
Loving a Rororal Lord

LOVING A RORORAL LORD Copyright 2023. Lilian Anyadike All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously and are a product of the author’s imagination. Being locked in a world of fantasy and falling in love with a Lord who everyone despise, Lisa finds herself tangled in the web of love between two people but must end up with just one.... only one.

Blaliy · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Lisa sprang up from the bed and Vesca rushed to her

"Are you okay?"

"Vesca?" She called


"Where am I?, What happened?, Where's Lord Saga?" She asked.

Vesca smiled, "You remembered"


"You've been like this for a month and Lord Saga has been locked up since then but now you're back we have to leave Louchin as soon as possible and get back to Lord Saga before things gets worse" she said and helped her up

"We might be too late" came Singel's voice.

"You??!!" Snarled Lisa

"Hello Lady Gorra, you remember me" he beamed

"What's he doing here?" Asked Lisa getting angry.

"He saved you Lady Gorra from the poison" explained Vesca

"He gave me the potion"

"Lady Gorra asked for it..... Are you done playing that role?" He grinned

"That's enough please, Singel we've got to head back and what did you mean by we might be too late?"

"News got out, Lord Saga is dead.."

Lisa gasped. "What?" She asked fearfully

"The beheading starts by noon and it's almost dusk"

"Beheading...I.... don't understand.." stammered Lisa

"Singel what are you talking about?" Asked Vesca

"Lord Saga will be dead soon if you don't hurry to Rororal Kingdom or maybe he could be dead already" he blurted

"Vesca take me there now!!" Panicked Lisa

"Lady Gorra....."

"Vesca!!" She shouted startling her

"Hurry Vesca this lady doesn't look patient" said Singel.

Vesca and Lisa rode fastly on horses out of Louchin as Singel bid them. "Hiyah!!" Shouted Lisa, she was in so much of a hurry and Vesca could see that, she smiled at how Lisa valued Lord Saga and wanted to protect him, first was with the poison and second this. She smiled again before facing the road. "Hiyah!" She shouted as the horse rode.

On arrival, Lisa jumped down from the horse hurriedly running on feet, all the villagers who saw her praised as she ran into the castle. A sword was coming down to rip a head off when her voice came loudly.

"Stop!!!" A powerful lightening struck the sword affecting the holder who fell to the ground unconscious. Everyone gasped as murmur filled everywhere. "She's back!" Started a villager

"The jew bearer" continued another

"Long live Lady Gorra" they chorused as she walked up to the servant who's head was to be ripped, she bent slowly and raised her head.

"Welcome back my Lady" came Selina's shaking voice, for the first time she was sacred for her life. Lisa smiled at her before looking up at others when her eyes caught Lord Saga clothed in rags, he was chained all over and looked terrible.

She stood slowly from the ground and took gradual steps towards him, she was hurt by his look, why did they do that to him, she could barely recognize him. She was few steps from him when the chains on his neck and body broke, all falling to the ground.

"Lord Saga" she called in a whispered and he smiled weakly

"I was so scared you might not come" he said before smiling again. Lisa raised her hand to his face slowly touching it. "Why did they do this to you?" She asked and looked into his eyes, his eyes which held so much emotions. Without saying another word or waiting for Lord Saga's reply, she pulled him close in a deep hug, she wanted to weep seeing him like that, she saw all the heads of servants on the ground and shut her eyes, she wasn't seeing all that, to think that if she had wasted another second Selina would have been dead. She held onto Lord Saga tightly, she was scared she'd be late.

"Long live Lady Gorra!" Started Vesca. "Long live the jew bearer"

"Long live Lady Gorra, Long live the jew bearer" the crowd chorused rhythmically.

Lord Gus watched from a distance. "Make sure this doesn't leave the walls of the palace" he warned and the guard nodded before leaving. He watched the two hug themselves passionately, he didn't understand why the Lady would ever want to get closer to the murderer of her family and her people. He needed to speak to her but not immediately, he has to find out the reason for her actions.

