
chapter 2

The construction sounds were all i could hear as i made my coffee to start another day

It was really annoying like seriously

Its been going on for a while now

I wonder how many more weeks is it gonna take to complete that building

I got ready for work while dwelling how i would get time to eat breakfast

I guess i'll have to do with coffee till lunch again

As i walked out of my one bedroom apartment i got a call from Meili

Meili's my colleague she's also a nurse like me from the hospital that i work at currently

I had become a very closed off person but she was the first one to break my walls and become my friend

And there were few other people who i trusted too but very limited

Certain situations from the past had made me insecure of many things but i love my job especially helping people

"Helooo!" She screamed through the phone

That made me pull the phone away from my ear

"Chill mei you're gonna burst my ear drums" i said while holding the phone back to my ear and locking my apartment door

"OMG you won't believe this" she shrieked and giggled

"Ah and what won't i believe" i replied back

"So yesterday...." She drawled

I got into my car "yes what happened yesterday?" I asked

She replied in an instant "guess what Donghai asked me out ahhhh!" She shrieked again

I already knew that would happen but i didn't expect it to happen this fast but well i was happy for her

Mei had been crushing on Donghai ever since last year and everybody with eyes could see that Donghai too adored her

He's also a doctor from the same hospital

We're all very good friends

"jiajia what's wrong why aren't you answering" she muttered through the line

"Oh i was just thinking back about how you two took forever to get together you're both morons blind fools i've told you a million times that he likes you , you just won't believe me" i sarcastically said but i was really happy for them

She sheepishly answered "ahmm.. How was i to know that "

"Okay okay i gotta go i need to drive now we'll talk later"

"Fine bye" and the line went dead

As soon as i arrived i ran knowing i was late i'm always late i sighed

Well i took the lift just in time

I grinned as i saw Donghai

"Good morning jia" he smiled

"Good morning" i replied

"So you're a taken man now huh" i nudged him playfully

when I said that people in the elevator smiled

I guess everyone was happy about them they're adorable together

He flushed and laughed it off "yah... You could say that" i don't know why he was flushing cause he was a cool person but i guess love makes you nervous or maybe it's because of the fact he kept on denying to me that he wasn't in love with her

He smiled so brightly after saying that no doubt thinking about Mei

How nice would it be to have someone smile while thinking about you i thought as i once drifted to my past again

I thought about how i'd use to smile when i thought of him

I thought about how happy i was

Even if only for a short time he made me happy

Even if it was to break me

The ding of the elevator brought me out of the past

I shook my head and put on a smile

And walked out with Donghai trailing behind

As we walked we saw Mei making her way towards us smiling brightly

Donghai practically ran into her and gave her a kiss on the forehead while putting a hand on her waist

I almost rolled my eyes, they're just too cheesy but seriously these two are just too adorable

"Hey babe" Mei smiled broadly at this

"Hey.." She whispered fluttering her eyelashes

They make me wanna gag now

I take back my words about them being adorable

"Please spare my ears and my poor eyes" i whined at them

"Oh c'mon jiaying i'm sure it's not even a little bit close to the porns you watch it's not like we're making love in front of you"

Donghai snorted at me

Mei flushed at this and became bright red

She slapped him lightly on his check and chuckled nervously

Donghai just pulled her closer by her waist

"Whatever I'm leaving i have work to do unlike some people who's busy flirting" i retorted sticking my tongue out at him

"You.." He was about to retort back but Mei stopped him

"Ah Hai there's a new patient you need to meet she's a weird case she was brought in early morning because she fainted we don't know what is wrong with her we still have to wait for the results"

Donghai turned serious at this "ok i'll check up on her now , who brought her in?"

"The ambulance actually , we had just informed her fiance since her family is currently abroad she actually fainted in a park and she didn't have anything on her to contact her family but now she's up "

"How old is she?" My question was directed at Mei

She squinted her brows "maybe mid twenties i think" replied

"So her fiance's coming?"

"Yep he's on his way but it's strange he didn't sound like he's worried in fact he sounded like he was annoyed"

She said deep in thought

We stopped outside the room

it was the VVIP section , from this we can deduct the patient had to have both money and connections because it was not easy to get a room in these floor

"I have to go Dr. zhai needs assistance i trust you both can take care of this" she emphasized putting a hand on her hips and winking at Donghai

The latter just pecked her cheeks and replied

"Absolutely nurse Meilin"

"I am so over with this" i rolled my eyes

"Whatever" they both replied

They grinned at this and kissed again

And said their goodbyes

Not like they were never gonna meet again

they sure are close for people who started dating recently

We entered the room

An arrogant voice spoke from the bed

"So i take it you're the Doctor" she gave a "I'm so mighty" look at us

Donghai just smiled at her

She was a beautiful woman i'd say with those large doe eyes and high cheekbones and I could see she had a very nice figure and it was very obvious she was a pampered young miss of a rich family

"Yes i'm Dr. Pei and this is nurse jiao" he said gesturing at me and she once again looked arrogantly at me up and down and snorted

what the hell was that?

"Have you guys called my fiance?" she demanded

"yes we did miss he said he's arriving soon" I said in my most respectable tone

This was a hospital for the rich and every now and then we'd meet haughty people like her but the pay is great so

Just as I was immersed in my thoughts the door opened and the miss arrogant changed her facial expression from arrogant to amiable ?

That is definitely a talent not everybody can do that I almost laughed out loud

For somebody who fainted she sure did look very energetic

"Brother Wei you're here" she basically jumped out of the bed

I froze but he couldn't be the person I know right? I mean so many people have same names

I could feel my heart beating fast and my hands sweating

"Hmn how are you feeling now?" a cold unbothered voice sounded

it was definitely him! how can there be such a coincidence

I wanted to run away but my feets were frozen I couldn't even turn towards him I was still standing with my back to him

So he's engaged was the first thought I could think of how much more pathetic can i be

And then there i saw him he still looked sinfully handsome in his navy blue suit but he also looked more mature

The boy who i had loved so much

The boy who i had given my everything to

The boy who broke me

But now he was not a boy anymore and neither was i the naive girl before