
Love Yourself (BL Omegaverse)

Cody is a short, chubby, cute omega that’s to shy and bashful until he meets the sexy alpha James.

Beautiful_Tea · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

"Yo James! Why do you keep looking at the stairs they're still coming!" Caleb one of the trips says. James turns and looks at him

"Man I know! but what if he doesn't come? Then what?" James is still a little worried because he has been trying to get this one omegas attention for months to no avail.

"Yo wassup Brian!" The trips say together it's kind of freaky when they talk at once but you get used to it after you been around them for a while. "Yo wassup guys why does James look like a lost puppy?" Brian questions, he doesn't really know James to well they only just started hanging out because James is Caleb's best friend and Jonah is Brian's best friend. We both found out our freshmen year that they were triplets. All three of them went to different high schools and lived with different relatives, so we never met before hand.

"That omega I can't remember him name but he's supposed to come remember. Oh isn't that other omega you like supposed to come too!" The trips say talking one after the other finishing each other sentences. It still a little weird but like a said you get used to it. "Yea he's coming today!" Brian is starting to get a little worried too because what if they don't bring him when they come. Caleb looks back at James "He's gonna come I made sure they were bringing him!" He says laughing a little because he's never seen James so press over one little omega. Now he's not gonna lie he is cute but maybe...nah that's not possible it's to rare for it to be that never mind. Caleb turns around because he hears excitement in James voice.

"Oh! Here they come!"

Back at the stairs Chris and Max just drop the subject because they know how stubborn Kevin can be.

"OMG! There James he looks so sexy! Why does he have to be so sexy?"

Max and Chris just listen to Kevin ramble on and on about James while they walk over to the group of guy waiting for them. As Max gets closer he can clearly see James looking for somebody. He hears Kevin talking to James but James is not pay him any mind. Kevin doesn't really catch on to James irritation so he just keeps talking and touching him. Jonah one of the trips can see who irritated James is getting so he tries to get the omegas attention but the omega just ignores him. Kai the last trip just walk over to the other two omegas introduce himself then asks where Cody was.

"Hey so do you guys know where, I'm not sure what his name is but he's really short I kind of thought he was a girl when I first seen him!" Chris eyebrows go up in shock because he wasn't expecting anyone to ask about Cody.

"You mean Cody!"

"Yea I think that's his name! I thought he was supposed to be coming with y'all?"

Chris and Max look at each other because they knew something was up. Max just smirks at the beta then says "Yea he's here we brought him! He's still downstairs Kevin made him stay down there until he came back!"

Kai is a little shocked by this, so instead of saying what he really wants to say he just thanks them and walks over to James. Kai lends pass the animated omega to whisper in James ear to tell him what the other two omegas told him. James stands up to walk pass this irritating omega clinging on to him but to his chagrin the omega won't let him go.

"James baby where you going? Don't leave me Alpha!" Kevin says in a annoyingly whiny voice.

James just gives his friends a look and they all know what it means. Distract the omega so I can get way. They all jump into action so he can get away. When he gets free he runs downstairs real quick. When he get down there he doesn't even have to look for Cody because his scent is like a beacon in this sea of hot sweaty bodies.

Meanwhile at the booth, I can feel someone's eyes one me so intensely but I'm to scared to turn around to check who it is. So I try to just ignore it but then I feel a presence sit next to me. I'm so scared that my body start to tremble but then I hear the deepest voice I have ever hear in my life that a pleasant shiver rolls through my body. When my brain finally catches up with my body I hear "Cody sweetheart calm down it's just me!" I look up so fast that I almost spilled the drink I had in my hand all over myself but big strong hands stops my forward motion. When I finally look up into the eyes of Mr. sexy voice, I know not cleaver. The first think I notice is beautiful blue eyes and not just any blue I mean like blue fire ablaze on a stormy night. I got so catch up in he's eyes that I forget to say anything. "Do you like what you see beautiful?" I can feel the blush on my cheeks I don't know what to say I feel like he put me under a spell. He starts to look a little concerned because I know my face probably all red now plus I'm haven't a hard time talking. He probably thinks I'm haven't a stroke but the only thing I can get out is the first think that comes to mind. "Mr. Sexy has pretty eyes!" OMG what? Did I just say that? Why brain why did you betray me? I'm still looking at him I can clearly see the amusement in his beautiful eyes. "Did you call me Mr. Sexy?"

"W..w..what no I said more checks please!" OMG what was that brain that didn't even make sense. I just cover my face because now I'm so embarrassed. Why can't the ground just open up and swallow me whole.

"Cody please don't hide from me! Come on look at me!"

"No I can't!"

"Cody you can!"

It finally dawns on Cody that blue eye knew his name. Wait how does he know my name? I don't even know him, do I? I look up at the alpha again slowly and ask "How do you know my name?"

"Man Cody that hurts we go to the same college and I've introduced myself to you so many time!"

"What! You have!"

"I'm hurt love it's me James!"

"James? Oh wow I've never looked you in the face before!"

"What! Why not?"

"Because you're just so freaking tall and you stand so close to me. When I look up I can only see as far as your chest!"

"What really! I'm sorry I didn't realize!"

"It's ok! It's not your fault I'm short. Anyway why are you down here? Isn't the party upstairs?"

"Yes but I'm wondering why you're down here you were invited to my birthday party too!"

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know Kevin told me to stay down here until he came back!"

That just gave James another reason not to like the omega because he treats Cody so horribly. Cody just allows him to do whatever he wants to him because he thinks he owes his friend some kind of debt.

"Ok Care Bear let's go upstairs!"

"What?" I just stare at him a little shocked.

"What's wrong love?"

I try not to stutter to much "You just called me Care Bear!" nailed it!

"Did I?"

"Yes you did!"

"Is it bad? I won't call you that again! It just slipped out!"

"No it's not! I like it!" I say a little shyly. Why am I acting like this I don't act like this around alphas. Alphas are scary but I'm not scared of him. He's never made me nervous or scared when I'm around him, I just feel safe.

"Ok well that's what I will call you from now on. Ok Care Bear!"

Cody ducks his head to try to hide the smile on his face but James still sees it. He secretly hope that he can be the one person to always make him smile. They get up and start making their way upstairs.