Lisa stood before the King and council members, Lord Saga was already taken to where he would be refreshed. There was silence everywhere and she was angered, she wanted to pour out her anger.

Lord Gus cleared his throat before speaking. "You're welcome my Lady, I must say you look good..."

"That's because my husband made certain I got the best treatment although your oppositions" she interrupted

Lord Gus chuckled now, "We heard he's treating you unfairly.."

"My husband is taking very good care of me but I want to ask, why were servants beheaded? What was their crime? And why should such punishment be given to them?" She asked

"My Lady, they were....you were poisoned so...."

"Agreed. What about my husband, why was he locked up and chained!" She fumed

"Forgive us my Lady, we didn't mean....." Begged Lady Penelope

"He spoke rudely to the council members...."

"And was given a death sentence?" She asked

The King then stood up. "That's enough Lady Gorra, the council members came from far so we won't want to keep them here so..."

"I'm not stopping anyone from leaving but I will like to make something clear to each one of you, I don't care how many of your servants you decided to behead but when it comes to my servants, my husband, my Saga....I will kill" she thundered surprising all of them.

"You may go as I too will need a rest" she said and turned from them holding her gown up and walking out gracefully.

As Lady Gorra walked to their chambers, flocks of servants who survived the beheading due to her coming fell on their feet in gratitude.

"May you live long my lady...., You deserve everything good in life"

"May your days be long my Lady"

"May the good lords remember your deeds of today and bless you forever".

Lisa smiled at them before leaving. She got to their chamber and on opening the door, Selina knelt in wait.

"How long have you been like this?" She asked

"You saved my life" she started. "All my life I've always served and was always protecting others. No one's ever paid special attention to me except Lord Saga but what you did for me....I don't think I can ever repay it. I pledge my loyalty to you, I serve you and this face I may forget but the heart I would never Lisa Gracia.

Lisa beamed before walking close to her. "Stand Selina" she said and Selina stood. "You don't need to do this, I was scared I'd be late myself"

Selina smiled. "You seem to have changed quite a bit, I didn't know you could use your powers"

Lisa chuckled. "Guess I learned"

There was a soft knock on the door and they faced it seeing Philip with his head bent.

"Yes Philip"

"Your Uncle sends for you" he said and Lisa faced Selina who faked smile.

"Uhh tell him I'll be there soon" she answered and he nodded before leaving.

"Lord Gus is Lady Gorra's Uncle, they're very close and she tells him everything, he's her only ally except Lord Theodore ofcourse, she listens to him"

Lisa sighed, "Guess I'm meeting him after all"

"Yes but be careful, he doesn't have a liking to Lord Saga".

"I will" she replied and turned from her walking away.

Lisa walked quietly in the balcony when she saw him pacing, he seemed restless. She inhaled deeply walking towards him, she had already pictured him as a tough stubborn man at least that's how he looked. He looked up as her footsteps drew closer and stood looking at her.

Lisa was now close to him and he observed her, she was just standing there and he was staring at her making her so uncomfortable.

"Uncle...." She called when his palm slapped hard against her face making her fall to the ground, she touched her cheek and glared at the man who just used his hand on her.

"How dare you!!, How dare you embarrass me before the King and council members?, That was the time we could have gotten Lord Saga out of the way but you spoiled everything, didn't it occur to you that lord Theodore has waited so long?, Why did you destroy the opportunity we had to take vengeance on the monster that killed your family and made you see hell!!"

Lisa looked away and stood from the ground. "What a way to start a conversation...."

"One more word and I will hit you..."

"You dare not. My business with Lord Saga is none of your concern and you shouldn't interfere"

Lord Gus laughed heavily. "Interfere?, Who made you what you are today?, Who gave you the potion to poison the latter jew bearer so you could bear the jew and get into the palace?, Who matched your alliance with Lord Saga so we could be close to the throne and exact vengeance? And you stand before me saying I shouldn't interfere?"

Lisa's heart was racing now, did she really posses the body of the woman who did all that?, Who exactly was this Lady Gorra and why was she this way?....

"You cannot back out now, you cannot leave me standing outside Gorra you promised to bring me in, to make me a Lord but you're hesitant..."

