

In Zhengyang Palace where Concubine De lived, Concubine De, with a concerned expression, was personally brewing medicine for the Emperor, Yuhong Guang, who lay on the couch looking pale and weak. Lord Dun, Yuhong Yang, sat casually at the bedside, engaging in a casual conversation with his elder brother. Glancing at Yuhong Guang, he remarked:

"Xuan comes back."

Yuhong Guang called out to Concubine De:

"Did you hear it? Your beloved son comes back."

Concubine De chuckled:

"Well, he shouldn't have come back, but if he heard you are sick seriously, I can understand his eagerness to return. It's natural for a son to worry about you and if he didn't come back, you might say he doesn't care about you. If he comes back, you might think he's neglecting his duties."

Yuhong Guang said:

"I'm afraid he will just cause trouble if he comes back. He has capable people around him, doesn't he?"

Yuhong Yang explained:

"Your Majesty, don't say that. They are on the border, unaware of the intricacies of the central government. Moreover, with the pretext of the Emperor's health, you've sealed the palace this time. It makes everyone suspicious. Even Wang Qing is puzzled."

Yuhong Guang declared:

"Now in the palace, various factions are vying for power. We need to eliminate these influences within the palace first."

"Then, Your Majesty has chosen the wrong person by bringing me into the palace. You know I have the ability to fight on the battlefield, not to uncover those who want to kill you within the palace. It is impossible for me to identify the poisoner even if you give me ten brains"

Yuhong Guang explained:

"But right now I don't have many people I can trust. If I died, at least those sons of mine might listen to you. Others may not be able to control them. In my current state, I can't do anything so I find you to be my helper."

Yuhong Yang continued:

"Xu Xing is on his way to Jingdu because of your secret order. As soon as he arrives in Jingdu, I will bring him into the palace secretly. Having him by your side is the most suitable for purging the palace factions."

After finishing the medicine, Yuhong Guang watched Concubine De leaves the room, leaving two brothers alone. Yuhong Guang spoke:

"Come, let us discuss which one among my sons is fit to inherit the throne."

"My brother, please help me! Those are all my nephews. Being their uncle, I can't talk more about who is good or bad among them. Maintaining silence on this matter is the wisest course of action for me right now."

Yuhong Guang insisted:

"Please! Let's just chat casually. It's just you and me here. Whatever we say won't be spread outside. Stop being so reserved and just tell me."

Yuhong Yang sighed, casting a glance at his elder brother, and said:

"We can only talk casually, not take it seriously. Among your children, the eldest one is a good one, proficient in both civil and military affairs. He volunteered to serve on the border for so many years, dedicated and conscientious. Not to mention, he actively resolved the crisis on the border, including the auction house in Nanyue Kingdom. As far as I know, he and his subordinates have also managed to sow discord among the clans in Huichun Tribe, thwarting Zakkel's ambitions and eliminating the threat to our Yuhong Dynasty. However, he has a flaw that he is unwilling to get involved in the central government. His voluntary service on the border indicates a lack of interest in the throne but it doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't care about who takes that position." 

Yuhong Guang sighed and added:

"I'm aware of that. The hostess of this palace has no desire to become a dowager. If I died, I reckon she'd be the first to move to Xuan's mansion. Not only the eldest son but also two of my girls wouldn't want to stay in this palace. Princess Jun has followed her husband to live in Longshan Province. Although Princess Yi is still young, her behavior doesn't look like a princess at all. Now she spends more times playing mischievously with Fei. I suspect she won't stay in the capital in the future. However, that's assuming no one threatens their lives by then."

Yuhong Yang nodded and continued to say:

"The Second Prince had been educated since childhood by Queen Lai, who taught him as if he were the crown prince. He indeed acquired a lot of knowledge befitting someone in a high position. However, due to Queen Lai's limited perspective, he also received some negative guidance. The Second Prince often appears to be unwell, rarely participating in the affairs in the central government and not engaging in politics. However, he's adept at socializing, maintaining good relationships with many ministers. In this regency, I've heard he's not ashamed to seek advice, actively participating in the affairs of various ministries, personally overseeing everything in an orderly manner, a commendable performance."

"Did he intervene in the Concubine Xian's poisoning incident?"

"I'm not sure. In the past the matter like this, perhaps, was handled by the Fifth Prince but this time the Second Prince talked with Dr. Du secretly. I suspect he's investigating the cause of Queen Lai's death."

