

Sophie and Kate walked into the restaurant with a bunch of other Colleagues. They had just clocked out of work and Sophie tagged along with them to eat before following Kate home.

"Bang taste restaurant." Actually one of the biggest restaurants in the city, not many people came here as the regular customers were highly influential people, ordinary people would only dream of it, the dishes here were just too expensive.

Sophie had protested about the idea of coming here but Kate just shoveled her objections down the drain and dragged her along, saying she would pay for whatever she ate.

Sophie finally followed, she believed Kate, and her parents were doing well, after all, so it wouldn't be a problem for her to spend a few thousand dollars every now and then, she even worked all because she wanted to stay close to Sophie.

Unlike her childhood friend, Sophie regarded anything about five hundred dollars to be expensive, she had just too many things to take care of and as a reserved person, she wasn't into the idea of spending more than needed.

The workers in the restaurant led the Crew to a multi-table seat setting, their attitude was quite polite as they always smiled at Sophie and her colleague, maybe they wanted to get tips?

After settling down, the waiter passed each of them a menu. Sophie also got one and ran her eyes through all the dishes, she was in awe!!

So many exclusive dishes, she didn't know what to pick, and to make things worse, the cheapest she could see was already above her five hundred dollar budget.

She gulped her saliva and turned her eyes over to Kate, her eyes were saying 'are you sure about this?'

Kate giggled when she saw Sophie's troubled expression, Sophie looked quite cute with those wandering eyes.

"Don't think much about it, your big sister is fully loaded, i'm gonna spoil you today" Kate said boastfully, lightly patting her huge chest.

Sophie rolled her eyes at this,' What big sister? You are just a few months older than me she thought inwardly.

Turning her attention back to the menu, she finally picked.

She picked the name she felt would be more considerate, although Kate said she would pay, leaching wasn't really her thing, so she picked the offal dish, worth one thousand dollars.

They didn't need to wait long before their orders were delivered and the party started to dig in.

Sophie planted her fork on what looked like a square-shaped meat and bread dun. She hadn't eaten this before so she didn't know how to describe it, she just named it based on what was before her eyes.

She placed the piece inside her mouth and in the next instance, the sweet taste and aromatic flavor burst all over her tongue, almost making her fall into a daze. Mehn, this is damn delicious!

Sophie took her time to savor the taste of the offal, she didn't want to rush it, rushing such a tasteful dish would be a crime and a grave sin, taking her time, she chewed with great enthusiasm.

The rest of the group started to chat about random matters, from work-related stuff, sports, news, pets, clothes, and even affairs.

Some of the male workers even started pressing on Sophie, asking if she had broken up with her boyfriend yet. They all wanted a chance.

This turn of events made all the rest of the female members of the group feel dejected and jealous, except Kate though, who laughed proudly and told them her Sophie was too good for them.

Sophie was greatly displeased when this matter was brought up but Kate stuffed a mouthful of offal into her mouth, making her cover her sadness with the sweetness of the food.

They spent quite some time in the restaurant and by the time they stepped out, it was already past 8 in the evening. The whole street outside was lit up with street lights and many people were moving about everywhere,

Night in the city was quite more active than daytime, people who were back from work were hanging out with each other, young couple's on dates and even students could be seen outside, it almost looked like they were preparing for a carnival.

Food vendors were busy with customers, game centers and computer rooms were filled up, the entrance to the cinema was as full as every other night, and even the park wasn't spared.

Sophie and Kate walked slowly along the busy street as Kate kept spouting words non-stop, they were heading to Kate's place, Sophie had agreed to spend the night over so she could calm herself, she was planning on how to convince Felix not to break up with her.

They came across many vendors who called out to them, trying to entice them with their goods. Some lone wolves also tried approaching Sophie, her beauty was just too hard to ignore, her red hair was like a brain magnet that made men's hearts stiffen whenever the wind made it flutter behind her and women looked over in jealousy.

As for those lone wolves who approached Sophie.

Kate quietly dealt with them without causing too much commotion, she saw them as mud-dirtied creatures trying to stain her pure Sophie.

Sophie could only sigh in her heart, she somehow pitied her friend's future children, they would most likely stay single for the rest of their lives.

Still, on their way to Kate's place, Sophie was dragged by her extrovert friend into different ice cream shops and quick snacks shops.

Sophie now realized that Kate was really serious about wanting to spoil her, Sophie puffed her cheek and ran away from Kate as the latter chased after her, she was even carrying a bunch of skewers as she Chased after Sophie with full speed.

"Are you trying to murder me?" Sophie shouted towards Kate who was behind her as she kept running, too scared to stop, her stomach was already at its limit.

"Stop running, just eat these, and I won't buy more, I promise" Kate shouted back.

" Promise?"

" In your dreams, come, I will feed you till you turn Chubby"

" Ahhh, somebody save me!!'

The two friends raced through the busy street, making people turn and laugh whenever they passed.