
Love Killer: A Passion That Kills

Hellen is an enigmatic woman, admired for her intelligence, cunning and irresistible charm. But behind this seductive appearance, she hides a dark secret that few know about. Meanwhile, a dedicated investigator is undercover at her university, trying to uncover Hellen's secrets and her connection to the criminal underworld. As the investigator gets closer to Hellen, he begins to feel more and more attracted to her. However, he knows that she is a dangerous and ruthless person, capable of eliminating her enemies without mercy. He finds himself in an internal conflict between following the law and surrendering to his feelings for Hellen, which could put his life at risk. In this electrifying plot full of twists, readers will be taken on an exciting journey full of mysteries. They will wonder if the investigator will be able to resist the temptation to give in to his feelings for Hellen, or if he will end up falling into his deadly trap.

Yasmin_Mesquita · Urban
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10 Chs

The dangerous game of seduction and investigation

Luis was in his apartment, sitting in his favorite armchair, with a cigarette between his fingers and a notepad on his lap. He wrote down all the information he had acquired from Hellen about the case they were investigating together. The rain was falling slowly outside, and the sound of the drops hitting the window created a soft, relaxing soundtrack.

He couldn't deny that Hellen had messed with him. Her beauty and her sassy manner attracted him in a way he didn't want to admit. But he knew he couldn't let these feelings get in the way of his work as a detective.

He focused back on his notes and mentally went over all the details of the case. It was a dangerous game of seduction and investigation, and he needed to be prepared for any eventuality.

Luis knew that, from that moment on, his life would be a mix of emotions and adrenaline. He was determined to discover the truth, even if it led him down dark and dangerous paths.

Luis hears footsteps outside his apartment and sees that a letter was thrown under the door. He quickly gets up from the armchair and walks towards the apartment door. He picks up the letter from the floor and examines it carefully before opening it. The envelope is simple and does not have a return address.

With shaking hands, Luis unfolds the paper and begins to read the content of the letter. His eyes pop out of the words printed on the paper as he reads carefully:

"Dear Detective Luis, if you are looking for answers, you need to follow the money. Go to the Black Diamond nightclub and look for a woman named Sabrina. She has the answers you are looking for. But be careful, she is cunning and dangerous."

Luis feels a shiver run down his spine as he reads the letter. He knows that the case he is working on is dangerous and that the message he has just received only increases his concern. But at the same time, he feels a strong urge to follow instructions and find Sabrina.

He throws the letter away and starts getting ready to leave. Wearing a leather jacket, he walks down the building's stairs and gets into his car, driving towards the Black Diamond nightclub.

Heading towards the nightclub, Luis sees James going to the same nightclub and decides not to be identified by him, and watches him from afar to find out what he is doing there. Luis keeps watching James from afar, trying to find out what his objective was in the night. nightclub. He hides behind a car parked nearby and carefully watches the officer's movements.

He sees James entering the club without being bothered by security, as if he was already a known regular. Luis is intrigued by this and decides to discreetly follow the police officer.

He enters the club a few minutes after James and tries not to attract attention, blending into the crowd and getting closer and closer to the police officer. Meanwhile, he tries to hear any conversations or get any clues as to what James was doing there.

However, Luis notices that James was increasingly drunk and starting to get involved with some women in the club. James gets involved in a fight inside the club, causing a huge commotion and drawing everyone's attention. During the confusion, he mentions Sabrina's name, which catches Luis's attention, who begins to observe him more closely.

Soon after, Sabrina appears and kicks James out of the club, making it clear that she no longer wants to see him there. She tells him that she must forget everything and move on with her life.

After the confusion, Sabrina goes on stage and begins to perform her number, singing and dancing sensually. Luis goes unnoticed by the security guards and reaches Sabrina, waiting for her to finish her presentation before approaching her. As soon as the song ends, Luis approaches and asks if she has a moment to talk. Sabrina agrees and takes him to a more private area of the club.

She looks at him with a provocative look and questions how a handsome investigator like that wanted to talk to her. Luis starts asking questions about Hellen, Jung-Seo, Dylan and Francis, but Sabrina seems hesitant to answer.

Luis runs away from Sabrina's flirtations and asks what she knows about Dylan and Jung-Seo's disappearance. Sabrina hesitates for a moment, but ends up revealing that Hellen is her younger sister, "the straight, cute and brilliant Hellen", she says in a sarcastic and acidic way. Luis is visibly surprised and starts asking more questions about Hellen and the missing people.

