

Meet Bryan Ryabov An Eighteen year old guy. 5ft tall, blonde hair, cute dimples, green eyes and a demi god. Meet Jennifer Jones A sixteen year old girl. 4ft tall, dark brown hair, golden eyes, cute dimples and also cute. Meet Jasmine Smith A sixteen year old girl, 4ft tall blonde hair and cute. She's also Bryan ex-girlfriend. Jasmine is the reason why Bryan hates girls with their name starting from a 'J' because he caught her making out with his best friend Andrew. What happens when Bryan changes school and meets Jennifer? Will he bully her? What happens when they start getting along and Jasmine comes to the school and threatens their friendship? Will there be war? OR Will LOVE take its COURSE and win? Find out the answers to these questions in episodes to come. XOXO

Esther_Adeola_7771 · Teen
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5 Chs



I still had one class for the day but I was bothered about how Jennifer was going to get her revenge on me.

I looked around to see if she was around. I have not seen her after the first lesson. May be she's avoiding me.

I was planning to look for her after classes and apologise for everything I did to her. I knew no amount of sorry can erase the memory of what I did but it can still make a difference.

I just hope she forgives me.


''Guys, let's be quick '' I said to them. ''Am done with the windows '' Amy stated.

'' Am also done with the front ' Nikky also said.

''Okay, I'm done also. Look at what I did '' I said.

''Wow!! You are really an artist '' Nikky complimented. ''Awwwwn!! Thank you '' I gushed.

''Now for the important part of the revenge '' I said taking the spray can. I wrote the words in bold.


''Now we are done '' I announced.

'' Let's go '' Amy replied and we carried all the materials along.

DURING CLOSING************


I was going home and went to my car just to see the colour ruined.

''Who the hell ruined my Lamborghini? '' I voiced out anger written all over my face.

I was boiling. I vowed to make whoever did this to my car pay.

I checked the car out for any further damage but I found none. I sighed out in relief but my eyes caught the sentence sprayed on the car.

''PAY BACK IS A BITCH '' So this was Jennifer's doing.

''JEEE EE NNI FEE ER!!!!'' I screamed and went to look for her.


I was grinning because of my plan. I sat down in an empty class waiting for Amy and Nikky.

They were having some rehearsals in their group so I had to wait for them, since we were having a sleep over at Nikky's home for the weekend. I brought my stuffs already and they were in her car. So there was no problem in waiting.

I was busy on my phone when I heard some one calling my name out loud. I could recognise the voice. It was Bryan's. I smiled.


Bryan walked into the class and saw Jennifer operating her phone. He matched towards her angrily.