

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" A lady's voice startled Sophie, almost making her jump up from her seat.

She pouted and glared at the guest when she realized it was her childhood friend and colleague.

Kate. They had been friends for as long as she could remember and also graduated together, with Felix also.

Kate had always been a spirited person that always liked to chat a lot.

She was wearing a black skirt with an orange-colored neck cover sweater, she tied her black hair into a bum and left a part of it to fall down the side of her face.

She was beautiful, although not as beautiful as Sophie but still passable, she had a voluptuous body that the clothes could barely contain everything.

"Could you not just appear all of a sudden like that?? You almost gave me a heart attack" Sophie rolled her eyes at Kate, sounding annoyed.

"Huh?, Don't give me that look, you were the one who was dazing in daytime anyways" Kate pouted and folded her arms over her huge chest.

Sophie's eyes twitched at the site of this, she almost subconsciously looked at her own chest but was able to stop herself, this friend of hers was a sure joy killer.

Kate didn't know about Sophie's thoughts and just sat comfortably on the seat opposite Sophie "So what's up, why do you look like you just got dumped by your boyfriend" Kate joked as she placed her chin on her Palm, staring at Sophie's face.

Sophie's face suddenly contorted as Kate's words hit a very sour spot in her heart, she didn't speak and just looked away from Kate.

Kate seemed to realize something and her eyes widened, she leaned forward and grabbed Sophie's hand, this action caused Sophie to look at her "Talk at me, did that jerk break up with you?" she asked, becoming serious.

Sophie hesitated for a few moments, unsure of what response to give, she knew that her friend didn't like Felix right from the start and was even against her being with him.

Kate became even angrier when Sophie hesitated to answer.

"Don't even think of covering for him, if I find out myself, you better not think of what I would do to him" Kate said, looking right into Sophie's eyes.

Sophie really fell to her threat and weakly nodded, she couldn't bring herself to speak a word, afraid of bursting into tears.

Kate let go of her hands and slammed her Palm on the desk, startling Sophie again.

"That ungrateful jerk, he dared to break my Sophie's heart, he doesn't know the treasure he just missed, humph. He better pray that I don't catch him" Kate said through gritted teeth, one could imagine her torturing Felix just by looking at her expression.

Sophie couldn't hold herself back anymore and burst into tears after hearing her childhood friend's words, Kate quickly went to her and hugged her, gently stroking Sophie's hair to calm her down.

Sophie cried her heart out in her friend's embrace, she cried for almost half an hour before stopping, Kate didn't let go all this while and just kept rubbing her hair.

Sophie didn't try to pry away either, Kate had always been like a big sister to her since she could remember, even when they were just kids, Kate had always stood up for her in every matter she got herself involved in, she already acknowledged Kate as her best friend, the only time she went against her was because of him, Felix.

Kate had strongly advised her to not accept his proposal but Sophie had kept a stubborn head, now she was regretting not listening to her sister.

"Don't cry too much, okay? Maybe he realized you were too good for him and he isn't worthy of your love, so he left, nevertheless, I would still beat him up when I see him, alright? " Kate comfortable Sophie, while wiping tears off the laters face.

Sophie could only nod in response as she felt her throat dry and she was unable to speak.

"So how about we go have lunch together after work, you can also sleep over at my place if you want" Kate proposed, she held Sophie's chin and raised her small face to look at her black beautiful eyes.

"Ok" was all Sophie could muster in response, she searched one of the drawers and took out a bottle of water, she forced the cover off and poured the contents down her throat.

Kate watched her friend quench her taste. She went back to her seat and probed her chin with the back of her hands and said softly.

"Do Mom and Grandma know about this?"

Sophie almost choked on the water in her throat, she coughed as she gasped for air, she looked at Kate with watery eyes.

"Ohh? so they don't know" Kate raised her thick eyebrows and stared intently at Sophie.

Sophie dropped her head and clenched her skirt with her wet hands.

Kate took out her phone and started typing something "How abou..."

"No, please, don't tell them" Sophie cut her off before she could even complete her words.

Kate's eyebrows formed into a frown "And why shouldn't I?"

"They will get too worried about me, I don't want to give them any stress, they care too much for me already, hearing this would trouble them, I don't want that" Sophie hurriedly explained and snatched away Kate's phone.

Actually, she didn't need to give such a long speech as even Kate knew about this more than anyone else, she knew how much Sophie's mom and grandma cared about Sophie, even more than Sophie herself.

Sophie only had her mom and grandma left, her Grandpa died while she was a kid and she had few memories of him, her father also mysteriously went missing when she was fifteen.

Since then, she only had her mom and grandma to look out for her, of course, there was also Kate and her parents, they still care for her as they considered her as their own daughter, Kate's mom even doted on her.

Kate sighed and didn't try to take her phone back from Sophie, she wasn't angry about it, just confused.

"I know they would be worried, but what can you do about it? They know you have a boyfriend and are even expecting you guys to get married sooner or later, how do you plan to explain when they find out eventually? "

Sophie thought of something and quickly answered" They don't know Felix that much, even though we had been in a relationship for so long, I can find another boyfriend before they discover it, just help me cover up, please? " Sophie stared at Kate with puppy eyes that could melt even a frozen heart.

"Silly girl, stop bribing me, I'm a good citizen, you know?" Kate pouted and looked away, indirectly agreeing to cover up for Sophie.

How could she not? She couldn't bear to hold her ground when her Sophie looked at her with those eyes of a sad kitten.

Sophie couldn't help but giggle softly when she saw Kate's reaction, truthfully, everyone close to her spoiled her too much, except Felix, he used to but not anymore.