
Love Yourself (BL Omegaverse)

Cody is a short, chubby, cute omega that’s to shy and bashful until he meets the sexy alpha James.

Beautiful_Tea · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Meanwhile upstairs

Kevin is getting irritated with James's friends and he finally just comes out and asked where James was. Caleb tries to think of an excuse to throw him off but he is coming up blank. Max sees how much Caleb is struggling so he answers for him.

"He went downstairs to get something!"

This shocks Kevin to his core because he knows Cody is downstairs and he wants him as far away from James as possible. "What do you mean? What would he go downstairs for? Everything he needs is up here!" Kevin is feeling really nervous now.

Chris just smirks "Well maybe he was looking for something that wasn't up here!"

Right at that moment Cody and James walk up the stairs and Kevin can see them over Max's shoulder walking towards them. Cody still has a slight blush on his face and James is looking real pleased with himself. This just enrages Kevin 'That stupid ass Cody, he can never do anything right' that was what he really wants to say but that would make him look bad so instead he says "Oh there's James now!".

Cody is still in front of James and he can see how much Cody tensed up when he finally looks up. James decides to stare Cody a different direction away from his crazy friend.

"Here Cody sit here and I'll bring you a drink! Ok?"

Cody looks up at him with beautiful amethyst eyes that make his heart skip a beat every time he sees them. That he gets so lost in them he doesn't hear what Cody says.

"James? James? Alpha...?"

When James hears alpha he snaps out of his daze. Usually when he hears someone call him alpha it irritates him but when he hears it come from Cody's sweet luscious lips it give him tantalizing shivers down his spine. That he almost moans out his next words but he catches himself.

"Yes Care Bear?"

This just makes Cody blush again even harder that he stutters a little "D...d...did y..you hear me?"

"Aww no I didn't sweetheart! Can you repeat it for me?"

"Ok! I said ok I'll wait here!"

"Ok I'll be right back!" James reluctantly leaves Cody's side.

Cody sits down and puts his head down because he can see people staring at him now. He starting to have a silent panic attack but then someone plops down next to him. He looks up to see a beautiful omega sitting next to him.

"Hey are you ok? You look like you're about to have a panic attack! Sorry maybe I should introduce myself before I get all up in your business! I'm Alex by the way!"

Cody is a little shell shocked but it brings him out of his panic. "Oh! Nice to meet you Alex I'm Cody!"

"Nice to meet you too Cody!"

"Um...and thank you!"

"For what?"

"For distracting me so I wouldn't have a panic attack!"

"No problem! Us full figured omegas gotta stick together! Right?"

This makes Cody smile because his never met an omega like him. Instantly Cody decides that him and Alex will be best friends. When James is walking over he sees Alex and Cody together laughing so he didn't want to interrupt them so he just sits Cody's drink on the table and walks away.


Brian feels someone put their arm over his shoulder so he looks up to see who it is. It is none other then James, he somewhat doesn't like the fact that he can't smell James scent so he never can tell where he is or if he is approaching him from behind. The only way that can happen is if James was a feline shifter. They are the only shifters that can conceal their scents or he's wearing a concealment charm. He can't just outright ask him because it's considered rude to ask someone that.

James can see the frustration on Brian's face and he thinks it's so cute. 'Wait what? Why would I think that's cute?'. James just brushes it off as not important.

"Brian why when I see you, you always have this look like you want to ask me something?"

"What? I don't!"

"You do! Just ask me already! I won't get offended promise!"

Brian is a little skeptical but he just comes outright and asks him. "What are you?"

"What do you mean?" James knows what he is talking about but he doesn't know why he like to tease Brian all the time.

"Yo stop messing around you know what I'm talking about!"

Brian sees James smirk even though he's trying to hide it. He knows James is messing with him like always.

"But I don't..." but before James can finish Brian says "Cut the shit and answer my damn question!" James still doesn't know why when Brian gets like this it turns him on and it's been like since they met. James pushes Brian up against the wall and pins him there. From the outside looking in it looks like they're about to fight but that is the farthest from the truth. James had moved so fast Brian didn't even register that he moved until he felt he back hit the wall.

"James what the hel...." he couldn't even finish his sentence because when he looks at James, his eyes are glowing a bright emerald green that it stops him mid sentence. Everyone sees this happening but are to afraid to approach them because they know how James temper is.

Sorry for the long wait for the next chapter just been real business in my personal life every time I write any chapters I’ll upload them.

Beautiful_Teacreators' thoughts