

After Yuhong Yang said goodbye to Wang Qing, he saw Xie Guansan still standing there respectfully. He smiled and said:

"Relax a bit! Don't be so anxious. I'm not that particular. In the military, I get along with my men casual. So you can be casual too."

"I've heard that Lord Dun is approachable and doesn't have the airs of a noble. It's just a pity that I, as a low-ranking official, don't have the fortune to get close to Lord Dun." 

Yuhong Yang chuckled:

"That's true. We don't work together. What I know is only how to charge into battle, but it is very tired for me to talk with the scholars like you. Actually, sometimes I have no idea what these scholars are talking about. Even you all make fun of me without me knowing, causing me quite a bit of trouble. Unfair!"

Xie Guansan smiled:

"Who dare to laugh at you and give Lord Dun trouble?"

"The one who has just left is one of them. Oh, by the way, when Wang Qing asked you why you were so cautious, why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't know what to say. Our family owes someone a big favor because someone saved our whole family."

"A boy from the Second Prince's mansion."

Xie Guansan was surprised and said:

"How does Lord Dun know this?" Then he knelt down, continued, "Please keep this secret! If others find out, I'm afraid it might destroy this boy. I did not have seen him but my son said that despite his disfigurement, he still looks delicate and even he is younger than my daughter."

Yuhong Yang sighed and said:

"You get up. I know this boy but feel that it is pity for him. Let's not talk about him. Wang Qing mentioned that the amounts on these payment receipts are not significant. Even if they are discovered, the charges won't be too severe. I don't quite understand this and what do you think?"

Xie Guansan explained:

"He is right. To unravel this, we need to meticulously check all the accounts and receipts one by one from the auction in Nanyue. Maybe we can find more evidences. But I don't understand why Minister Qian didn't let me continue the investigation when I discussed it with him earlier. He just brushed it off vaguely. So I suspect he might be involved in this case."

Yuhong Xun replied:

"It's not easy to draw conclusions now. Why do you think this situation occurred? I don't know much about Shen Lijing. Do you think he could make these mistakes like this?"

"From what I know about Shen Lijing, I don't think he could make these mistakes. Actually he's very meticulous and doesn't neglect any details in accounting. Such errors don't fit his style."

"Do you think someone intentionally did this?"

"What do you mean..."

Yuhong Yang said:

"If someone put these receipts deliberately in order to cause discord with the ledger, someone in Jingdu maybe find out this problem and report to the central government that would investigate this case immediately."

"What Lord Dun spoke is reasonable. But who could do this? I do know a few people who were in Nanyue. They are usually very meticulous. As for who, among them, would do such a thing, I'm not sure."

"We will find out the truth. As for you, just stay peacefully in my mansion. No one dares to make any trouble here. If you're bored, play weiqi with me or read the book in my library. You can read any book you like."

"Thank you for your kindness, my lord."

Yuhong Xun quickly learned what evidence Xie Guansan had in his hands, just a few receipts not recorded in the ledger, not a major issue. He had initially thought that it could end there. However, Wang Qing's suggestion made him want to strangle Wang Qing: that is, to have Xie Guansan lead a thorough investigation of all the accounts in Nanyue. Now no one dared to hurt Xie Guansan and even any excessive contact with him would raise suspicions. As for how much Xie Guansan could uncover, it remained uncertain. 

As one wave subsided, another arose. Zhao Wei returned to the capital, claiming privately he came to deliver gifts to his mother because she found her long-lost son. He also stated on his duties that he returned to report the western's affairs on behalf of his father, Zhao Hai. Yuhong Xun had no words to say about this reason and could only sit there attentively, listening to the situation in the western regions and the dealings with Huichun. At the same time, Zhao Wei raised another issue and reported:

"Your Highness, I need to report that the provisions and salaries for our troops don't have sent to Duanzhou yet. Our soldiers are compelled to cultivate some crops on their own. However, the predominantly sandy terrain in the western region, it is extremely challenging to grow anything. Our soldiers are experiencing hunger, but they continue to steadfastly protect our country."

Yuhong Xun asked:

"Qian Dayou, what's the wrong?"

Qian Dayou answered nervously and hastily:

"Your Highness, there have been floods in southern regions in recent months. We not only face a shortage of grain but also need to provide relief to these affected areas. The delay in sending grain and salaries to the military in the western is due to the treasury being in short supply."

Zhao Wei exclaimed angrily:

"The treasury being in short supply? I'm afraid all of your officials have embezzled it all, haven't you? Bring them all in."

Soon, Wang Qing saw all the officials from Nanyue being brought in, along with a soldier carrying a cloth bag. After the soldier opened it and left, everyone saw that it contained ledgers and receipts. 

