
The kiss

After dinner, we sat on the couch. He was laying down with his legs up while I was sitting next to his legs.

Jake: I had fun tonight, and I'm happy you didn't take things the wrong way last night.

I held his hand

John: Look, I'm sorry about bursting in on you two, I just felt like he wasn't the one.

I gradually movw my hands to his face.

Jake: Does that mean you.. love me?

John: Yes. I finally figured out what I wanted... You.

Jake blushed and turned red when after the sentence.

He then sits up and we both go in for the kiss.


Jake: Does this mean you'll be my model now and that we can both clean the livingroom?

John: I guess it does (chuckling).

Jake: Yes! (He jumps and is now on my chest).

John: On another note, I went to see the chef during the celebration, he gave me an invitation to the culinary school!


We both sat on the couch and talked. We made videos together, cooked together. We did everything together.. Can't wait till we get married.
