
Lovely Dimple

On the first day of her transfer to a new school in the north, the female protagonist, Xu Yan, with her timid nature, decided to stay away from a classmate with a bad temper. Recently, however, everyone in the class was talking about the school's handsome guy, Xie Ci, and it seemed he was focusing on the transfer student. One day, when Xu Yan went to the early morning self-study session, she found a note on her desk: "Little cutie, people here have short tempers." Then, the story began.

Hayden_Y_ · Teen
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10 Chs

Do It Yourself

Weekends always pass by the quickest, with most people going crazy for the two days.

At half past six, Xu Yan carried books and climbed to the floor where the classroom was located.

As soon as she entered the classroom, she had the feeling that her eyes were playing tricks on her.

On Monday morning's self-study, there were not many people and most of the back seats in the classroom were empty.

Only a few people were reading in the morning.

She sat down at her seat with her sandwich and casually looked around, with only one thought in her mind -

Everyone was quite casual and carefree in the early morning self-study.

She took out an English book from her desk, flipped to the vocabulary page, and started writing.

While writing, she was still thinking.

The teacher of this class did not seem to be very strict.

She remembered the school she used to attend, which was also a key high school in the city. Being late was taboo, and everyone must arrive in class at six ten in the morning, and be punished with standing for a class if they were late for one minute. The students in the class studied hard every minute and every second, and never talked in class, nor chased after each other after class. It was a great contrast to her current class.

About half an hour had passed since the early lesson. As the time came closer to the first class, the class gradually became more crowded.

The classroom was noisy and bustling.

People who were rushing to finish their assignments, people who were collecting assignments, and people who were copying assignments, it was a bit chaotic.

Across an aisle, a boy asked Xu Yan for the answers to the math paper she wrote over the weekend.

Xu Yan didn't say anything, just took it out of the drawer and handed it to the boy.

She was still bent down organizing her English notes when she noticed someone stopped by her side.

Xu Yan's pen stopped and she looked up.

A tall boy was standing beside her.

He was wearing a clean white school uniform and simple black sports pants, and he held a form in his hand.

"Hello, classmate. I am the monitor of Class 9," he said.

"Ah, hello. Is there something?" She put down her pen.

Fu Xueli, who was playing with her mobile phone next to her, paused for a moment.

"Yes, it's like this," said the monitor, putting the form on her desk and explaining briefly: "This is our class's duty roster, and you are scheduled for cleaning on Wednesday."

Xu Yan picked it up and had a look, nodding: "I see, it's cleaning the classroom?"

"Yeah, and you are in the same group as Fu Xueli."

After the class monitor finished speaking, his gaze swept in the other direction as if nothing, then he turned and walked back to his seat.

Fu Xueli watched the man's back as he walked away, then retracted her gaze and pretended to play with her phone casually.

After playing for a while, she couldn't help but find Xu Yan to chat: "Hey, I'll tell you, our class monitor has the same surname as you."

Xu Yan made a sound of surprise, and turned her head to look at her, "Also surnamed Xu?"

"Correct." Fu Xueli came closer to her. "He's called Xu Xingchun, his name and the way he looks are very sissy."

Xu Xingchun?

It sounded like she had heard the name somewhere before.

Xu Yan frowned and said, "I think his name is as nice as yours."

After finishing her words, she recalled the image of the boy in her mind.

His facial contours were a bit thin, his eyebrows and eyes were elegant, and his eyes were long and narrow.

"He doesn't look so sissy either," Xu Yan honestly said.

Fu Xueli snorted, her face unnatural, "What do you mean, my name is much better than his."

Xu Yan felt a bit strange and wanted to ask, but thought it wasn't appropriate, so she kept her head down and continued doing her homework.

After a while, someone put a test paper on her desk.

"Classmate, I got a different answer than you on this question, I don't understand your method."

The boy who borrowed her paper said.

He slightly bent down, pushed his glasses and handed the draft paper to Xu Yan: "Can you please explain it to me?"

"Huh? Which one?" Xu Yan took off the black fountain pen cap and took the draft paper.

"The second last question."

