment. It's a two-level studio with a cool colour scheme that allows the unique-coloured furniture to stand out. The main living area has a wide avocado-coloured sofa that adds a touch of style, while the minimalistic grey patterns and simple wooden textures give the room a sense of spaciousness.

I walked into the kitchen, where a stencilled kitchen table adds a subtle touch of elegance without being too overwhelming.

As I made my way to the staircase, I noticed the wide wooden stairs that make a statement while providing a clean and unobtrusive backdrop for other elements.

The apartment is spacious, beautiful, and incredibly neat. I couldn't find anything to complain about. The bathroom is lovely, with a small bathtub and a clean environment. I couldn't help but smile, knowing that I would finally have my own place.

"Wow, that's really impressive," I exclaimed to my friend, feeling genuinely amazed.

Just as I was caught up in the moment, my cell phone suddenly started ringing, interrupting our conversation. It was Micah on the other end of the line. With a slight frown, I answered the call, saying, "Hello, Micah?"

In a panicked tone, Micah blurted out, "Uh, Ate Levi... Mom has been rushed to the hospital."

My heart skipped a beat, and I could feel my muscles tense up as I responded in disbelief, "What? Are you serious?"

With urgency in his voice, Micah pleaded, "I'll text you the details of the hospital. Please come as soon as possible!" She swiftly ended the call, leaving me sitting on the couch, overwhelmed with worry.

Trying to gather my thoughts, I turned to my friend and asked, "Levi, what do you think could have happened? Is there some kind of problem? And who was it that called you?"

In a concerned tone, I answered, "Tessa, it's Tita Thalia... they took her to the hospital. We need to get there right away. Is it possible for us to use your car? I'm not in the right state of mind to drive myself." As I spoke, a heavy feeling settled in my chest, thinking about the situation with Tita Thalia.

Without hesitation, Tessa replied, "Sure, let's go." She quickly guided me out of the apartment, understanding the urgency of the situation.

Inside the car, I couldn't find any peace of mind. I was filled with worry for Mrs. Montenegro. Could it be that she was brought to the hospital because of her overwhelming sadness after leaving the Montenegro mansion? I really hoped not, as I knew I would face Mike's wrath if that were the case.

"We're here, Levi," Tessa called out, bringing me back to reality.

I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and rushed out of the car, making a beeline for the emergency room. Spotting a nurse, I approached her and anxiously inquired about Mrs. Montenegro's location. Without hesitation, the nurse pointed me in the right direction.

As I entered the room, my eyes fell upon Micah and Mike. I couldn't help but notice how Mike was trying to calm Micah, who was crying uncontrollably. My heart started pounding, filled with concern for Mrs. Montenegro's well-being. Tessa stood by my side, offering her support. Mr. Montenegro sat alone in a hospital chair. I walked up to him, wanting to get more information about the situation.

"Tito, what happened to Tita Thalia?" I asked, my voice trembling with fear.

He looked up at me, his eyes filled with tears. I embraced the man who had been a father figure to me, feeling his pain.

"She will be fine, Tito. We just have to trust in God, He won't abandon Tita Thalia," I reassured him.

"I won't be able to forgive myself, Levi, if anything bad happens to my wife. I failed her," he replied with sadness in his voice.

"Don't blame yourself, Tito. No one wanted this to happen. Let's leave everything in God's hands," I said, trying to offer him comfort.

It was then that I noticed the two siblings who had approached us. I excused myself for a moment and sat on the bleachers outside, taking in a deep breath of fresh air. Tessa quietly followed, standing by my side.

"Are you alright?" she asked, concerned.

"Not really, I'm worried about Tita Thalia. I feel like I need to put my plans to separate from the Montenegro's on hold for now. My priority is to spend time with Aunt Thalia," I responded with a heavy heart.

"It's your decision, and I respect that. As your friend, I'll be here to support you no matter what," Tessa replied, showing her understanding.

"Thank you, Tessa," I said, embracing her in gratitude.

After a few hours, we both stood up and went back to where the three of them were. I noticed that they were no longer sitting on the bleachers, assuming that they had entered the private room where Aunt was being attended to.

I felt Tessa gently squeeze my left hand, silently conveying her support and encouragement. I mustered a forced smile in return, taking a deep breath to steady myself.

The door to the room opened, and Micah and Mr. Montenegro came out. Worry and sadness were evident on their faces.

"Levi, your Tita is awake and looking for you. She wants to see you. Please go inside, and if possible, try to avoid any conflicts with Mike," Mr. Montenegro replied, giving a gentle tap on my shoulder. "If you can, please."

"Yes, Tito. You can count on me," I replied, stepping into the room. I found Aunt and Mike engaged in conversation.

"Tita," I whispered, slowly approaching her. It felt like my heart was in turmoil, racing with emotions. I focused my gaze on Tita Thalia's frail form, deliberately avoiding eye contact with the man I held resentment towards.

