
Loved by chance

Jodie, a sophisticated beautician who has had her fair share of heartbreak and just got out of a relationship. She meets Zayne. She’s attracted to him but he wants just a one-night stand with her and nothing more. Will she succumb to his wants or will she be able get him to fall in love with her.

Nechel_1 · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 13

I stretch as I wake up in an unfamiliar bed. Zayne's bed. I look around the room, he was nowhere in sight. I shuffle out of bed naked, I have no idea where my dress had ended up last night. I smile as I ransack his wardrobe filled with large shirts, I threw one over my head as it falls down to my knees. I feel cute in it. I found my way out of the neatly organized room to the kitchen. It was neatly organized like it has never been used. I look around to find a coffeemaker. I set it to brew, I search the cupboards for mugs and luckily found some. I watch the coffee transition into a slow drip, so I grab a mug and fill it up. I added some sugar, and sip slowly. I hear the kitchen door open, I turn around to see Zayne walk in or should I say a ruffled Zayne. He's in a jogging pant and shirtless, I let my eyes linger. He walks over to me, takes the mug off my hands, leans in and kisses me deeply. He takes a drink of my coffee as he leans on the counter beside me.

 "How did you sleep?" He asks pouring himself a coffee.

 "Great! You"

 "What do you think?" He asks looking lazily at me.

I knew I'd redden a bit with the smug smile that came on his face.

 "I didn't want to wake you, and I love my shirt on you by the way" he nods to his shirt.

 "I couldn't find my clothes and I love it on me too" I say picking up my cup of coffee.

 "I threw them into the laundry"

 "That explains why I couldn't find them" I look around "have you ever cooked here"

He shakes his head slowly following my gaze "I've never had time to"

 "Or you don't know how to?" I laugh finishing my coffee and rinsing it under the running tap.

 "Maybe or maybe not. You never can tell" he says walking out of the kitchen as I follow him. He leans into the couch in his bedroom, set the mug on the table beside it.

 "Come here" he says as he stretches his hand to grab me. He pulls me down on himself so that I'm straddling him. His eyes takes over my body. He kisses me me rubbing my thighs.

 "I wish we could wake up like this every morning" he says pulling away from my mouth.

 "We'll see how that will work, but for now I still have my own apartment" I smile.

He traces my lips with a finger "I will be really busy for a few days, I have some patients that were referred, they'd be coming in today and tomorrow"

 "And?" I ask unsure of what he's trying to say.

 "I may not be able to see you for a few days"

I smile to hide my disappointment "it's fine, I think I will also be occupied with the studio and Sophie if she needs me"

 "I will see you before the week runs out" he says crossing a hand across his bare chest "I promise"

I lean in to kiss him. He kisses me back and lowers me into the couch, standing up."let's not start what we can't finish now" he winks "I have to be at the clinic" he says putting on his scrubs.

I smile as I watch him get dressed. He looks good in scrubs.

 "I love seeing you in scrubs" I say to him when he was dressed up.

 "I see" he says picking up his phone and scrolling through it "I'd drop a spare key for you. Let me know when you get to work"

 "Okay" I say standing up. He scoops me up kissing my forehead and sniffing me before setting me down.

 * * *

I took an Uber home to get change of clothes before heading to the studio. Kayla already called she and Sophie were both coming. I'd forgotten to ask where baby Juliet would be. I put on a pair of dungarees and drives to the studio.

About twenty minutes after settling in, Kayla and Sophie huddles into my office with baby Juliet in a carry cot which she places on my table.

 "Have you decided what you're doing for Ruby's birthday?" Sophie asks Kayla

Kayla and Robert threw a first birthday party for their daughter, Ruby that was so big, it was worthy of a Sweet Sixteen. "I'm sure I'll just let her have a Barbie themed party and give her a couple of presents. I am always ready for parties" Kayla says

 "Of course" Sophie says dryly.

Kayla who didn't seem to notice went on "Who would I invite? I need to start preparing a guest list. Jodie I will need a small studio at the party where the girls can have facial treatments"

Sophie rolls her eyes as I laugh out loud.

 "We don't throw kids' parties for our babies. We throw them to impress our friends." Kayla says.

 "We are your friends, and you don't need to impress us" I say signalling Sophie to pass me wipes as baby Juliet pucks "Are we doing dinner tonight?"

it's been a really long time since we had lunch or dinner together. Not since Sophie had her baby. Not sine I started dating Zayne. Speaking of Zayne , I totally forgot to text him. I pick up my phone to see two texts from him.

Zayne: hey, Jo. You at work yet?

Zayne: text me when you see this. I can't seem to get the picture of you in my shirt out of my head. I should have taken a picture.

I smile as I reply.

Me: sorry I forgot to text. Sophie and Kayla are here right now. And yeah, you should have taken a picture. I will send you one when I get home.

His reply came in immediately.

Zayne: can't wait.

I smile setting my phone down.

 "We should definitely do l....." Kayla stops mid sentence when she looks at me "okay girl! That has to be Zayne making you all smiley"

 "Spill bitch!" Sophie says as her face lit up in excitement.

 "Okay....." I say raising my hands in surrender. "I slept over at his last night, but not before a quickie in his car" I say winking "you still want more details"

 "Ewww, that's enough please. He's still my brother" Kayla wrinkles her nose in disgust as Sophie laughs out.

 "You asked for it boo" I chipped in.

 "That, is exactly what I'm talking about" Sophie winks at me.

 "Well, that probably explains why I've not heard from him in weeks. He's occupied with you" Kayla says.

 "You prefer he's occupied with you?" I ask admits laughter enjoying taunting her.

 "Whatever. You can have him" she says

 "How was it?" Sophie asks squinting her eyes at me.

 "What do you think?" I ask equally squinting my eyes.

 "Oh! For heavens sake it my brother were talking about here. I don't need to hear the details. It's disgusting" Kayla says standing up "I'm going to get my facials done. We're going for lunch after"

Sophie and I laugh out as she walks out.