
True loves ending

He later called me that day.

Jake: John.. Can you come pick me up?

John: Where are you?

Jake: I'm downtown.. Can you just come pick me up please? I'm at gurgles burgers.

John: I'm on my why, don't move anywhere!

I drive downtown, searching around for where he is, and then I find him. Seems like the rain went down faster when I stepped out.

John: Jake! JAKE!

Jake gets up as he sees me and hugs me as if I'm his savior.

Jake: Thank you.. I didn't know who else to call.

John: It's ok. Lets get our of this rain.

As we're walking back to the car, we talk.

John: How'd you get down here?

Jake: Danny gave me a ride, and he stood me up.

John: Look Jake, you honestly deserve someone better than him..

Jake: I only did this because I love you John!

We both stop, Jake's crying at this point, his blue eye's glistening. I'm totally speechless.

Jake: I invited him over, hopping to make you jealous. I was so caught up in trying to make you jealous, but I guess I was wrong.

He was about to touch my hand..

Jake: Forget this.. Can we just go home now?

We both get into the car and head home, the whole ride nothing from the both of us.

We get home, he takes a shower and comes out and says one last thing before going to sleep.

Jake: Look.. Thx for picking me up.. Danny moved way to fast for me and he just left me stranded. I'm.. I'm sorry for being inconsiderate. I shouldn't have been that way.. Goodnight John.

John: Goodnight.

I wanted to keep talking but I didn't know what to say. I wanted to make things up by making a meal in the morning, and that's the plan!

[The next day..]

I woke up and started working on making spaghetti and baggett while Jake was out taking pictures of the sun. It was almost like things were going perfect because he walked in right as I put the last bit of spaghetti on the plate.

John: Dinner for 2?

Jake: What is all this?

John: This is all for you. You deserve an actual date.

Part of me couldn't actually believe I was doing this.. Is this what I wanted? Did I want Jake?

We sat and talked. I was eating but Jake was talking and telling stories.

John: Hey, try some of the spaghetti!

He takes a bite..

Jake: Mmmm, it's so good!!

John: I'm glad you like it!

We chat and eat and then wash the dishes.