Zhao Wei continued:

"Someone fled to our military camp, claiming there were irregularities in the auction in Nanyue. They said Shen Lijing has two sets of ledgers, one for Jingdu and another one for an unknown person. This person also brought a large number of ledgers and receipts. Although we are only the garrison, the Grand Marshal has the authority to detain illegal officials in the western regions and Nanyue. So, we detained all the officials from Nanyue and now are handing them over to you, esteemed officials."

After finishing his words, Zhao Wei handed a letter to Wang Qing. After reading it, Wang Qing saw that it was written by Zhao Hai, detailing the ins and outs of the matter. Actually Wang Qing had known some about this affair but he didn't have yet submitted a memorial to the Emperor. Now Zhao Hai had brought it up, making him somewhat uncomfortable. However, he also knew that he could no longer conceal the matter and had to handle it openly. Wang Qing had to say:

"General Zhao, you and your men have worked hard. I promise you that we will thoroughly investigate this matter. Regardless of who is implicated, we will not tolerate it. We have also discovered this matter here and will investigate it together. Your Highness, do you have anything to say?"

Yuhong Xun spoke calmly:

"Prime Minister, You're right. This matter must not be overlooked. Embezzling the treasury funds is an outrageous act. I hereby entrust the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Justice with full authority to handle this."

Since acknowledging his kinship, Nie Huanzhang had moved to Princess Yun's mansion. In addition to regularly climbing the cliff to have a date with Zhou Chuyu on the first and fifteenth of every month, he engaged in swordplay with Zhao Yan. Princess Yun was pleased with their harmonious interaction. However, upon seeing that Nie Huanzhang was already in his twenties, she couldn't help but think about his marriage. After they finished sparring, she handed them towels and said:

"Huanzhang, you're already 23 years old. Zhao Wei, who is younger than you, already has a son. Do you have considered marriage? While I understand that marriage is typically arranged by parents, I don't have been a responsible mother, not raising you by my side. So I dare not make decisions for you. Regardless, I'd like to hear your thoughts so I can assist you."

Upon hearing this, Nie Huanzhang's heart sank and said:

"Mom, please don't do anything for me. I don't intend to consider this."

Princess Yun and Zhao Yan were surprised. Princess Yun, puzzled, said:

"What nonsense are you talking about? Leaving aside the saying that a man should marry and a woman should wed, don't you want to continue the family line and carry on the ancestral legacy?"

"Do you know why I came to Jingdu? Why do I have stayed here for so long time? And why did I come here for that pendant?" Looking at their puzzled expressions, Nie Huanzhang continued, "For a person."

Zhao Yan remarked:

"But I have never seen you go out to meet any girls."

"No, not a girl. It's a boy and all of you have met him. It's the boy of the Second Prince's."

Princess Yun abruptly stood up, exclaiming:

"Why are you being so wayward? Learning from others to like a toy-boy and even giving up on your marriage for him. Moreover, that boy, are you planning to compete with the Second Prince for him? You're truly disappointed me."

Nie Huanzhang chuckled:

"Toy-boy! Yes, what you know him is just a toy-boy, but do you know what he was like before? which kind of the person he was before? Look at him now and consider what he has been through. What are his aspirations? You actually know nothing about him, only that he's a toy-boy."

This left Princess Yun speechless. After a moment of silence, Zhao Yan said:

"Eldest brother, would you be willing to tell us more about him? From your words, it seems you've known him for a long time."

"He was ruined by that asshole."

Then Nie Huanzhang revealed everything about his relationship with Zhou Chuyu, recounting their experiences, Zhou Chuyu's talent, his studying, his suffering and abuse, all while shedding tears. When he finished, Princess Yun was speechless and Zhao Yan's eyes were filled with tears, and after a long while, Nie Huanzhang continued to say:

"I can't abandon him, no, I don't want to abandon him because I love him. But now I can't do anything but accompany him on first and fifteenth of every month, giving him a brief joyful moment, his own moment. He is only sixteen, younger than Yan but he has already destroyed."

Zhao Yan said:

"I never expected Yuhong Xun to be like this. He seems amiable and affectionate with everyone but who would have thought he could do things like this. Of course I have never liked him."

Princess Yun asked:

"Can his poisoning be cured?"

"I don't know. His elder brother is currently living in the mansion of the Eldest Prince's, searching for an antidote."

Princess Yun inquired again:

"Let him live here and we can help him if he needs some herbs. Are there other things we can do for him?"

"Thank you! The only one thing I can do for him is to find out his parents. But till now there is no information. No one know where they are, except of that asshole."

At this moment a maid came to report:

"The General is here."