

As Nie Huanzhang listened to Yuhong Xuan talking about his siblings, he couldn't help but think of the Zhou siblings. Honestly, he had no his own family, but since he got to know Zhou Chuyu, he gradually began to consider the Zhou siblings as his siblings. Except for Zhou Chuqin, they were all younger than him. Besides limited interaction with Zhou Zheng and Zhou Xiang because they were are girls, he was quite familiar with the rest of the Zhou brothers. His dealings with Zhou Chuqin mainly revolved around business and Zhou Chuqi enjoyed hearing him talk about the outside world, including customs and cultures. As for Zhou Chuyu, he was his baby who belonged to him, Nie Huanzhang. Now that Zhou Chuyu was in trouble, Nie Huanzhang felt an obligation to rescue him. He had decided that once he rescued Zhou Chuyu, he would never leave him. This was his decisions. Thinking about this, he felt a pang of sadness, and tears welled up in his eyes. 

Yu Weiwei patted his shoulder and said:

"Don't be too sad. His Highness will help you this time in Jingdu but I must be upfront with you. The situation in the central government is very complicated. The relationship among the princes are intricate and everything is interconnected. Sometimes the minor events can have a significant impact on the overall situation and relationship. His Highness has spent most of his time in Liangzhou, with limited connections in the central government. He will adapt to the evolving situation and act accordingly. Additionally, I don't want to hide anything from you. The Emperor suddenly fell ill, closed the palace and handed over the regency to the Second Prince. Now the Second Prince wields great power and anything can happen. If he wants to do something, no one can stop him even His Highness may not have complete control. There is only one, the Emperor, can stop him. If there are unforeseen circumstances happened and Zhou Chuyu can't be rescued immediately, please don't blame His Highness. I just want to tell you that His Highness will do his best, but don't question him if things don't go as planned."

"I see. If it were any other official, it could be easy for His Highness to use his status to pressure them. But now it is the Second Prince, his own younger brother, who holds the power. If something goes wrong and considering the current circumstances...."

Nie Huanzhang couldn't continue his words, but Yu Weiwei chimed in with another piece of information:

"Moreover, the two brothers are not on good terms. Queen Lai had been holding a grudge for not giving birth to the legitimate eldest son, letting Concubine De take advantage of this. Over the years, she has oppressed Concubine De and His Highness, Fortunately, Concubine De doesn't bother to contend, neither striving for the emperor's favor nor fighting for the power, but she maintains a stable position in the palace and her weight in the Emperor's heart can't be underestimated. For the Emperor, Concubine De is not only the first woman but also his lover. This is another reason for Queen Lai to hate Concubine De and His Highness. These two reasons block two princes to be the closer brothers. So the relationship between two princes isn't as good as what the people thinks."

This was not what Nie Huanzhang knew. He could only nod in agreement, feeling helpless. 

They arrives in Jingdu before New Year and were staying in the mansion of Yuhong Xuan's. His wife, carrying a large belly, came out to welcome Yuhong Xuan back to the bedroom, saying:

"I don't expect you to return before I give birth to a child. To tell you the truth I regret coming back to Jingdu early. I'm a bit afraid of living in Jingdu without you by my side."

Yuhong Xuan replied:

"How could I let you suffer in Liangzhou? There is nothing convenient there compared to the capital. If something happens while you're giving birth, I'm afraid there won't be professional doctor and midwives to help you there. In Jingdu, I think my mother has arranged everything well for you. It isn't necessary for me to worry about you."

"You're right. As soon as mom saw me return, she knew what was going on and arranged everything thoughtfully. It made me feel a bit embarrassed."

Yuhong Xuan smiled and said:

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Don't forget this is our first child and her first grandchild."

"I feel useless. As you're the eldest prince of the Emperor, I don't have given birth to the first grandson of the Emperor."

Yuhong Xuan said:

"Don't bother with that. It's enough as long as we have a good life. By the way, what is the situation in the capital now? Does my teacher arrive in Jingdu?"

"No, he hasn't come here."

