
Lovebird Cafe

Owning a restaurant is its own adventure. Lacy Linden's fiancé and head chef walked out on her before she could open her new restaurant, Lovebird Café. Now she's starting over with a new head chef and a broken heart. Will she and her hot head chef be able to make their restaurant a success? Will she open herself up to falling in love again? Updates every Monday

Acton_Bell · Urban
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36 Chs

Girls' Night - Part 2

Lucky's Bar is pretty crowded when we arrive, but we manage to find a seat at a booth along the back wall with a great view of the dance floor. We enjoy a round of drinks (I stick with soda since I can't hold alcohol well and have offered to be the designated driver) and chat for a few minutes. Once we've finished our first round, the girls begin checking out possible targets for me to approach.

The first is a tall, slim, redhead at the bar who smiles over at me when I accidentally catch his eye.

Second is a tall, broad-shouldered blond with a bright smile. He's part of a group near the dance floor, but he doesn't seem to be on a date with any of the women in the group. While I'm watching him, he also catches my eye and winks, bringing a blush to my cheeks.

The last option is a shorter, muscular man with dark hair and a neatly trimmed beard sitting at a table near the bar alone. He seems very focused on what's going on around him and I wonder for a moment if he's some kind of police officer or security guard. He kind of gives off that vibe. Thankfully, he doesn't notice me noticing him, or if he does, he doesn't show it.

I'm trying to decide who I should approach when the redhead comes to our table with a friendly smile. Introducing himself as Ryan, he banters with us for a bit before asking Kelsy to dance.

When I don't really feel disappointed, I know that he was not the right choice. Since blondie is surrounded by people, making the idea of flirting with him sound rather daunting, I decide to try my luck with the serious brunette. The girls (except Kelsy, who's now on the dance floor with Ryan) wish me luck.

I stand and try to walk confidently to his table. When I feel my courage lagging, I remind myself that I am a successful restaurant owner. I am not unattractive, and I have a great sense of humor! And really, the worst that could happen is that he's not interested.

When I reach his table, I ask if I can join him. He looks at me in surprise, then his intense look disappears in a charming smile. "Of course," he answers in a deep, rich voice.

I sit and introduce myself.

"Lacy. That's a pretty name," he says. "It suits you." Before I can answer his flirtatious remark, he continues. "I'm Don Johnson."

"Nice to meet you. You're here alone?"

"Yep. Just wanted to get out for the evening and be around people. I work a lot and don't have much of a social life. It gets pretty lonely."

"I know the feeling. I have great friends, but. . . I still feel lonely. Like something is missing."

"Yeah. That's it exactly. I had a bad breakup a few months ago and since then, it's been hard to think about getting back into dating."

His story is so similar to mine that I soon find myself pouring out my story about my breakup with Jeff. In return, he tells me about how his girlfriend, Emma, dumped him for his best friend.

"I didn't even see it coming. I was so busy trying to get a promotion at work so I'd be financially stable enough to support a family that I didn't have time to see that she was unhappy."

"I didn't realize that Jeff was unhappy either. Apparently we both have tunnel vision when we're pursuing something important to us."

His frown lifts into a slight smile. "When you put it like that, it doesn't sound nearly as bad. And it is important to me to be able to support a family. I have no business proposing to a woman if I can't take care of her."

"Did she know that was why you were so busy?"

"No. I didn't tell her."

"But she also didn't ask, or tell you about her concerns."

"Same goes for your ex. You may have been busy, but he could have told you his worries before he just ended things."

That's exactly what Kim has been telling me, but hearing it from someone else who's gone through the same thing puts a new light on it. My conversation with Don soon transitions to our interests. We have a few things in common, like a love for watching football (though we support different teams). We also both like hiking and reading (different genres, but with a few overlaps).

I'm enjoying my chat with Don so much that I've forgotten that I came with friends until Kim comes up. "Hey Lacy, can you come with me for a sec?"

She looks at Don with an apologetic smile. "I'll bring her back in a bit."

"No worries," he answers with his attractive smile. "I'll be here."

She pulls me to the women's restroom, where the other girls are waiting. "Why are we meeting in the restroom?" I ask, a little grossed out.

"So he can't overhear us. How's it going? It looked like things were going really well!" Alex says with a clap.

