
Lovebird Cafe

Owning a restaurant is its own adventure. Lacy Linden's fiancé and head chef walked out on her before she could open her new restaurant, Lovebird Café. Now she's starting over with a new head chef and a broken heart. Will she and her hot head chef be able to make their restaurant a success? Will she open herself up to falling in love again? Updates every Monday

Acton_Bell · Urban
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36 Chs

Getting Back in the Game

It's been just over a week since my disastrous attempt to get back into the dating game. I haven't gone out again since. I'm sure my friends will drag me out at some point, but they realize that I need a little while to get over what almost happened last time.

Now, I sit at work on a warm Tuesday afternoon and look over some papers half-heartedly. My lackluster attempt at work is interrupted by the sound of my phone. I pick it up to see an unknown number calling. Before Lovebird Café, I always let calls like that go to voicemail, but now I get plenty of important calls from people I don't have in my contacts, so I press the answer button.


"Hi? Is this Lacy Linden?"

"Yes, it is. May I ask who I'm speaking with?"

"This is Henry. Henry Fredricks, from the bar the other night?"

"Oh, right. Hello, it's good to hear from you."

He pauses for a moment, then clears his throat. "I was wondering if you'd be interested in an update about the case."


"Great. Do you want to meet me for dinner tonight? Or maybe a different night if you already have plans?"

"Tonight is great, actually. Can you meet me at Lovebird Café?"

He gives a short laugh then clears his throat again. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, I can do that. Would 6 be a good time for you?"

"Yep! Six works great! I'll see you then."

"See you then. Thanks."

We hang up and I look down at my outfit. It felt like a little too much this morning: a skirt that I got on sale a couple weeks back that makes me feel very pretty and feminine with its long, flowy shape and pretty floral print and a simple blue shirt that hugs my curves and has pretty lace edging the elbow-length sleeves.

Now I'm glad that I dressed up more than usual. Slipping my cute blue flats on, I head to the mirror on my wall and check my hair. My red locks are in a messy bun with a few curls hanging around my face.

I know that tonight is more business dinner than date, but the way Henry talked, he sounded a little flustered. Definitely more like a man asking a woman out than a man asking a woman to talk business with him. I feel myself blush at the thought that he might have been nervous to ask me out.

Henry is a very attractive man. I can't imagine a man like him being nervous about asking anyone out. Especially not a rather clumsy, awkward, extra curvy girl like me.

Before I can question myself any more, I head out to the kitchen. No one else is here yet. The evening shift doesn't start for another hour. I decide to take a break myself and give Kim a call. She's at work, but she can usually chat for a few minutes without getting into any trouble.

When I tell her about my dinner plans with Henry, she squeals. "Good for you, Lacy Lou! Way to get back out there!"

"I mean, I didn't really do anything," I point out. "He called me and set it up."

"Still. You agreed to it. I bet it's going to turn into a date. Maybe we should do something to j-"

"Don't you dare say it!" I interrupt before she can doom my hopefully-a-date-dinner into a fiasco.

"C'mon. I didn't say it about our girls' night and that was still a disaster. I think maybe it's just whenever you and I do something together, things go wrong."

"Well I'm not going to take any chances."

She sighs. "Fair enough. I've gotta get back to work, but good luck tonight! Call and tell me how it goes when you get done!"

"For sure!"

After I hang up with Kim, I just kind of putter around the restaurant for another forty minutes before my staff starts to show up. I pull Alex, Jen, Nancy, and Kelsy aside when they arrive and tell them about my plans. They all smile and congratulate me. Alex winks and tells me that she'll prepare a special dessert, just for us.

As they file out of my office, leaving me blushing and nervous, but also full of anticipation, Everett strides in. He looks at me for a second, then looks at the retreating backs of the ladies.

"What did I miss?" he asks with a smile.


"Looks like I missed a good session of Lacy teasing. I can't believe they would hold one without me."

I laugh. "We were just talking about my plans tonight."

"Plans?" He's suddenly very serious. "What kind of plans?"

"I'm just having dinner with a guy I met about a week ago."