"Oh, Levi... come here, my dear," she softly called out. Without hesitation, I moved closer to her, clasping her left hand while tears welled up in my eyes.

"How... how are you feeling?" I asked, my voice quivering with sorrow. I could sense Mike observing my every move.

"Don't cry, my dear. I'm alright. Please, just wipe away your tears," she smiled at me, as if battling her own vulnerability.

"I can't, Tita. I'm just so worried about you."

"No need to worry, sometimes death comes to everyone, and we can't do anything about it if it's God's will."

"Tita, please... don't say things like that."

"Let's face the reality, my dear. I sense that my time is running out. But before that happens, I want both of you to make a promise to me," she replied, turning her gaze towards Mike, whose face now displayed an indescribable sorrow.

It felt as if I couldn't breathe, waiting anxiously for whatever Tita Thalia was about to say. I swallowed hard, my hands suddenly growing cold as they trembled against my palms.

Meanwhile, Mike furrowed his brows, his gaze fixed intently on his mother, waiting for her words as well.

"I don't want you to leave the Montenegro family, Levi. And in order for you to fully become a Montenegro, you need to marry Mike," she stated directly, shaking both of us to the core.

"But-" I started to protest.

"Mama—" Mike interjected.

"That's final! Hear me out first. It's a contract marriage. We'll just have to endure being together for 2 years. Who knows, maybe it will work," Tita Thalia said, as if dismissing the significance of her words.

I didn't know how to react. At first, I didn't want to let Tita Thalia's words affect me, afraid of what might come next. I couldn't understand why Tita Thalia's mind was going in this direction. She knew very well that Mike and I were like cats and dogs. I felt lost, as if I might lose my mind with the absurdity coming out of Tita Thalia's mouth.

"Mama, this is not a good joke," Mike responded in a calm tone, but it was clear that he was holding back his anger.

"No! I'm serious about this. Starting now, I don't want you two fighting, especially in front of me," Tita Thalia declared.

No matter how much I wanted to protest, I found myself unable to do so. Perhaps this was the sacrifice I had to make in return for the love Tita Thalia had shown me. I would endure it all, for the sake of my Tita Thalia. I would do whatever it took to prolong her remaining time. The doctor's words about Tita Thalia's condition echoed in my mind, filling me with anxiety and replacing my earlier protests with a profound sadness.


"Hey! You've been lost in your thoughts for quite some time! Sir Mike is asking for you," Tessa snapped me out of my reverie.


"He's calling for you," Tessa motioned towards Mike's office door.

Feeling disconnected, I stood up and made my way to Mike's office. I knocked on the door before entering.

"Come in," Mike said, now standing by the window with his back turned towards me.

"What is it now? If this is about our marriage, you have no other option but to marry me," I stated directly to him.

Mike turned to face me. His words seemed to slow down in my perception, accompanied by the pounding of my heart. I furrowed my brow and winced, and Mike noticed my reaction.

"What are you planning? Are you just willing to settle for that? Can you bear being tied to someone who doesn't love you?" Mike's words were filled with emotion, his fists clenched.

"Of course! For Tita Thalia's sake, nothing is impossible for me as long as I can do it. So, if sacrificing my own happiness for someone who truly loved me and treated me like a child is what it takes, then you have no choice but to marry me," I replied, raising an eyebrow.

I had to gather my strength for the sake of Tita Thalia. Why did she insist on asking for a marriage to Mike? It was pushing me to the brink of confusion, trying to make sense of her intentions.

Mike approached me and forcefully tugged at my arm. I winced at the firmness of his grip. A mischievous smile played on his lips as he swiftly captured mine in a kiss. Initially caught off guard, I quickly regained my composure and responded, despite my lack of experience in such matters. I never anticipated that it could be so straightforward, so effortless.

The forceful kiss gradually transitioned into a different rhythm. Mike became gentler, his left arm encircling my waist, intensifying the passionate exchange of our lips.

I opened my eyes and saw that Mike had his eyes closed. I never imagined he would look so handsome up closely. His thick eyebrows perfectly matched his angular face and his straight nose. His long, curved eyelashes were mesmerizing.

Our kiss was abruptly interrupted when someone forcefully pulled my hair, causing me to let out a scream of pain.

"You shameless flirt! How dare you try to seduce my boyfriend!" A voice shouted from behind. I didn't need to guess, I recognized that voice all too well.

Chaos erupted in the office, but thankfully, Mike quickly stepped in and managed to separate Trisha from the scene. Tessa grabbed my arm and led me away from the turmoil.

"What happened? Why did that awful woman harass you?" Tessa asked, her voice filled with anger.

"She simply caught us kissing, that's all," I replied, still shaken by the incident.

I was taken aback as my friend stared at me in surprise. Suddenly, she reached out and playfully slapped my arm.

"Ouch, Tessa, that actually hurt," I complained.

"Oh, come on! You're always up to some kind of mischief. Tell me the truth, are you a bit crazy?" she teased.

"Your goofball! I'm being serious," I responded with a smile to my friend.