Lisa braced. "I changed my mind"

"You what?"

"I am married to Lord Saga now and he's a good man, he wouldn't ever do something to hurt me, he's changed and I know it....."

"Changed?, What has gotten over you?, He cannot change, he doesn't even love you, he knows we're planning on taking him down so he's conscious, he won't let us off the hook if he finds any suspicion, even the slightest"

"I have made my decision and from now on, You're forbidden to enter the castle, I will send for you before you can come else, you'll be sorry" she stated and turned from him walking away.

"Lord Saga killed your family, his father started a war that we're still fighting now, we're the only ones of our people who can put a stop to what they caused us, we have no lands Gorra, our people were banished his father banished us. I am your only ally and I pray you find it out soon before it'll be too late" he blurted as she walked forward.

"Your parents would be disappointed that you joined forces with the enemy" he continued.

Lisa increased her pace, she needed to stop hearing from him, she was far from him when she heard voices in her head, a woman screaming and child wailing, she couldn't concentrate and fell on her kneels blocking her ears, the voices became clearer as she shut her eyes tightly.......The voices suddenly died down and she opened her eyes. The environment had changed, ashes filled the air, she turned around but had no idea where she was.

"Hello!" She called and made to moved when she stepped on something, looking down it was a dead person. She gasped fearfully moving backwards when she stepped on another. "Oh my God!!" She screamed in fright squatting on the ground, the whole place was covered in dead bodies.

After being in that position for a while, She began hearing faint sniffing, she stood and watched her steps following the sound. She eventually arrived where a little girl curled up herself weeping, a dead person laid beside her and she tried hard not to look.

"Gorra!" A voice called making Lisa turn to a lady who rushed to the child.

"You must be strong, take this" she gave the girl a dagger. "You must protect yourself no matter what and remember the only enemies you have is the Reigs family. Isaak Reigs, Samantha Reigs and Sagaran Reigs. You must kill them, all of them" she said and the girl nodded. The woman then rushed out and wailings were heard before clashing of swords but the little girl didn't cry or flinch, she had deadly look on her face.

"Let's go!!" Came a male voice and Lisa turned to him, it was Lord Gus, the little girl stood up before leaving with the man.

Lisa environment changed and she was in the castle, there was Lady Gorra walking with a tray of wine, she was on mare clothing so she thought to be a servant, as she made to follow she heard a little voice speak...

"I just wish mother can give me a little attention". The voice seemed so familiar

"She will soon Saga, she's just too busy now and dad being the King" the boy laughed. "He's busy too"

"Will you be king when you grow?" Asked little Saga and the older boy laughed

"Isn't that what every first born is supposed to be?"

"Lord Sagaran" called a man and the older boy faced him before bowing.

"You father seeks you and you little Saga, I heard your Mom is less busy, you might wanna spend some time with her". The little boy beamed.

"Yes!, Thanks uncle" he appreciated before running off.

Lisa happily followed the little boy who sneaked into the room obviously trying to play hide and seek but all of a sudden the boy halted.

Lisa looked and saw the woman fall to the ground, the boy gasped whispering the word "Mother".

Lisa stunned by this, she looked at Lady Gorra take life out of the woman and say some words making the silver stone leave the woman's body settling in hers, she then cut herself with a knife before calling for help...

Lisa watched the boy slowly retreat from the room, Lord Saga knew Lady Gorra killed his mother but still married her, she didn't understand....his mother was the queen and the jew bearer and Lord Saga's father the king, how then did everything change....what really happened??.

"My Lady are you okay" Lisa heard. "My Lady!"...

She gasped opening her eyes, she was back in the palace at the exact same place, she seemed to have passed out but what she saw felt so real to be a dream.

"The Lady needs a rest" came Lord Gus's voice. "Take her in"

Lisa looked at him as the guard helped her stand. "Think about what I said" he whispered before stepping backwards and watching the guard leave with her.

Lisa walked quietly with the guards who was the villian she didn't know, there were lots of things she needed to find out, alot...