
Loved by chance

Jodie, a sophisticated beautician who has had her fair share of heartbreak and just got out of a relationship. She meets Zayne. She’s attracted to him but he wants just a one-night stand with her and nothing more. Will she succumb to his wants or will she be able get him to fall in love with her.

Nechel_1 · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 16

I've lost track of how many times we made love, the scent of sex strong in the air. We're still on the couch. I could stay in this position forever, skin to skin and breathing in each other. My thoughts were caught off by the ring of his phone.

He groans in my neck and pulls out of me as he reaches for his phone. He stands looking at his phone. He laughs at the caller ID and shows me the screen. It was his mom. He walks to my table to pick up the box of tissues. He walks back towards me with the phone still ringing.

It's always awkward having to clean up after sex, but it's now even more awkward with his mom calling while we were at it. He pulls his scrubs back on and helps me into my shirt stopping me from putting on any other cloth.

He pulls me back on him as he settles into the couch so I'm lying on him, resting my head on his chest. It's so late now. I'm considering we'll spend the night here and leave early before my staffs start coming in. Zayne's phone makes a beeping noise. Probably a message from his mom. I wonder what his relationship with his parents is like. Both he and Kayla never particularly talk about their dad. I know Kayla has a good relationship with both parents. I don't know what his is like.

 "You're not calling her back?" I ask.

He's quiet I thought he hadn't heard me, he finally says "I will"

 "What's you relationship with her like?"

 "We had our rough times but now we have a mother-son relationship"

I laugh at that not wanting to press what a mother-son relationship even means. "And your dad?" I ask.

He scoffs at that and doesn't say anything.

 "My dad died when we were really young. We didn't get to know much about him" I say "all the memories of him were in pictures"

 "I'm sorry about your dad. Your mom did an exceptional job at raising you girls" he says

 "Yeah. Thanks" I say.

 He begins stroking my arms gently and says slowly "my parents had a rough divorce" he goes silent "I used to blame him for it, but now I know better. I stopped talking to him for years but Kayla never stopped"

 "How about now?"

He shrugs "we have been able to maintain a healthy relationship now"

 "Sounds nice. And your mom?"

 "My mom has always been in the picture. We talk almost on a regular basis"

I fold my arms over his chest, resting my chin on them and looking up at him. very interested to hear all he has to say as I quizzed him about her. "Really? Tell me more about her"

He laughs as he looks down at me. "We'll my mom is the most optimistic person I've known. She's overbearing and overprotective of us. Most of all she loves going to church" he grins before adding "she never misses a church service and always ensure we went with her" he winks at me "look at me now"

I laugh out "oh please, I'm sure you're so young then"

 "I know right, she is a psychiatrist"

 "Oh nice! A family of doctors"

He smiles "my dad's a surgeon too" he says with a hitch of pride in his voice.

 "So where did Kayla fall off from" I say and he laughs out.

 "I wonder myself too. Just so you know my mom wanted her to be a doctor too to make a complete family tree of doctors, but Kayla being Kayla"

I nod knowingly "I can imagine"

 "My mom has a phobia for flying, she really hates it. So we travel over to see her every year once or twice. It depends" he pauses "she really wants to meet you. So you'll probably travel with us on our next trip"

I grin "she knows about us? Like you told her about me?"

He nods "yeah and Kayla must have mentioned you too. Why're you surprised? I told you I want you to meet her right?"

 "Nothing really. And yeah you said so"

 "It's a big deal to her you know. That I have a girlfriend, a relationship"

I laugh "tell me more"

 "She calls me everyday to confirm if we're still together. Keeping daily tab" he pauses "if I've not messed things up with you somehow"

 "You don't mean that" I laugh out loving his mom in an instance.

 "You think I'm kidding?" He asks and reaches out for his phone and presses a few buttons "I'm sure she left a voicemail but not without mentioning you" and with that he plays the voicemail.

 Hey, Zayne! It's mom! Called you few minutes ago. Just realized we haven't spoken since yesterday. How busy are you at work? You promise to work less. Also how's Jodie? You're both still together right? Give her a hug for me. I can't wait to see her. Call me back okay? I'm about taking my Yoga classes. Ciao!

I press my face into his chest to laugh out "oh my God Zayne! what have you been telling you mom about me?"

He strokes my cheek gently "Everything that I know about you"

 "She seems so excited to meet me"

 "I told you so"

 "But we've just been dating a few months" I shrieked.

 "Few best months of my life" he says as he pulls my hands up between us and kisses them "the best months" he says thoughtfully.

I smile at him "I can't wait to meet her. And your dad too, they both did an impressive job at raising you and Kayla"

He pulls me tighter "me too"

 "Are we sleeping here tonight" I ask snuggling into his arms

 "It's too late for me to drive now, I don't know about you" he says yawning.

I'm now sure that if he had a couch in his office he'd be spending the night there. "We'd have to leave early before the cleaner comes in"

 "Hmmm" he murmurs sleepily and tightens his arms around me.