Sabrina looks suspiciously at Luis, but ends up telling him that Dylan and Jung-Seo used to go to the club and were friends of Hellen. She also mentions that Francis, a rich and influential client, used to shamelessly hit on Hellen and Dylan and often asked them out. Sabrina suspects that Francis may be involved in Dylan and Jung-Seo's disappearance, but she isn't sure.

Luis thanks him for the information and promises to keep Sabrina's identity a secret. Still shocked by the discovery that Hellen is Sabrina's sister.

Before leaving, Sabrina gives Luis a provocative look and says:

 "Do you really think you can just come here to my club and get information and leave like that?" Luis feels uncomfortable with the situation, but tries to maintain his composure and responds that he was just investigating the disappearance of people close to Hellen.

Sabrina doesn't seem to fully believe him, but doesn't press the issue. Luis is visibly uncomfortable with Sabrina's words and tries to maintain his composure as he responds:

Luis: "I didn't come here to cause trouble, I'm just looking for information. I know you're smart enough to understand that."

Sabrina approaches him, provocative and suggestive:

Sabrina: "Ah, but I like men who cause trouble, they're more fun. And you seem really fun."

Luis moves back a little, trying to keep the distance between them:

Luis: "I'm not the type of man to play games, Sabrina. I'm here on a serious mission and I'm not going to let anything distract me."

Sabrina smiles mischievously:

Sabrina: "Ah, but distraction can be really good sometimes, Luis. Maybe I can help you with your mission. But you have to play along with me first."

Luis feels the tension between them increasing and decides it's time to get out of there:

Luis: "Sorry, Sabrina, but I think I have to go now. Thanks for the information and maybe we can talk again another time."

Sabrina: Ah, dear detective, before you leave, maybe you should talk to my security guards. I'm not close to my sister, but I have to keep my word.

Luis: And what does that mean?

Sabrina: It means that if you want more information, you have to follow the house rules. And who knows, maybe I can give you a little special help.

Luis: I'm not interested in your "special little help". I just want to know what happened to Dylan and Jung-Seo.

Sabrina: So serious and determined. I like that. But you know, sometimes a little fun can go a long way, release the pressure. Who knows if he wouldn't allow himself a moment of pleasure?

Luis: That has nothing to do with what I'm asking.

Sabrina: Oh, but that has everything to do with it. Things get much more interesting when you let your mind have some fun. Who knows if you might find the answer to your questions while having a little fun with me?

Luis: I don't have time for these games. I need to find these missing people.

Sabrina: Oh, what a shame. I'm disappointed that we can't play together.

Luis tries to reason with Sabrina about the need to leave the club, but she calls her security guards to intervene, Luis tries to dodge the blows from Sabrina's security guards, but they are trained and agile. He manages to land a few punches and kicks, but is soon surrounded by three of them.

One of the security guards grabs him from behind, while another punches him in the stomach. Luis feels the pain taking him and tries to fight back, but in vain. He is quickly overpowered and thrown to the ground.

Sabrina approaches and looks at him with disdain. "You're just a half-assed detective, you shouldn't have gotten involved where you shouldn't have", she says while giving an ironic laugh.

Luis, still lying on the ground, tries to get up, but the pain stops him. He looks up and sees Sabrina, who was watching the entire fight with a smile on her face. With a thin voice, he asks the last question:

"So, is Hellen really involved in the family business?"

Sabrina laughs and sarcastically responds, "Oh, honey, you have no idea what you're talking about. But maybe you'll find out when you wake up in the basement of my club."

She gives one last laugh and walks away, leaving Luis unconscious on the floor.

The security guards drag him to a dark basement and lock him there. Luis tries to get up, but he is dizzy and injured. He realizes that his investigations have led him to a dead end and that he is now in the hands of his enemies.

Luis is trapped in the nightclub's basement, unable to escape. While there, he hears the song "Laughing on the Outside" by Bernadette Carroll playing in the club and it brings up a feeling of nostalgia and sadness. The song seems to fit perfectly with his current situation, trapped and powerless. He closes his eyes and tries to find some comfort in the music.

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James the wolf in sheep's clothing

James was standing outside Black Diamond after being kicked out by Sabrina. He knew he was a favorite customer at the club, but his last visit had ended badly.

