
Love me anyway, ok ?

Clark didn't expect to be a wizard "Is magic real ? Is that a joke ?" after all, a giant dude with an umbrella and a letter doesn't prove much "....are you trying to abduct me and sell my organs?" he was even on the verge of refusing to join this so-called school of magic, but after seeing the giant use his umbrella to set his stepmother's hair on fire, filled with fear and curiosity, he resigned himself without asking for more... a moment later, an accident at ollivenders awakens something in him, while he was holding his first wand... ( wont be harem or anything like that, he might have a crush on bellatrix tho ) --- ( about the title, if you have any suggestions go ahead, I took this one just to be able to put the abbreviation LMAO ) Sadly i don't own harry potter or anything related, i just own clark and stuff like this it's a try so comments are ok i guess, not like i would read them ( ok maybe i would ) joke aside let a comment i need advise on it oh i almost forgot thanks for loosing ur time reading me ^^

wisemonde · Book&Literature
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34 Chs

Second year for a mudblood - Manipulated revenge

Arriving in the great hall, opening the door he put Hermione's lifeless body on the Gryffindor table in front of the students who had discreetly followed him...reminiscing about their first meeting...their night in the library getting closer...the first time they held hands...their first kiss...tears rolled down his cheek...reminding him of his missing scar...he took a knife and scored his face growling through the pain "I will never forget you Hermione..." giving her one last look filled with love and rage he whispered " now I will avenge you...or die trying..."

Listening to clark Dumbledore seemed to understand something and said "Young Clark I-" Clark stopped him "killing my mother wasn't enough..." the students' reaction made Dumbledore frown who wondered how Clark could know such a thing...but before he could ask the young man continued "You also had to take Hermione..." raising his wand without giving Dumbledore a chance to answer he yelled "diffendo" a void blade coming out of his wand , strangely strong this one extended to the whole of the great hall, leaving its mark in the walls until Dumbledore who countered the curse with a wave of his wand... but to his surprise the curse reappeared slashing him right hip and across the rest of the great hall...destroying the back wall...spitting out a mouthful of blood that had risen in his throat Dumbledore again tried to reason with Clark "Wait...I didn't kill Hermione" But he didn't seem to hear him he pulled out a red book and yelled "You'll soon regret your actions old fool ! " black smoke came out of the red book and took the form of a multitude of acromentula...throwing itself all at Dumbledore who lost patience and launched an infernal fire with his wand melting acromentula after acromentula...after a long time the acromentula stopped appearing...he sighed relieved and wanted to say to Clark something but the smoke reappeared...summoning even more acromentula...he launched his fire again...feeling his bond with Fawkes lessened he screamed "What are you doing to Fawkes ? Don't do anything you might regret Clark !" Clark let out a hateful laugh and then said quietly "Me ? Nothing...my servants though...they're going to taste their first phoenix steak..."

Wringing his hand Clark threw a bombarda at Dumbledore so busy with the acromentulae that he didn't see it coming and was thrown to the broken wall by his diffendo earlier...the fire stopped the acromentulae slowly encircling the pained Dumbledore to get up...he then said "I'm sorry for your mother Clark...but I didn't kill Hermione...believe me..." the teachers and the aurors arrived yelling at him to surrender , to stop, Clark then replied looking at them with hatred " he killed my mother...then he killed Hermione...so I'm going to kill him...either you're with him or you're dead...but nobody have the right to stand between me and justice for Hermione..." he raised the red book wheel revealing more acromentulae and a metallic Hungarian horntail dragon that led the attack on the aurors and teachers...he even heard Harry between two cries begging him to stop...that there had to be another explanation...joined by Leonard, Mark, Millicent and Cassius who wanted to send his phoenix to help Dumbledore but it turned green and fell to the ground...writhing in pain...Clark then said, looking at him with a hatred so strong that he felt his heart tighten "consider yourself lucky not to die for this".