She flipped the paper and found the question. Xu Yan glanced at it and wrote on the paper, explaining the problem-solving ideas to the boy: "I solved this question with trigonometric functions."

Song Yifan just came into the classroom at this time.

He threw his school uniform jacket into the drawer and asked Fu Xueli, "What is the glasses guy doing with your deskmate?"

"Asking questions."

"Wow!" Song Yifan was very surprised and took out two assignments, turned around and started copying them crazily, "So cool, the glasses boy asked her, she's a class bully."

The glasses boy, Chen Chunlin, was also a famous student in the class, but his Chinese was always not good, so he was not ranked high in the grade, but he was usually arrogant and looked down on the students with poor grades.

Fu Xueli nodded absent-mindedly and played with her mobile phone: "Yeah."

Song Yifan continued, "Then don't talk nonsense in class in the future, don't delay her from taking the Tsinghua and Peking University exams."

"Who is taking the Tsinghua and Peking University exams?"

Xie Ci stepped into the classroom. He stood behind Song Yifan and heard them talking, and asked casually while throwing his bag inside.

Song Yifan stood up to make way for him, "How come you are so late, there's no time to copy your homework."

At that moment, the door of the classroom was pushed open and the math teacher, Li, came in and the bell of the class rang.

The noise in the classroom gradually faded.

After Song Yifan finished the last word of his test paper and shook it, he gave Xie Ci a sideways glance, "How did you do on your math paper? Li will come later and collect it one by one, and you'll be punished to stand again."


Xie Ci glanced at him disdainfully and curled his lips, leaning back on the chair and calling out for Fu Xueli.

Fu Xueli turned around and asked, "What?"

"Call your deskmate for me."

Xie Ci gestured towards Xu Yan.

Before Fu Xueli could say anything, Xu Yan had already taken out a finished math exam from the pile of paper on the table and handed it to her. After handing it over, she picked up her pen and started doing the exercises, looking as if it had nothing to do with them.

She didn't even look at them throughout the entire process.

However, Fu Xueli understood but was speechless. She slammed the paper on Xie Ci's desk: "Can't you just copy it yourself, why do you always ask others to do your homework?"

Song Yifan acted as an audience on the side, his expression also somewhat subtle.

From his impression, Xie Ci didn't really like to provoke girls.


"You," Song Yifan put on his shoulder, slightly lowering his tone and asking: "You're a big man, why are you always bullying little girls?"

"What bullying, the new classmate just likes to help me do my homework." Xie Ci smiled as if nothing had happened, lazily.

Xu Yan suddenly turned around and looked him in the eyes.

After a few seconds of staring, she said seriously, "The new classmate doesn't seem to like it very much."

Her tone was a bit cold but there was a hint of the softness from the south in her voice, without any aggression.

Leaning slightly forward, Xie Ci pressed his arm against the desk, tilted his head and smiled at her, "Why doesn't she don't like?"

Her eyes were clear as water, but her eyebrows were slightly furrowed, as if she was confused: "Why are you asking such a question?"

He raised his eyebrows in farewell.


The group of unruly sons around him, upon hearing a piece of soul-stirring advice from the new transfer student from the south:

"You have to write your own homework, knowledge is yours."

The air froze.


Song Yifan couldn't help bursting into laughter, breaking the tense atmosphere.

He stammered for a moment and then slowly curled up the corner of his lips.

"Hahaha haha." Fu Xueli stretched out her hand and could not help but pinch Xu Yan's face.

Awww, this kid is so cute.


Song Yifan clenched his fist and held it to his lips, barely holding back his laughter. In a pseudo-serious manner, he said, "Yes, Xu classmate's education is very good, it's worthy of our country's future."

After he finished speaking, he clapped his hands repeatedly.

Xu Yan didn't know what they were laughing at. Feeling a little frustrated, she said nothing and turned away.

Her back was straight and thin.

Her soft black hair was loosely tied behind her head and a few strands of broken hair hung down, covering the contours of her side face.

From a polite perspective, only the white and tender neck could be seen.


He took back his gaze and muttered a swear word under his breath.