After they had made love, James had started talking about his wife and how she didn't take good care of him. Sabrina asked if he didn't want to separate and stay with her, together they would build an empire. James refused, saying it was absurd and that, as a police officer, he could never take on a woman of the night as his companion.

Now, James regretted saying that to Sabrina. He knew she was a powerful and intelligent woman, and perhaps he could have built something incredible alongside her. But instead, he had chosen to be trapped in an unhappy marriage.

James: Sabrina, I need to talk to you.

Sabrina: What is it, James? Some problem?

James: It's not exactly a problem, but I have to be honest with you. I am married.

Sabrina: (laughs) I already knew that, honey. I'm not naive.

James: But I'm not happy in my marriage. My wife is neglectful, she doesn't take care of herself and I feel like she doesn't care about me.

Sabrina: Then why don't you separate from her and stay with me? We can build an empire together.

James: Sabrina, you know I'm a cop. I could never take on a woman of the night as my companion.

Sabrina: (sighs) Always with that story, James. You know I'm not just a woman of the night. I own one of the most famous nightclubs in the city, I have power and influence.

James: I know that, Sabrina, but unfortunately things aren't as simple as you might think. I have a career to maintain, an image to preserve.

Sabrina: (looking into James' eyes) You need to decide what's most important to you, James. Your career or your happiness. I can give you everything you need.

James: (thoughtfully) I need some time to think, Sabrina. I can't decide that now.

Sabrina: Okay, James. But know that I am here waiting for you. I will always be.

James: (smiling) Thanks, Sabrina. You have always been a great friend.

Sabrina: (smiling back) Friends don't sleep together, James.

James is clearly bothered by Sabrina's "friends don't sleep together" comment. He replied in an irritated tone, "That's none of your business, Sabrina. We both know we're not just friends."

Sabrina responds with a smirk, "Of course, James. And I'm just an innocent girl working in a nightclub."

James gets out of bed and starts to get dressed, "Don't start with that sarcastic attitude of yours. You know I have a wife, and I can't keep doing this to her."

Sabrina stands up and approaches him, "Oh, please, James. You know your wife isn't enough for you. She would never understand you like I do."

James walks away, "It doesn't matter, Sabrina. I can't keep cheating on my wife with you."

Sabrina grabs his arm: "You can't leave me like this, James. We both have something special, and you know it."

James glares at her, "I have nothing to do with you, Sabrina. This is over now."

Sabrina laughs sarcastically, "Of course, James. Go ahead and pretend nothing happened between us. But you know you'll always have a special place in my heart."

James storms out of the room, leaving Sabrina alone with his provocative words.

That night, after being kicked out of Black Diamond, James came home to find his wife sleeping. He approached the bed, watching her with disdain. She looked so weak, so vulnerable. Without warning, he jumped on top of her, grabbing her by the hair and dragging her off the bed. The wife tried to resist, but was unable to fight James' strength. He pushed her against the wall, pressing her so violently that she could barely breathe. James then forced her to have sex with him, so brutally that she ended up crying all night. The next morning when James woke up, he expected to find breakfast on the table. But to his surprise, there was nothing there. His wife was sitting in a corner, shaking and crying silently. It was in that moment that he realized how far she had gone, how monstrous she had become.

James arrives at the police station and is called into Paul's office. He enters and sits in one of the chairs in front of the deputy's desk.

"What can I do for you, Paul?" James asks, trying to remain calm.

"James, I need you to explain this whole thing with Sabrina and Black Diamond to me. I know you're one of her clients, and there are rumors that you're involved in some questionable things," Paul says seriously.

James takes a deep breath and begins to explain his relationship with Sabrina and what he knows about her business. He says that she is a high-class pimp and that she has connections with some criminals in the city.

"But I can't prove anything, Paul. I'm not a corrupt cop. I don't get involved in illegal business. I'm a married man with principles," says James, trying to justify himself.

"I hope that's true, James. But I'll give you some advice: keep your distance from Sabrina and Black Diamond. They're not people you want on your side", replies Paul, with a serious look.

James agrees and leaves the office, feeling that his conversations with Sabrina could have serious consequences for him in the future.

With so many secrets, lies and intrigues, what else does this little town hide? What will become of Luis, trapped in the basement of Sabrina's nightclub? And what will Paul's reaction be when he discovers the dark truths about James? Don't miss the next episode of "Love Killer: A Passion to Kill", the series that will keep you hooked from beginning to end and leave you asking for more! Share with your friends and follow this engaging plot!