
Richard's punishment

"Please, Richard?"

[Scarlet POV]

I swear his eyes literally grew larger and sparklier.

[Paris POV]

"Do it... for me?"

[Richard POV]

"W-well... if you put it that way..."

[Paris POV]


[Richard POV]

"...fine I'll do it."

[Paris POV]

"Oh, I'm so grateful!"

"I promise I'll never forget this, Richard."

[Richard POV]

"Y-yeah, whatever. I'll, uh, go clean the damned thing now..."

[Scarlet POV]

As Richard left the room, grumbling, I turned to Paris with my mouth still open.

And started clapping slowly.

Paris just bowed deeply at me, like he was a prince at a ball.

"That... was certainly one way to take care of that scumbag."

[Paris POV]

"Scumbag? I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."

"Richard is the nicest person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting."

[Scarlet POV]

I couldn't help but burst out into giggles at that.

"If Richard is nice, then you must be the worst person I've ever met."

I have no thought.


Ryan_Abarracreators' thoughts