
Chapter 17 Save Me!

In the conference room of the J & F Group building,

Ronald was seated at the end of a table, and was listening to an internal report presented by a senior executive when his phone screen suddenly lit up. He couldn't help but look.

His eyes narrowed upon seeing Emily's name.

He thought of powering down his phone, but he remembered that she rarely called, especially not during his working hours. So it must be important.

Although they had a spat yesterday, he still picked up the phone.

Before he could speak, a soft, trembling voice of a woman called out to him,

"Ronald, please... Save me... Hurry..."

Before she could finish, the line went dead.

A look of concern flashed across his face. Everyone in the meeting room saw his expression change from one that was apathetic to one that was gloomy. He glanced over at Kian who was sitting beside him, then got up without saying a word, leaving everyone hanging.