
Loveful Heart

We've all had childhood crushes, right? Some turned out well, while others did not. Unfortunately, in this story, things don't work out so well; it starts out great, but the end... well, you'll see for yourself. This story begins with Childhood friends, who soon turns into a crush. (Based on a true story)

Miaarora_1216 · Teen
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9 Chs


Chapter 5

The conversation was a little awkward and shorter than she expected, but she was kind of glad that it was. Here's how it went: Nisya started the conversation with, "Hey, it's nice to see you again."

"Yea, nice to see you too," he replied shyly, smiling and looking right into her eyes.

"Yea, so I just wanted to say hi to you, um, anyways. Oh, by the way, do you have insta so I can talk to you?" As she was asking this, she could see his friends, even Lydia and Devin, giggling. After that, they left to give them some privacy, but his friends were still there.

"Oh, yea sure," he replied, so she opened Instagram on her phone and handed her phone over to him. She was jumping for joy on the inside and tried not to show it, instead acting cool and calm. She looked over and saw her phone loading when he was typing in his username.

"Ugh, this wifi seriously sucks," she said, and it's true; it might be the biggest school in Mississauga but has terrible wifi.

" Yea it really does," he said while sighing. His @ finally popped up, and he clicked follow and handed her phone back to her.

"Ok, thanks. I'll text you on here then," she said, looking up at him. He smiled and nodded back, looking at her.

"Uh, I have to get to class now, so I'll see you later... What class do you have right now?" She asked as she was about to leave.

"Oh, I have business right now," he replied with a straight face.

"Oh, I have geography right now.. ok, I'll text you later then," she said as she was about to walk away and wave bye to him, and he waved back with a smile.

After leaving Aayan, she immediately started looking around the hallway for Lydia. As soon as she saw her, she walked up, throwing herself into her arms as her face lit up and hugging her while also saying "thank you" for all of her help. Lydia was relieved that everything had finally worked out, while Devin interrupted by praising how wonderful and helpful he was. Even though she was aware that he could have gotten Aayan to show up on the first day, Nisya agreed with him anyway since she was in a good mood.

She texted Aayan later that afternoon after school and noticed how dead the conversation was. She texted Lydia about it since he wasn't asking her any questions back and was just giving her one-word responses, which was oddly concerning for her. Even Lydia agreed, so she advised her to text him and ask if everything was alright since he was only responding with a single word. She did as Lydia advised, and he said, "Oh lol, mb. Been awhile fr," to which she responded, "Yea fr tbh," before texting him good night. When he responded, "Gn bro," she assumed she had somehow been friend-zoned, which disturbed her. Myra and Jasmine questioned her the following morning about if Aayan finally showed up this time. Nisya was delighted to answer yes, and she told them everything about the conversation with him from start to end. She also showed them the messages that he and she exchanged. They also noticed how dry his texts were, as if he wasn't making an attempt to communicate. Nisya also questioned Jasmine about whether she was brozoned or friendzoned after receiving a text from him that said "gn bro."