

Zhou Chuyu noticed that Yuhong Xun had been exceptionally busy lately. After attending to the meeting in the central government, Yuhong Xun would return to his mansion and engage in closed-door discussions with his advisors. Zhou Chuyu considered eavesdropping but found guards stationed outside the room, making it impossible. Frustrated, he decided to focus on his own tasks of writing the sutra in his room. 

Indeed, Yuhong Xun was busy . After listening to the interrogation of Shen Lijing and others by Wang Qing regarding Nanyue's case, actually, Yuhong Xun had still learned before that his fifth younger brother, Yuhong Zhen, was involved in embezzling a significant amount of money using fraudulent invoicing methods in Nanyue. The funds were funneled into Yuhong Zhen's hands through various means. And the most of these money had been used to bribe officials for his own use, buy people as killers, and secretly throw money at useful officers in the army to consolidate his own power. Now everything had been exposed to the public in the central government. Without choice, unable to turn a blind eye, Yuhong Xun issued orders to investigate and apprehend Yuhong Zhen, initiating discussions with his advisors on how to distance himself from his younger brother and manage Yuhong Zhen's connections and finance left behind.

Wang Qing, acting swiftly, entered Yuhong Zhen's mansion upon receiving the order from Yuhong Xun. However, the search yielded disappointing results. No valuable evidence was found. The mansion's facilities were within the standard for an imperial prince. Now, the key to the case rested on Yuhong Zhen and his advisors. Wang Qing intensified the interrogations, but Yuhong Xun, concerned about excessive scrutiny drawing attention to himself, decided to convince Wang Qing to cease the investigation. Yuhong Xun inquired:

"Sir, how is the investigation into Yuhong Zhen's case progressing?"

"Your Highness, we have obtained some valuable evidences from his advisors, such as bribing officials in the central government. They acted on his orders but the details are unclear. The main culprit, Yuhong Zhen, remains silence, insisting on talking with you."

"It is reasonable for him to want to talk with me. Being his elder brother, it is understandable for me to save him in consideration of brotherly ties. I am in a difficult position. He is my younger brother and I hesitate to take severe action. However, given nature of his deeds, I can't ignore the law. Prime Minister, I lack experience in handling such matters. How should I proceed?"

"Your Highness, this matter isn't yet concluded. The embezzled funds don't have been traced and it is crucial to determine where the majority of the money is. We must continue the investigation."

"If we stop here, what consequences will he face?"

Wang Qing explained:

"Well, If Your Highness decides to halt the investigation, there are two ways to punish him. One is that this case can be handed over to the clan for judgment. The clan's decision depends on the wishes of Your Highness and Lord Dun as Lord Dun currently oversees clan affairs. The other is that it goes to the Ministry of Justice, it will be dealt with according to the law, potentially leading to severe punishments such as execution, exile or hard labor, considering the massive embezzlement involved."

Yuhong Xun said:

"Yes, he has truly disappointed me. I know he has been living a dissolute life outside, indulging in the alcohol and women. Although I sympathize, his actions have tarnished the royal family's reputation. He has embezzled a substantial amount from the treasury, disregarding the welfare of our nation. While I am reluctant, I can't show favoritism. Prime Minister, if it would be agonizing for him to face exile or hard labor, I think he will suffer a lot and have a hard time. It might be better to grant him a quick end, execution, and strip him of his noble status. His family members will be demoted to commoners and expelled from the royal clan. What do you think?"

Wang Qing was surprised by Yuhong Xun's decision to seek Yuhong Zhen's life. Typically, such matters were left to the clan's judgment to maintain the royal family's face, not the Ministry of Justice. The clan's most severe punishment is often a lifetime imprisonment. However, Yuhong Xun's decision was precisely the opposite.Wang Qing thought to himself: The case doesn't have been thoroughly investigated, Ye Yuhong Xun is inclined to push Yuhong Zhen to the brink of death. Considering the uncertain circumstances and rumors that the Emperor has passed away. Sealing the palace is maybe an opportunity sought by Concubine De and Lord Dun to facilitate the Eldest Prince's ascension. So what choices should I make? 

Observing Wang Qing's lack of response, Yuhong Xun pressed on:

"Sir, is my decision in appropriate?"

"Your Highness's sense of justice in executing family members is admirable. We can proceed as you wish."

With that, Yuhong Xun signed the decree for Yuhong Zhen's execution, scheduled in three days. Wang Qing suggested:

"Three days might be too hasty. Shouldn't we review it further?"

Yuhong Xun stated coldly:

"Isn't immediate decapitation to behead immediately? I have already shown leniency." 

Yuhong Guang leaned on the couch and asked:

"How is it? Any results? What is it?"

Yuhong Yang said:

"Decided for immediate execution, three days from now."

Yuhong Guang immediately sat up and Xu Xing, who was writing something under the candle, also looked at Yuhong Yang. Yuhong Guang asked anxiously:

"Does the case have been clear?"

Yuhong Yang shook his head, saying:

"The vast majority of the funds are unaccounted for."

