
Lovely Dimple

On the first day of her transfer to a new school in the north, the female protagonist, Xu Yan, with her timid nature, decided to stay away from a classmate with a bad temper. Recently, however, everyone in the class was talking about the school's handsome guy, Xie Ci, and it seemed he was focusing on the transfer student. One day, when Xu Yan went to the early morning self-study session, she found a note on her desk: "Little cutie, people here have short tempers." Then, the story began.

Hayden_Y_ · Teen
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10 Chs


It's rare to see such unreasonable boys.

Xu Yan pressed down her anger, spread out the messy physical books on the table, copied the questions from the exercise book and comforted herself.

Help the dark big man behind to do his homework, just write it.


She can't afford it either.

Bear with it for the time being and take a step back for a broader view.

But she still wanted to yell at the boy behind her:

Can't you do your own homework?

On his book, revisiting his past physics assignments, and the handwriting was never quite the same each time.

Xu Yan flipped through it and probably knew that she was not the first one to help him with his homework.

The teacher's comments and corrections were minimal, usually only signing a date.

Obviously, for such a bad practice of asking students to write for him, the teacher completely turned a blind eye.

The science teacher couldn't control him, let alone her.

It only took Xu Yan just over ten minutes to finish his physics homework.

As the exercises in the book were all basic and physics was always her strong suit.

With a few minutes left before the bell rang, several boys from the back of the classroom started leaving one by one.

Fu Xueli stretched lazily, resting her hands on her shoulders and turning her arms, then said to Xu Yan, "You don't have to write so carefully, just draw two lines and that's it."

Actually, she was totally out of line.

Why did he ask Xu Yan to do his homework, anyway? The teacher wasn't going to check if he had handed it in or not.

"It's okay, I'm done."

Xu Yan pressed her lips together and finished the last word, then put down her pen.

She looked up at the clock on the wall of the classroom.

The bell was about to ring.

Xu Yan closed the physics homework book, not looking back, and passed it behind her.

After waiting two or three seconds, no one answered.

She turned around.

Xu Yan's gaze collided with a seemingly smiling yet not-smiling one.

He had no intention of reaching out a hand at all.

Xu Yan could feel the exciting gaze and sighed silently in her heart without saying anything else. She put his notebook on his desk and then turned away.


It was Friday afternoon, and the students of grades one and two could have their weekends after their second class.

The entrance of Lin City No.1 High School was crowded with people from other schools. It was extremely lively.

Xie Ci was leaving school early, and a group of people waited at the coffee shop next to the school.

Today was Li Jieyi's birthday from Class 4. He usually plays well with them, so they decided to go out for a night.

The cell phone vibrated on the log table, ringing and then stopping.

Xie Ci held a deck of cards in his hands and glanced at it in passing, not paying attention.

Not long after.

Song poked his back and whispered, "Brother, at the door."

Qiu Qingqing clenched her fists and stood on the steps of the coffee shop for a while.

Various gazes spun around her maliciously. Her proud and strong self-esteem stopped her from stepping into the door.

Through the transparent glass window, she could even easily see Xie Ci's silhouette, biting a cigarette in his mouth and throwing poker cards in his hand.

The phone was right beside him, but he just wouldn't pick up.

"How long will your girlfriend take?"

Xie Ci played with the cards for a while, feeling bored and throwing the rest of the cards onto the table, asking Li Jieyi, "Can you call her to make her hurry up?"

"It's still early for having dinner, where do you wanna go?"

Seeing Xie Ci put down his cards, as if he was about to say something, he raised his gaze and saw the person behind, then he altered his words with a playful arch of his eyebrows: "Oh, my girlfriend didn't come, but yours to wait for you."

"Xie Ci."

A restrained female voice rang out.

Xie Ci still had a half-smoked cigarette between his lips as he propped his elbow on the table and turned his head.

Qiu Qingqing was two meters away from him, her eyes red. She said with each word: "Come out with me, and let's sort it out."

She chose to come in to find him, trusting after all, and the way Xie Ci treated her was not the same, taking advantage of the fact that he liked her.

Xie Ci said nothing, and no one else dared to make a sound, you look at me, I look at you.

Collective silence.

What's going on here?

When did Xie Ci and Qiu Qingqing start arguing?

Xie Ci ran his fingers through his hair, his face expressionless, "What are we going out for?"

Qiu QingQing: "If we don't go out, we'll break up."

Xie Ci held his cigarette and smiled, "That's the deal."

As soon as he said it, he was drenched with a cup of cold water.

His eyes just had time to close.

Droplets of water slowly ran down his black hair, eyelashes, lips and cheeks.

The cigarette in his mouth was extinguished too.

Everyone around inhaled sharply.

This girl had the guts.

Few people dared to do something like this to Ci.

Fu Xueli originally had her head down playing with her phone, but when she was startled, she looked up in that direction.

All she saw was the back figure of Qiu Qingqing running out of the door.

The shopkeeper handed a clean white towel to Xie Ci.

"Not going after her?"

Xie Ci still had that indifferent expression, took the cigarette out of his mouth and muttered.

Song Yifan knew he was repressing his anger.

After hesitating for two seconds, he asked: "What's going on between you and Qiu Qingqing?"