"He takes the carriage so it isn't strange that he is later than us. "

"After the metropolitan examination, His Majesty suddenly experienced discomfort in his health. Immediately he sealed the palace, canceled the final imperial examination and urgently summoned Lord Dun, Yuhong Yang, into the palace. Soon after, there was an imperial edict appointing the Second Prince as the regent, with Prime Minister Wang Qing assisting in governance. Honestly, the whole central government was shocked at that time. After all, the Second Prince, due to his health, had never taken official duties in the central government. On the other hand, the Fourth Prince had achieved notable results. He was familiar with national affairs and held considerable prestige among both the officials and the people. The people were discussing it extensively at the time but since the imperial edict had been issued, there was nothing more to be said. Fortunately, the Second Prince is humble and courteous, respectful to Wang Qing politely. He is diligent in seeking advice. So far, there haven't been any major issues."

"But how would His Majesty experience health issues suddenly?"

"It is quite strange. First of all, it was Concubine Xian who wasn't feel well, but nothing serious, just a minor ailment. The Imperial physician, Dr. Du and his student, went to the palace to treat her. Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, she started vomiting and having diarrhea. Her whole body became swollen and red. Fortunately, timely rescue efforts prevented any life-threatening danger. Subsequently, His Majesty gave an order to arrest Dr. Du, his student and everyone involved in preparing the medicine. The matter was investigated thoroughly. Dr. Du and his student were not at fault. It turned out that the person responsible for preparing the medicine mistakenly added licorice, a major taboo for Concubine Xian. Consequently, the person in charge of preparing the medicine was executed. However, when I discussed this matter with the wife of the Fourth Prince's, it seemed that the Fourth Prince didn't think it was so simple but they couldn't find any evidence to prove that someone wanted to kill his mother. Less than four months, His Majesty suddenly fainted, spitting blood and then the palace was sealed immediately. Now no one knows our father's current condition. There is no information coming out of the palace but various rumors have been circulated privately. Some say His Majesty was poisoned, some say it is due to excessive fatigue or compounded by age. Others connect Concubine Xian's incident to our father's health. There are all sorts of speculations. But mom secretly passed a message to me, advising me to speak less, not inquire too much and focus on maintaining my health at home. So I haven't dare to move around much. However, Aunt Yun comes over often to keep me company, fearing that I might feel lonely."

Yuhong Xuan continued asking:

"Is there anything strange happened in Jingdu?"

"Well, there is a boy who is the favorite of the Second Prince. It is said that this boy seems pretty arrogant and always puts on airs. I heard that he got into a conflict with the son of Xie Guansan's, an assistant minister, at a restaurant and got beaten up. The Second Prince insisted on harshly punishing Xie Guansan. Thankfully, with everyone pleading, Xie Guansan was demoted and sent to a small town."

Upon hearing this, Yuhong Xuan asked his wife in a hurry:

"Do you know what the name of this boy is?"

"I don't know his name but I just know this boy is quite religious. Every first and fifteenth day of the month, he goes to Yuhuang Temple in the Yushan Mountain to pray for Ping'an Fu and offer a personally written "Diamond Sutra" to the temple. Now many people in Jingdu ask for his "Diamond Sutra". Oh, I also has one of his writing. It is really nice, in the beautiful font. Let me take it and show you."

After saying that, she took out a copy of the "Diamond Sutra" from a box. On the first page was written " Please pray for security for those who travel far away. Thanks!". Yuhong Xuan held the "Diamond Sutra", looking at the beautiful font and the inscription on the first page. Though he couldn't be completely certain it was Zhou Chuyu or not, it was highly likely. He heard some story about Nie Huanzhang and Zhou Chuyu. This book was Zhou Chuyu's deep and affectionate love for Nie Huanzhang. Yuhong Xuan sighed and murmured: 

"What A truly pitiful boy! What a dedicated lover!"

His wife was taken aback, asking in confusion:

"Do you know this boy?"

"I'm not completely sure whether he is the boy who I have met before. If he is, it is a great pity. Don't mention this matter to anyone. I'll tell you more later."

"No problem. There is one more thing. Due to Father's health, the palace doesn't have arranged a family party for New Year. However, on the second day of New Year, the Second Prince is hosting a party in his mansion for all the princes and cousins. Do you want to go?"

"He knows I've returned. Of course I will go there. If you don't want to follow me, you can stay home. It wouldn't be appropriate for me not to go but I can manage alone."

"You're so kind to me, knowing I don't enjoy that occasion."

With that, the woman happily served Yuhong Xuan to rest.