Yuhong Guang slammed the table fiercely, startling Xu Xing who was writing on the table. As Yuhong Guan stood up and walked back and forth, he said:

"Yuhong Xun is so eager to take his younger brother's life, disregarding the nation interests."

Xu Xing, seeing this scene, quickly said:

"Your Majesty, don't angry any more. Please don't walk anymore. I'm getting dizzy."

But he sighed. Yuhong Guang said angrily:

"Wang Qing, you're stupid! I trusted him so much. Why couldn't he thoroughly investigate this case for me? Where did all of the money go? He doesn't want to know. Or probably he took a good share for himself. Truly disappointing."

Yuhong Yang added:

"And now there are rumors outside that Your Majesty has already passed away and the palace sealing is initiated by Concubine De and me, looking for an opportunity for the Eldest Prince to ascend to the throne."

Yuhong Guang looked at Yuhong Yang in disbelief, too angry to speak. He began pacing back and forth again. After a while, he walked to the table, snatched the quill from Xu Xing's hand, took a piece of paper and wrote: Wang Qing must escort Yuhong Zhen to the palace immediately. I want to personally interrogate. Don't delay! 

Then he stamped it with his emergency private seal and handed it to Yuhong Yang, saying:

"Go and do it immediately!"

Xu Xing interjected:

"Your Majesty, hold on! Is this forcing someone behind the scenes to initiate palace upheaval?"

Yuhong Guang said:

"Yes, I want to see how desperate Xun is to ascend to this position." 

Xu Xing advised:

"Then, Your Majesty, are you ready for this? Don't forget, the Eldest Prince and Zhao Wei are still in Jingdu. The two thousand soldiers Zhao Wei brought from Duanzhou are still stationed outside the city. If the city gates are closed, who will lead these soldiers? We have two hundred soldiers in the patrol and five hundred soldiers in the royal troop in the palace, led by Lord Dun. We can trust them. However, what about the rest of the royal troop outside the palace? Can you trust them? How about the garrison in Jingdu? Can you trust them? And what about the officials and the garrison near Jingdu? Can you trust them? We have to prepare all of these in advance."

Yuhong Guang asked:

"What do you suggest then?"

"Why don't we do it this way?"

Xu Xing explained his plan in detail and three persons discussed a lot in a lower voice.

Yuhong Xun was listening to the reports from various departments when suddenly an anxious eunuch rushed in and reported:

"Emergency report from Marshal Zhao in Duanzhou."

Yuhong Xun ordered:

"Summon him immediately."

Shortly after, a fatigued soldier stumbled in knelt down, presenting a dispatch:

"Huichun unexpectedly launched an attack on Liangzhou. Marshal Zhao orders the Eldest Prince and General Zhao Wei to return to the border defenses."

Yuhong Xun immediately became alarmed, exclaiming:

"Wasn't the situation with Huichun already stabilized? How dare they to attack us? Do they want to destroy their tribe? Yes, let the eldest brother and Zhao Wei return to the border defenses at once."

Wang Qing added:

"Mobilize troops from the Ministry of Military to provide reinforcements to the western. The Ministry of Revenue must spare no effort in preparing provisions and the supplies to be sent to the western."

After dispersing, the officials discussed the sudden war situation. Wang Qing walked out with others and he noticed Yuhong Yang standing outside, looking at him with a meaningful smile. Wang Qing approached him and greeted:

"Lord Dun!"

Yuhong Yang said cryptically:

"Wang Qing, you and I need not be so formal. We're old friends. Don't let me disappointed."

Then he handed a piece of paper to Wang Qing. Wang Qing was surprised as he looked at the handwriting on the paper, the handwriting he knew too well and he also recognized the seal. Yuhong Yang said:

"Let's go and the Emperor is waiting for us."

Yuhong Xun, immersed in reviewing reports from various regions, aimed to swiftly assume his role as an emperor who diligently governs and cares for the people. He considered this duty as the most fundamental for a ruler and held himself to this standard since serving as the regent. Now he understood what his mother, Queen Lai, had taught when he was a child. He diligently went through each memorial, ensuring to read and respond on the same day. After drafting his responses, he would hand them to Wang Qing for a final review before distribution to the respective departments. Any disagreements would be discussed collectively and he listened to these discussion very carefully. 

The sudden war situation initially made him feeling somewhat at a loss. He promptly followed Zhao Hai's advice to send the Eldest Prince and Zhao Wei to the border from the capital. Wang Qing's handling of the matter finally gave him clarity on how to manage the situation like this. With the principle: send provisions before mobilizing troops.", he decided to seek guidance from Wang Qing on handling the wartime affairs in the central government. He ordered:

"Eunuch, ask Wang Qing come here, please."

But unexpected, the eunuch didn't find Wang Qing. Later Yuhong Xun was told that Lord Dun and Wang Qing had left together. Resigned to the situation, Yuhong Xun didn't dwell on it. He knew well of the special relationship between Uncle Yang and Wang Qing, understanding that they sometimes shared drinks and conversations.