
Chapter 51 I'm Dead!

Emily felt flustered after hearing this. She lowered her head and tugged at her lips without uttering a word.

"To answer your question - yes, but that was seven years ago," Kyle said and looked as if he was digging up old memories. "He might be young and energetic, but he's no playboy. Don't forget that he carries the Bell name in high regard," he said casually.

She clenched her fists tightly and her expression stiffened. "Well, where is she now?" she forced herself to ask.

If she was in town, then she definitely would've met up with him in the past two years.

"She's dead!" he answered aloofly, as if he didn't care about the matter at hand. "Seven years ago, the orphanage she stayed in got set on fire. Ronald saw with his own eyes the moment when her lifeless corpse was carried out from the building. Since then, he never mentioned the woman ever again," he explained.