"Did he find out some evidence?"

Yuhong Yang smiled and said:

"It seems like he has some insights. You knew more about Concubine Xian's poisoning so you immediately took action against the person who brought the wrong medicine. You didn't want a thorough investigation because your findings might lead to conflict among the princes. But when it came to Queen Lai's death, the Second Prince wanted to uncover the truth. So, Dr. Du didn't do anything wrong regarding Concubine Xian's poisoning. However, he was so fearful of the situation that he had to resign from his position and leave Jingdu because of Queen Lai's death."

"Give Dr. Du some compensation. He is taking the blame for me. Continues."

"The Fourth Prince is competent and has performed well in the Ministry of Works. He has leveraged his status to secure many benefits for the ministry. He has completed several projects beneficial to the people. In my opinion the Fourth Prince is capable. He holds high prestige in the Ministry of Works and has some influence among the people. Besides the Ministry of Revenue, where relationship between these two ministries isn't good due to his frequent pressures, he has good relationships with other ministries. Moreover, he actively helped the Ministry of Military improve some engineering tools for the military, earning their gratitude."

Yuhong Guang continued asking:

"Is he relentless in the matter of Concubine Xian's poisoning?"

"Yes, he also consulted with Dr. Du, believing that the incident of using the wrong medicine for his mother isn't simple. He is currently conducting a secret investigation and I don't think he will let it go easily."

"Let him continue the investigation. Perhaps it's related to my poisoning. Help him investigate it outside the palace and we will investigate it inside."

"As for the Fifth prince and the Seventh Prince, ...."

Yuhong Guang interrupted:

"Forget about Zhen and Fei is still young, kind-hearted and weak. He admires all of his elder brothers a lot. However, recently, I've noticed that he's been studying quite hard. It seems Yi's influences on him isn't insignificant. Sometimes, her teasing actually fuels his competitive spirit. Recently, Concubine Shu and Concubine De have also been getting closer. I'm somewhat reassured."

After saying this, Yuhong Guang pulled out an imperial decree from under the mattress and handed it to Yuhong Yang, saying:

"Take a look, I have always designated my successor. "

Yuhong Yang opened it and smiled, saying:

"As I expected. It looks like someone will be disappointed. Oh, there is another thing that the Second Prince is inviting all of the princes and his cousins for the party in his mansion on the second day of New Year."

"Doesn't invite the Seventh? If Fei were invited, he would have been shouting about it and the entire palace would know."

"I guess they're afraid even if the Seventh Prince is invited, he won't be able to leave."

"Well, it is best for him to stay in the palace. You should teach him some kong fu. Don't let him turn out like Zhen, indulging in food, drink and women without learning anything."

"Your Majesty, don't speak ill of the Fifth Prince. You don't manage him and he's not what you describe. It's all a facade. Actually he has his friends in every ministry and the Fourth Prince has people watching those in his ministry who have good relations with the Fifth every day." 

"How is our brother, the Sixth, now?"

"He is still the same. It's been almost twenty years and his children are well-behaved, doing their duties sincerely."

"Do they have any connection with Zhen?"

"There has been some interaction. Perhaps without the Fifth Prince's knowledge, he doesn't have taken them seriously."

"Does the sixth brother have told his children the truth?"

"I don't think that it is the sixth brother who dared to tell them but it might be some of the older ones who suspected the matter."

"If they continue to contact with Zhen, give them a warning. If they continue to do their jobs diligently, treat them fairly. After all, they don't have done anything wrong, Their father's scandal shouldn't affect their future."

"I thank you on behalf of these children, Your Majesty."

"How do you think Xun will handle the truth if he discovers something about the Zhen? Take a guess."

"It is hard to guess. The Second Prince is unpredictable and he doesn't have had much contact with me."

"He is good at pretending. Xuan knew this when he was a child. He got beaten many times for not being considerate of Xun. Their relationship has been strained since then." 

"So the Second Prince has to know that the key to deciding who will inherit the throne lies with the Eldest Prince, who still holds considerable military power. Everyone knows the Eldest Prince has no interest in the throne. If the Second Prince wants to ascend, he must establish a good relationship with the Eldest Prince."

"I wonder whether they are aware of their respective positions and understand their situations. Xuan is unlikely to give up military power for the sake of his mother, sisters and his family. In addition, his wife is pregnant now."