Clark then ordered his acromentulae to attack Dumbledore, throwing a diffendo from time to time to create more cut on the frail body of the old man...feeling the hate reaching a certain point the gift manifested itself, tempting Clark to use the gift of hunger...but Clark managed to ignore it...at the cost of increasingly sharp diffendo and the blood of Dumbledore who was spreading all around him...he then launched what seemed to be a bombarda maxima and threw the acromentulas in the air before launching an expelliarmus on Clark which let his black dust come out of him...that engulfed the acromentulae around Clark to multiply and pounced on Dumbledore who tried as many spells as possible to repel the dust but nothing seemed to be able to stop it...it slowly shredded Dumbledore's legs...ripping his legs off...then ripping his arm and brought his wand back to Clark as if to offer him...feeling the surge of power similar to Parasite's wand Clark wondered and looked at the Elder Wand...feeling a red dust Clark turned around and could see the professor Tooth in front of him...feeling his belly pierced by metal around his arm...Clark seemed to regain possession of his mind and understood...Tooth then said "beautiful army...you would have defeated me like that...too bad you're so influenced by your emotions...the real me chose badly..." Clark barely had time to send his dust squeezing Dumbledore's throat and blasting the remains of dust in his body to try to take the Parasite clone with him...not having time to check the result he put away the red book and used the little dust still under his control to hide Parasite's wand and Dumbledore's in a ruined wall...next to one of the rats under PK's rule, who seemed to understand the signal and left with the wands...Tooth screaming in pain but still got the energy to yell at Clark "you feel it ? huh little shit ? Your magic disappearing ! ahahaha...for weeks I've been poisoning you slowly...the last dose should allow the creation of the scientists to deprive you of your magic..." Clark indeed felt his control over his magic diminishing rapidly...the gift taking precedence over everything else...he resolved himself and used the gift on Tooth...

Tooth understanding Clark's madness wanted to run away but the pain slowed him down, just enough for Clark to touch him...the gift consuming a huge part of Tooth who disappeared sacrificing the rest of his physical body... thus saving a tiny part of his soul already atrophied by Parasite last year...Clark felt the gift disappear taking with him his wounds...but also his energy...forcing himself to remain conscious he slowly walked towards Dumbledore who no longer moved...he spat on his body...picking up a stone...and shattered the skull of the old wizard adored by all...

The professors seeing the scene believed in Tooth's and Dumbledore's deaths...they became even more frantic in their fight against the rapidly diminishing acromentulae without reinforcements, the dragon being the real problem...he seemed able to throw metal spikes that devoured the body of wizards hit by it...the aurors were almost decimated...Dolores Umbridge even lost her right arm...the dementors for some reason refused to attack Clark or any of his creatures...well, until he lost his magic...after this tragic twist they surrounded him...finding themselves strangely unable to devour his soul...only able to cause him the pain of a dementor's kiss... a hundred dementors in a row therefore caused him the pain of their kiss...at a moment during this scene of torture that no one but Snape stopped...the dragon fled...bringing with him the corpse of Hermione as if Clark had given it one last command despite his predicament...shortly after the dragon's escape Clark felt himself aging at an alarming rate...the pain inflicted by the dementors not matching that of Parasite's memories that Clark experienced...he could hold on until Snape saved him...he could notice the professor's broken gaze...finally understanding how he felt seeing Potter he lost consciousness one last time saying in a voice that seemed reach only Snape "Thank you professor...".

Snape approached the aging Clark...looking at Macgonagall and Flitwick...they seemed to understand each other...took Clark's still warm body...a sign of the life he had left in him...condemning him...they knew...he was condemned to a life worse than death...Snape then wanted to tell Harry and Clark's friends something but was preceded by a suffering but hateful Dolores "you won't see him again...he will be judged by the Wizengamot...that damned mudblood...".

Meanwhile Tooth felt his soul approaching its end...decided to threw himself on the young Weasley reeking of green magic...sensing a soul already present he used the gift to take over...feeling the links with the horcruxes created by this soul he saw there opportunity to heal...leaving Ron unconscious red smoke moving through the sky...heading for Voldemort...mixing with him...making a foul mix obsessed with a prophecy, the Harry's death and Clark's...while Clark was transported by aurors to the Ministry of Magic, and Harry mourned his friend Hermione and his mentor Dumbledore...whose crimes were forgotten...turning Clark into a crazed Death Eater fan...who wanted to avenge his lord...

In Dumbledore's office, Snape could be seen saying to the void "another broken love...I'll have to go on alone...It costs so much to protect your son...Lily...he's got your eyes... " a tear ran down his face...he then left...

Dumbledore's death marks a turning point, I hope this sequel will make you hate and love some of the choices already made and those that follow ^^

If it helps, Bellatrix should appear soon.

Thanks reading me ^^

wisemondecreators' thoughts