"At the bar? Are you sure you can trust him? How well do you know this guy?"

"Well, it's not a date, exactly," I say, trying to keep Everett calm. "It's more of a business dinner."

"What kind of business?"

"He's a private investigator and he's going to update me on one of his cases."

Everett's brows furrow as he studies me. "Why did you hire a private investigator?"

"Oh. I didn't hire him. I, uh. . . I accidentally got involved in one of his cases."

Everett raises one of his dark eyebrows and motions for me to continue. I sigh and quickly spill the whole story, keeping to only the most basic of details. I rush through the end of the story as his curious expression turns into a glare.

"So the police picked him up and Henry pulled me aside and explained what had happened."

"Are you telling me that you approached a complete stranger, let him buy you a drink, and nearly got drugged?" Everett's voice is quiet but forceful.

I shrug and try to play it off casually. "Obviously I will be more careful in the future."

"You won't be going to any more bars without a man you trust at your side."

"You aren't my boss."

"I don't care! You need to be more careful! You're going to get yourself killed with all these stupid, thoughtless schemes of yours!" His voice is getting louder and louder and I start shrinking away. I feel tears well up in my eyes.

"I'm not trying to be stupid," I whisper. "I just wanted to get back in the dating game."

Everett pauses in his tirade. He looks at me for a second, then turns away and starts taking deep breaths. "I need a minute to calm down," he says. "But this conversation isn't over."

"Okay," I answer in a small voice.

I stand silently while Everett re-centers himself. When he turns back to me, the anger is gone and he wears an expression of pure concern.

"I'm worried about you, Lace. I know you're not trying to get yourself hurt, but I think you're making irrational and dangerous decisions."

"I'm trying to be smart. I'm taking precautions. Like tonight, I'm meeting Henry for dinner here."


"Yeah. That way I've got all of you to keep an eye on me."

Everett laughs. "Well, I suppose that's what I get for pushing you to be more careful." He pauses. "That's good. I'm glad that you'll be here for dinner. I'll keep an eye on you."

"I'm sure the rest of the staff will too."

"Yeah, that's true." He runs a hand through his hair, then smooths it back down. "Okay. That does make me feel better."

"I'm glad. I'm sorry that I've been worrying you so much."

"It's okay," he says, stepping forward and pulling me into a quick hug. "I know you're not trying to do dangerous things. I just don't think you realize how vulnerable you are and how many men are just waiting to take advantage of women like you."

I shake my head. "I know I'm still a little naïve. I'm working on it."

"I wish you didn't have to change. I think your naivety is part of what makes you you. But it's definitely too dangerous not to address."


We look at each other in tense silence for a few moments, then he smiles. "I almost forgot why I came in here in the first place."

"It wasn't just to say hi?"

"Nope. I just heard from a local food magazine, Charlotte Taste. They want to do an article on me!"

"Congrats! Oh Everett, that's amazing! I'm so proud of you! And happy for you! That's a really big deal!"

His smile grows. "I know. It's a good step for me. And it will give Lovebird Café a lot of good publicity!"

"This is great!" I lean forward and place a hand on his arm. "And you definitely deserve it!"

"You really think so?" he asks with a self-conscious frown. "I'm worried that I'm just riding on someone else's coattails. It seems like this is happening more suddenly than it should be for such a new chef."

"First, you're not new. You worked at another top restaurant for years. Second, and most important, you are an incredible chef! It doesn't take a long time for people to realize that your food is great! They just have to taste it once. So it makes perfect sense that they're going to try and get to know an up-and-coming chef as soon as they can! You're new and fresh and awesome!"

Everett starts laughing so hard, I can't help but laugh with him. He laughs until I see a couple of tears run down his face. Finally, he stops laughing and takes my face in his warm, strong hands.

"You are the best giver of pep talks ever, Boss Lady. Thank you!" Dropping his hands, he quickly retreats, waving as he leaves my office.

I place my hands on my cheeks and frown. That was weird. Why do I feel so fluttery all of a sudden? Remembering my date in a few hours, I decide that must be what it is. I'd better get to work so I can be ready when Henry comes.