He knew that Xie Ci was a playboy and changed girlfriends quickly. There were many girls chasing him and many ex-girlfriends, basically he got bored after a week or two of being in a relationship.

However, after being with Qiu Qingqing last month, Xie Ci seemed to not have caused any trouble.

This made Song Yifan almost think that he was going to turn over a new leaf.

Unexpectedly, this happened today.

"Is it something that happened last night?" Li Jieyi asked with a sly smile.

Xie Ci didn't bother to reply, he just put another cigarette in his mouth.

Yesterday they went out to sing at night, and Qiu Qingqing came too, sitting next to Xie Ci all the time without paying any attention to anyone else.

Seeing her unwilling to mingle with them, everyone refrained from disturbing her.

After all, she was a famous Three Good Student and quite pretty, but she was too arrogant.

Later on, when some of them had a few drinks, they started to play a game of truth or dare. Everyone was having fun until Xie Ci lost the game and had to kiss a girl.

Though they were all used to being wild, no one was willing to take it seriously.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Qingqing got angry and left the place immediately.

Today they have broken up.

Fu Xueli gave a look of disinterest and said, "Let's just break up, A-Ci doesn't lack women."

Then, Li Jieyi's girlfriend, Tu Youyou, finally arrived with her group of friends.

There were probably two or three schoolmates, all a bit shy.

When they saw the group of seniors sitting there, they shouted in unison, "Hello seniors!"

"Hi, little sisters."

Someone replied when they saw the pretty girls, and the atmosphere suddenly became a bit unserious.

Xie Ci extinguished his half-smoked cigarette, and threw it into the nearby trash can. He picked up his phone on the table, and said to the group, "Let's go."


The cars whizzed by as the sky darkened. Lights in the city gradually lit up, and the air was filled with the fragrance of roses and gardenias.

On Friday night, the streets were bustling.

Xu Yan held bags in both hands. It was filled with daily necessities and snacks she had just bought at the supermarket.

Not long after school was over, Chen Xiao dragged her out of school to go to Walmart to shop. They also had a meal outside.

Now her stomach was a bit bloated, so she decided to walk back to school and digest the food.

"There are so many people today," Chen Xiao said as she held Xu Yan's arm and walked along the road. "Finally, it's the weekend. When I get back to the dormitory, I'm going to finish the unfinished drama."

Xu Yan glanced around her face and said, "The mid-term exam is about to come, aren't you going to study?"

"What's the point? My parents don't care about my grades anyway."

Chen Xiao pouted and lowered her head to text messages, not noticing a black SUV slowly stopping beside them.

A sharp horn sounded.

Xu Yan paused and subconsciously turned to look at the source of the sound.

The black glass of the two windows of the SUV slowly lowered.

Fu Xueli leaned against the side of the car, poking out half her body, smiling and waving at them like a flower:

"What a coincidence, kid, where are you and your friends going, let us take you."

Chen Xiao's mouth had already formed a tiny O shape.

Is this, is this...

The group of people from Class 9?

Xie Ci held the steering wheel with one hand, leaned her elbow against the window frame, and stared straight this way.

The evening breeze blew, carrying the warmth of the summer night.

Xu Yan returned to her senses.

She replied with a "No need to trouble yourselves, thank you".

"Come on." Fu Xueli attempted to open the car door and get out.

Xu Yan stepped back and raised the things in her hands, saying seriously: "It's alright, we just finished eating and are taking a walk on our way out."

In truth, she was afraid of Xie Ci.

He was underage, driving without a license, really dangerous.

Her long hair was loosely tied behind her head. She wore a white school uniform with short sleeves and stood not far from the street light, her temperament gentle and soft.

In the car.

Li Jieyi sat in the passenger seat and leaned back to look at Xu Yan. He asked casually, "Who is that girl? I don't seem to have seen her at school. Do you know her?"

Xie Ci glanced at the rearview mirror and retracted his gaze to look ahead. His fingers tapped the steering wheel intermittently, "She's from our class, Fu Xueli's deskmate."

"Does she have a boyfriend?" Li Jieyi asked curiously.

Fu Xueli was taken aback. She gave him a sharp look, "She's a good student. You'd better not meddle."

The meaning was clear.

Leave Xu Yan alone.

Li Jieyi looked flirtatiously and asked, "What's wrong with the good student? You ask A-Ci, how many good students has he been through?"

Fu Xueli rolled her eyes and said, "She's not like those hypocritical green tea bitches. If you dare to mess with my deskmate, I'll find someone to mess with you, believe it or not?"

Song Yifan, sitting beside, was confused.

"Xu Yan is your long-lost sister, right? How come you are so close just days after she transferred to this school?"

Fu Xueli solemnly said, "I just like those who study hard and are especially nice."

She then turned to Song Yifan and said, "Don't you think She's especially cute and has a great temper? I don't think either of you deserves such a good girl."


Xu Yan had a kind of gentleness and tranquility in her that she probably wouldn't have in her life.

Very likeable.

A short period of silence.

Xie Ci gave a snort, then turned his head and glanced out the window.

After Xu Yan and Fu Xueli said goodbye, she had already left with the girl next to her.

He impatiently grunted, stepped on the gas, and the car rushed out far away.