
Love Me Again, Mr CEO

One month before the wedding, Yi Han was supposed to celebrate Zhou Yang's birthday, however never did she expected to be betrayed by her fiance just before getting married. Yi Han wanted to gather evidence of his infidelity and call off the wedding. --- Feng Yan, CEO of Feng Capital Group, a leading investment company in China meets Yi Han under situations he never expected. Third time's the charm. Mr CEO seems to be intrigued and captivated by both her charm and brains.

glitze · Urban
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8 Chs

The Hex Bar

"Ahhh Yi Han! Why are you so clumsy! You fell onto another guy!" Shan Qi squealed as she tried to hold Yi Han but ended up letting go of her as Yi Han fell forward onto the man.

A pair of steady strong sturdy arms extended out to reach for her, naturally supporting Yi Han's body weight.

It's Feng Yan. His toned physique supported Yi Han's arms and shoulders, preventing her from falling on her knees. He looked at Yi Han in her drunken state with rosy cheeks and her dreamy eyes. She was the woman that he passed by earlier in the bar, the one that caught his attention.

"Oops...sorry..hehe...you're so handsome..hehe.." Yi Han giggled as she pointed towards Feng Yan's glasses.

"Oh Yi Han..look at this handsome man! He can be your charming knight! so much better than that cheating fiance Zhou Yang! Do you think our Yi Han is pretty? She's pretty right? She's my prettiest best friend!" Shan Qi was still squealing like a child, who also lost her balance and fell backwards, TianYou, Feng Yan's friend who was speaking to Feng Yan outside the bar earlier, held her arms firmly without hesitation.

"You these girls drank a little too much huh?" TianYou remarked as he helped Shan Qi to regain her balance, like a gentleman would do.

"What is too much?! Nothing is too much compared to my poor Yi Han got cheated by her fiance, she's such a poor thing right?" Shan Qi changed her tone and pouted as if she's about to cry.

Shan Qi's eyes met with TianYou whom she thought looked cute, like a lost puppy. "Oh hello another handsome man, i'm Shan Qi. You must be the lost puppy i'm looking for.." Shan Qi chuckles as she touches TianYou's face, tickling his chin.

"Puppy??" TianYou questioned with a bewildered look.

These 2 drunk women making a fool out of themselves without even knowing. It looks like they wouldn't be able to get home on their own. "Where do you girls live? let me order a car to send you back" TianYou asked, while still holding onto ShanQi's arms.

"We live here! No one is going home tonight! We must drink until we're happy again!" Yi Han blabbered happily.

At that moment, Feng Yan's car arrived outside the bar, Chen-xi who alighted from the car looked confused with 2 drunk ladies around Feng Yan and TianYou. It was an unusual sight to see, Feng Yan allowing a lady near him. He then walk towards them and realized Yi Han was the lady who passed out the other day. "Sir, she..." Chen-xi's words got cut off by Feng Yan even before he could say anything.

"Send these ladies to the Continental Hotel, Manager Lei will know what to do." Feng Yan instructed Chen-xi. Chenxi nodded and helped the ladies into the car.

"What an unlucky girl, to be cheated on by her husband to be. Sometimes life is just so unpredictable...Let's head back in, since you need to wait for Chen-xi to be back" TianYou shakes his head as tucked his hands by the waist, as if trouble is gone.

"Oh, I hope you are paying for their stay at the hotel too. I'm running a business you know..haha" TianYou joked as both of them made their way back in.

"Don't worry about that, you little lost puppy." Feng Yan teased back, mimicking what Shan Qi said earlier.

30 minutes passed, and Feng Yan received a text message from Ms Lei, The Continental hotel manager.

"Mr Feng, i have met the ladies and brought them to the room to rest, if there are any requests please feel free to let me know. - Lei Huan The Continental Hotel Manager"

Feng Yan replied with only 2-words. "Good, Thanks."


10am, The Continental Hotel

Yi Han was startled by her ringing phone, it was Zhou Yang. She was annoyed upon seeing his name on the screen and decided to toss her phone aside, ignoring his call.

This unfamiliar place took her by surprise. She jumped out of bed after noticing it wasn't her room or Shan Qi's place.

"I'm so dead! What have we done?? Shan Qi wake up! Where is this?" Yi Han looked at her clothes, noticed she was in her undergarments. She was in shock not knowing what happened last night.

Shan Qi struggled to open her eyes with her head still throbbing from the alcohol last night. "Relax...It's a hotel..I remember a lady brought us up last night.." Shan Qi yawned, as if it was a normal night.

"We...we didn't do anything wrong right? We didn't sleep with any guy right?" Yi Han sounded worried, afraid she might have done something that she will regret later.

"No of course not! It's only both of us. Since we are already here, let's have a good breakfast before leaving! This is a luxury 5 star hotel afterall! " Shan Qi suggested, stretching her arms in bed. Yi Han breathed a sigh of relief hearing that.

After breakfast, both of them proceeded to the hotel concierge to checkout, but only to be notified that the room last night was already paid for. "Ms Lei informed us that someone had already paid for the room last night." the concierge staff said.

"It should probably be the 2 handsome guys outside Hex Bar last night! So generous of them to pay for a 5-star luxury hotel! Hope I can meet them again!" Shan Qi continued.

After checking out the hotel, Zhou Yang was frantically calling Yi Han on her phone. She frowned, seeing his name popped up on her phone, she reluctantly picked up the call.


Zhou Yang: Yi Han, are you alright? I haven't heard from you since last night.

Yi Han: Sorry, I had a little too much and slept over at Shan Qi's place last night.

Zhou Yang: I was worried about you. Should I come over to pick you up?

Yi Han: It's fine, i'm already on my way home.

Zhou Yang: Then i'll see you later, alright? I missed you.

Yi Han: Mm..see you later.


"Yi Han, are you really going to continue this act until your wedding day?" Shan Qi wasn't pleased about the current situation. She worries that Yi Han might suffer further.

"Don't worry about me, I know what to do.." Yi Han reassured her, putting up her strong front.

Later that day, Yi Han arrived at Zhou Yang's apartment to discuss the wedding arrangements. She continued to plan the wedding, table arrangement and guest list with Zhou Yang.

Usually Yi Han would be filled with enthusiasm when it comes to wedding planning, but today her expression was sombre and dull. Her mind was full of thoughts, questions and anger but she couldn't get any clarity from him.

Seeing her expression, Zhou Yang was concerned. "Yi Han? You look pale. Too tired?" he touches her forehead, thinking she might have gotten a fever. "No, I'm just a little hungover, can you drive me home? I still have an early meeting tomorrow morning." Yi Han replied. "Don't you want to stay over tonight? I can take care of you." Zhou Yang suggests as he strokes her forehead. Yi Han shuns away from his hands slightly. "I think not tonight...i still have some important documents at home for a meeting tomorrow." Yi Han rejected, while Zhou Yang face darkened, but agreed to send her home.

After sending Yi Han back to her apartment, Zhou Yang drove to Lan Xin's apartment, he was annoyed that Yi Han refuses to sleep at his place even when they are getting married soon. He felt as if she was not sincerely treating him as her husband.

With his anger suppressed, he vowed to himself he will make Yi Han surrender herself completely to him once they are married.

Pardon my grammar mistakes as i haven't got the time to proof read.

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