

"Err, phone? Oh, you mean this? I, uh, this-"

[Scarlet POV]

"That's mine, actually."

I have no idea how I managed to blurt that out without stuttering.

[Paris POV]


[Scarlet POV]

His lips parted to form a perfect surprised "O". A very... kissable... "O"...

[Paris POV]

"Would you mind if I borrowed it,


[Scarlet POV]

"Of course!"

With a smile, Paris leaned over and plucked my phone out of Richard's hand.

He stared at my bae's smiling face for a moment before swiping out to the home screen.

[Paris POV]

"What a handsome guy!"

"You sure have good taste, Scarlet."

[Scarlet POV]

My mouth hung open in shock as I watched him "call" a friend.

From my angle, it was clear that he was... adding his number to my contact list?!


[Paris POV]

"Hello? Yeah. Yeah. Nah, nothing much. Haha. Yeah. Mmhmm. Okay, bye!"

"All right. I'm done. Thanks for lending your phone to me, Scarlet."

[Scarlet POV]

He placed the phone back in my hand, his fingers brushing against mine for a brief moment.

"Y... you're welcome?"

I could barely choke out the words.

(He gave me his phone number?! But- What- Why?! Huh?!)

[Paris POV]

"Oh, and Richard? Could I ask you a huge, huge favour?"

"The student council and I were supposed to clean the auditorium today..."

"But as a President, I plan to call a meeting about a very important matter."

"It's about dealing with the issue of bullying and ostracism in our school."

"I'm sure you understand how very important it is."

[Richard POV]

"Oh! oh yeah, totally! Bullies are the worst!"

[Scarlet POV]


[Paris POV]

"I'm glad you understand, Richard. it would really, really help me out if you could do it for us."

[Richard POV]

"But... the auditorium's huge... Even if I start now, I'll be here until midnight..."

[Paris POV]

"Please, Richard?"

i had this 1 a bit long cuz why not, i jave many many free time!

i promise i would publish 3 chapter tommorow.


Ryan_Abarracreators' thoughts