"Yeah. He's really nice. I think- I think maybe there could be something between us. I think I'm going to ask for his number."

Jen, Kelsy (who has apparently ditched Ryan for a bit), Kim, Alex, and Nancy all squeal and envelop me in a group hug. I laugh and return the hug. I've missed this. It's good to feel my heart opening up again.

When I return, I find a new drink waiting for me. "The waiter asked if you wanted a refill," Don explains. "Sprite, right?"

"Yeah. I'm the DD tonight."

"Oh. How'd you get stuck with that job?"

"Honestly. . . I don't hold alcohol well anyway, so I rarely drink. It's easier to just avoid it."

"Huh. Then why did you come to a bar?"

I shrug. "Seemed like the best place to meet new people. I'm trying to put myself out there, you know. Give myself a chance at finding someone new."

Don glances over my shoulder and his friendly smile disappears. He stands and, without a word of explanation, dashes for the door. I'm left to frown after him and wonder what spooked him.

"Excuse me, miss," an unfamiliar voice says. I turn and find blondie looking at me intently.


"May I borrow your drink?"

I nod, a little confused, as he takes my drink and walks briskly away. He stops with my drink at his table and busies himself with it. I watch for a few minutes, then look back at the door. Don hasn't reappeared, so I slip from my seat and head back to the booth where the girls are waiting.

"What happened?" Jen asks.

"I have no idea. Don just ran out without a goodbye, and then blondie turned up and asked for my drink."

"Oooooh," Nancy says. "Maybe it was drugged."

I look at her in horror. "You think he drugged my drink?"

"It happens," she says with a shrug and a frown. Kim shudders next to me.

"Well, it doesn't matter. The bigger question is, what do you ladies think of Kelsy and Ryan?" Alex asks, quickly changing the subject. I shoot her a grateful smile as Jen answers.

"Oh, they're so cute together! I think this will be good for her. She just broke up with her high school sweetheart, you know."

"Really?" I ask, settling in to hear the story.

Before Jen can start, a male voice interrupts. "Excuse me, ladies. Miss," blondie says, looking at me. "May I speak with you for a moment?" Looking around at all my friends, he adds, "Privately."

"Sure." I slip off the bench and follow him to an empty table. He motions for me to sit and then drops into his own chair.

"Did you know that man before you came here tonight?"

"No. We just met."

"What was his name?"

"Don Johnson."

"Don- Don Johnson," blondie says, his eyes widening as he begins laughing. He quickly changes his laughter into fake coughing, but it's too late. I know that he finds the name funny. I'm trying to figure out why when the answer strikes me.

Don Johnson- Don John- Don Juan.

The fool was using a fake name that implied he was a ladies' man. And I didn't even catch it. Of course, I wasn't expecting to get a fake name. Still. . . the ridiculousness strikes my funny bone and I'm soon giggling as well.

When I stop, I find blondie looking at me with an apologetic smile. "I shouldn't have laughed," he says.

"It's fine. I mean, that man's audacity! Do you know who he really is? Did he- did he do something to my drink?" I frown, remembering the almost serious consequences I might have faced.

"Yes. He drugged your drink. I was expecting something like this to happen tonight."

"Are you a cop?"

"Private investigator. I was hired to tail this man by a woman who suspects him of drugging and assaulting women. I've been following him for almost a month and tonight he finally acted."

"But. . . he got away."

Blondie shakes his head. "Nope. I called the police when I saw him mess with your drink. They picked him up outside. I have the test I did to check your drink, but I'll also take a sample to the police. I may need you to testify against him in court at some point. Would you be willing to do so?"

I nod slowly. "Yes, of course."

"Thanks." He pulls out a small notebook and takes down my name and contact information.

"What's your name, if you don't mind my asking?" I say as he closes his notebook.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I should have introduced myself right off. I'm Henry Fredricks." He sticks out a large hand and I give him a firm handshake.

"Nice to meet you."

"You as well. I'll be in touch about the case."

"Thank you."

He stands and leaves with a friendly smile and a goodbye. I return to the booth and begin to answer the bombardment of questions my friends throw at me.

When they're done, we fetch Kelsy and head back out to the car. As we're pulling away, Kim says, "Wow, what a night!"

"Yeah," I agree. "And you didn't even have to say 'Jazz it up'!"