
Loved by chance

Jodie, a sophisticated beautician who has had her fair share of heartbreak and just got out of a relationship. She meets Zayne. She’s attracted to him but he wants just a one-night stand with her and nothing more. Will she succumb to his wants or will she be able get him to fall in love with her.

Nechel_1 · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 12

Zayne had earlier messaged me to let me know That he wants to take me out for dinner just the both of us and he will be picking me up. He pulled into the parking lot a few minutes ago and waited in the car as a locked up. I walk to Wilsons car and he comes out almost immediately on Fighting me. As soon as I lay eyes on him II get nervous. He looks incredible he's wearing a black shirt and a matching black pants. I walked towards him with butterflies in my stomach. This man still makes me feel butterflies. He leans in and gives me a deep kiss.

 "Aren't you the most stunning woman ever" he says admiring me.

 "Am I? I didn't get any sleep last night. I feel like I look ninety. I say stifling a yawn.

I had spent all night at Sophie's. Baby Juliet had ran fever all night, Jason was on a business trip and mom had left. I stayed up watching the baby while Sophie got some rest.

"Why didn't you sleep?" he asks pulling me into his arms.

"Juliet ran a fever all night. I had to go over to Sophie's. Jason is on a business trip. My mom left, had an emergency" I yawn as I couldn't help myself. "She's better now, but..." I yawn again "I'm sorry. I just drank coffee. It'll hit in a minute."

"It's okay. I'm not tired"

"Oh really?"


I lean back on my heels and look down at his outfit. "I wasn't sure what to wear since I've never been to this restaurant."

 "I've never been there, either, so I have no idea. But I have a feeling you'll be fine." he chose the new restaurant he's been going on about wanting to try. "It's about a forty-five-minute drive, but I figured that would give us time to catch up on the way over"

"No pressure or anything" I say as he opens the passenger door for me. I start to yawn again as he's closing my door.

He settles into the driver seat, and looks at me worried. He touches my cheek lightly and says "If you'd rather go home and sleep, we can do this next weekend."

"There's nothing else I'd rather do than this, Zayne. I'll sleep when I'm dead." I say placing my hand over his. I didn't want to spoil his excitement not that he would have minded but I click my seat belt."You actually smell as good as you look" I say smiling up at him. I'm sure I saw him smile.

 "All for you baby " he says staring the car. "You know one of the things I love most about you— is the way you handle stress. Everyone handles stress differently, and none of those ways is necessarily wrong, but Jodie, you handle it with grace. And grace just happens to be the quality I find the most attractive in people" he looks briefly at me before driving out of the parking lot.

 "Awwwn Zayne!" I say not knowing what else to say.

 "It's all good. I just wanted to let you know. So how'd you spend your free days?" He asks

I hate that he's driving because I want to look at him while I respond. I've never seen him look this refreshed ? Is that a compliment? I don't even know. I probably shouldn't say it out loud in case it isn't. I think. Why is it surprising to me that he asked.

"How do I spend my free days?" I say, pretending like I'm mulling over the question. "I go clubbing with the girls"

He smiles at that. "You club?"

I nod. "Occasionally when I'm free, That was before Sophie got pregnant, had baby Juliet and now I barely have time for myself. I don't have free days anymore, It's either the baby or Sophie or the studio"

"What do you enjoy the most about your job?"

He's full of questions tonight. I give him a sidelong glance and smile "that should be helping my clients get their skin confidence back and looking beautiful. It should be the feedbacks I get" I sigh "what about you? What do you enjoy the most about your job?"

 "Working with my patients make use of their body again"

Not exactly what I expected to hear, but his voice seemed sad "I'm sorry," I say

"Every single one you know"

"What? Oh my God, that must be a lot of pressure" I practically turns my entire body toward him in the seat.

He flips the blinker and shrug. "Can I ask a question?"


"Do you have any angry ex-boyfriends?"

"Nah, I doubt it. They don't seem the type.

I kick off my heels and pulls one of my legs into my seat, making myself more comfortable. "How many serious relationships have you had?" he asks

"Define 'serious" I say to be sure

"I don't know. More than two months?"

"What?" I laugh out in disbelief.

"How long were you together then?" He asks sounding lost.

"On going to three years. I met him at Robert's party. My last relationship"

"Why'd you break up?"

"He cheated on me"

"Oh" and silence fills the car.

"I guess you can't relate..... no exes" I say cheerily.

"Yeah. I guess." His phone rings with an incoming call. "I have to take this,"

"Go ahead." I say resting my head back on the head rest.

He answers the call over the Bluetooth speaker. I yawn quietly as my eyes begin to droop. I didn't know exactly how long I had slept, but I felt better when he wakes me up. We have gotten to the restaurant. I rub my face embarrassed

 "How long you let me sleep?" I ask looking at him. He had a mischievous grin on his face.

 "About 40 minutes, no so long but long enough to take pictures and videos of you sleeping" he winks at me.

 "Oh god" I groan into my hands.

 "We missed our reservation, but I picked up something for us to eat" he says pointing to the back seat where the food was packed.

 "I'm sorry I made us miss it. Let's go eat it over at my house. What do you say?"

 "And eat you after" he says rubbing his hands on my thighs.

 "Why not now?" I say spreading my thighs apart for his hand trails up.

 "You really want it here" his voice filled with pleasure as I nod. He climbs over to my seat, raising my dress up to my stomach, using his other hand to pulls my panties to one side. His fingers stoke my clit slowly. I inhale sharply as he starts stroking faster, he keeps strokng and begin sliding another finger into my vagina slowly, pleasure shooting up to my brain.

 "Zayne...…" I moan.

He pushes a second finger in and keeps fingering faster and faster until I climax with a scream, but bit down with my teeth on lips. He leans in and kisses the top of my nose, then my lips. He grabs a tissue from the tissue box and wipes my vagina then his hand. He adjusts my panties back into place and falls back to his seat. He looks at me and smiles. "My place or yours" He places a hand on my open thigh.