
A New Beginning

The air conditioner rattled above him before blasting a jet of cool air into his face. He frowned and grumbled about the damaged air conditioner with annoyance. This damned air conditioner had done the same action since he sat down on his sit after boarding the bus.

With winter coming to a swift end and spring just right in the corner, the weather still seemed to be rather cold. Averly would have changed seats, but looking over to the number of people in the bus he thought otherwise. He was never good at interacting with others.

He rather sit and freeze his butt to death than go through all the trouble of changing his seat.

The teen rubbed his bare hands together and brought them close to his mouth, letting out a wisp of warm breath over them to make his numb fingers more comfortable. He clenched and relaxed his hands several times, trying to get his circulation back to his fingertips. Satisfied with the result, he turned to look at the window and watched as the world go by.

Usually Averly would walk or use his bike instead of riding the bus. Considering the lack of high schools in his area. Averly had no choice but to choose a school a bit far from home. With his mothers' endless urging to find a new school, he even had made a list.

It's not that he dreaded going to school where no one else knew him but they weren't exactly rich. Seiphon High School had not been in his list of selected high schools, and it being not popular, it never crossed his mind. It was only because his mother suggested it did he know the name.

Surprisingly this school is the one he'll attend until the end. Several factors added up why Averly chose this as his reputation. Averly had never been the goody two shoes type of student but because of that, a majority of schools had rejected his admission.

And sum up the condensation of his mothers opinion of him going somewhere no one from his middle school would ever recognize him.

Though the school was a bit hesitant to admit a student with his kind of reputation. The chances of having him admitted would largely affect them, but they couldn't just ignore the fact of Avery having excellent academic grades. It could get their name recognized, so they made the gamble of having him admitted.

The bus jerked to an abrupt halt which took the teen by surprise. The sudden stop caused his head to collide with the seat in front of him. Averly let out a curse while rubbing his forehead which seemed to already form a red mark when he glanced at his reflection.

His baby blue colored eyes stared back at him, having a pale complexion, with a defined jawline paired with a pointed chin. Shoulder length jet black hair that brushed against the collar of his jacket, his bangs almost blocking his line of sight. Yet the sharp contrast in color made his eyes stand out.

A face belonging to a soft and moderately lean male who had his hand on his forehead. The front of his uniform unzipped to chest level, revealing his white undershirt beneath.

His entire persona practically screamed 'delinquent' and the irony was he really wasn't.

Several seats back behind him, two high school girls giggling with one another as they happened to witness his little mishap. One even dared to point at his direction.

He turned his head to look at their direction, as he happened to hear their soft laughter, and seeing the girl pointing at him made him give her a hard stare. The girl who had the decency to not point at him took note of the look he sent them.

She visibly stiffened, before shaking her friends arm, whispering into her ear. The other girl sent a questioning look at her seatmate and allowed to other to whisper into her ear. She clamped her mouth, as she sent a fearful at Averly, the silly smile on her face gone.

When the bus finally stopped at its designated

destination, the young male took no time to get off. The whispers were drowned by the loud hiss of the doors locking behind him.

Rounding a corner, Averly quickly spotted the front gates of Seiphon High, Averly let out a sigh on relief and with a renewed vigour, he quickened his pace, wanting to be out of the cold.

Some the students, lingered the gate as Averly passed then by as he noted that they were older students. A student standing closest to him managed to catch his attention.

He thought he looked familiar, caught in his thoughts, he bumped into the said student.

"Sorry," he immediately apologized.

Averly didn't even get to hear what the student said, before he ran away, he felt the hairs of the back of his neck stood on its ends. And a familiar feeling of someone staring at his retreating figure.