
Love Killer: A Passion That Kills

Hellen is an enigmatic woman, admired for her intelligence, cunning and irresistible charm. But behind this seductive appearance, she hides a dark secret that few know about. Meanwhile, a dedicated investigator is undercover at her university, trying to uncover Hellen's secrets and her connection to the criminal underworld. As the investigator gets closer to Hellen, he begins to feel more and more attracted to her. However, he knows that she is a dangerous and ruthless person, capable of eliminating her enemies without mercy. He finds himself in an internal conflict between following the law and surrendering to his feelings for Hellen, which could put his life at risk. In this electrifying plot full of twists, readers will be taken on an exciting journey full of mysteries. They will wonder if the investigator will be able to resist the temptation to give in to his feelings for Hellen, or if he will end up falling into his deadly trap.

Yasmin_Mesquita · Urban
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10 Chs

Dark secrets

James, the corrupt cop, was sitting at his desk at the local police department when he received an unexpected phone call from Hellen. He was surprised, since he didn't have any kind of relationship with her. Hellen then proposed a job to James: follow a person and extract some information in exchange for a good amount of money. He accepted immediately, knowing he needed money to pay off his debts to the local mafia. James was curious about who the person to be followed was, but Hellen didn't reveal many details. She asked James to meet with her in person to receive detailed job instructions.

James arrives at the cafe and finds Hellen sitting at a table with a tall, strong henchman next to her. She smiles seductively and greets James with a nod.

Hellen: James, I'm glad you came. I was waiting for you.

James: What do you want from me, Hellen?

Hellen: I need you to follow someone for me. And if you can pry out some information, I'll pay you a generous extra.

James: And who would that person be?

Hellen: A psychology student. He's at the same college as me. I have certain feelings for him and I don't want to hurt him, but I need to know some things.

James: And why don't you just approach him and ask?

Hellen: Oh, James, don't expect it to be that easy. He is very reserved and suspicious. But I know you can get what I want.

James: Alright, Helen. But I need to know more about him. What's his name?

Helen: Luis. Louis Gordon. He's a pretty interesting guy, you'll see.

James becomes visibly uncomfortable upon hearing Luis' name. He ponders for a moment before responding to Hellen.

Ames: Hellen, you have to understand that I am a police officer. If I do something illegal, I could lose my badge and my career. And if I betray my boss, I could end up dead.

Hellen: (smiling) Oh, James, I know you're a cop. But that doesn't mean you can't do some things outside of the book. I know you have contacts in the local mafia, and I'm sure you can find some useful information for me.

James: (thoughtfully) I don't know, Hellen. I don't want to get involved in anything that could get me in trouble.

James: (staring at Hellen) Luis? Psychology student?

Helen: Yes, James. He seems like a good kid, but I'm worried about him. He is very intense sometimes.

Hellen offers James a large amount of money and drugs, as well as an open passport for the legs of Sabrina, Hellen's sister and James's lover.

James is hesitant. He knows it's unethical to betray a fellow detective, but the temptation of money and sexual favors is great. He looks at Hellen and responds:

James: Look, Hellen, I'm not comfortable with this situation. I have a reputation to uphold and I don't want to do anything that could get me in trouble.

Hellen responds with a seductive look:

Hellen: James, you are a strong and intelligent man. I'm sure you can handle it. And as for Sabrina... you know I can make your life a lot more interesting.

James is silent, thinking about Hellen's tempting offer. He knows he's in a difficult position, but the proposal is too good to ignore. Finally, he gives in:

James: Alright, Helen. I will do this. But you have to promise me that you won't get me into any serious trouble.

Hellen smiles, knowing he got what she wanted.

Helen: Of course, James. I promise. And you won't regret it.

Upon leaving the cafe, James feels satisfied with the amount of money he will receive from Hellen, but at the same time uncomfortable with the situation he finds himself in. As he walks down the street, his mind is filled with thoughts and doubts about what just happened.

He can't stop thinking about Sabrina, his lover. How would she react if she knew he was involved in a situation like this? James knew that Sabrina was a strong and independent woman, but he still felt unsure about what she would think.

On the other hand, he also thinks about Hellen and how she seduced him with her charismatic and seductive posture. He knew he was taking advantage of her, but he couldn't help but crave the easy money and material goods she promised him.

Deep down, James knew his actions were grotesque and wrong, but he continued to move forward, blinded by the power of money and the desire for more.

James enters the police station and sees Paul watching him from his office with a serious and upset look.

Paul: James, can we talk?

James: Sure, boss. What it was?

Paul: I heard about your investigation involving Black Diamond. And I heard some things about you being involved with them.

James: (nervous) I can explain, boss. I was just doing my job.

Paul: (seriously) I hope so. Because if I find out that you're getting involved with criminals, you'll be kicked out of the police force and you'll never get another job in your life. Or worse, I'll send someone after you.

James: (scared) Got it, boss. I will continue with the investigation without getting personally involved.

Paul: (seriously) I hope so, James. We are dealing with dangerous people. I don't want to lose a good cop because of some nonsense.

James: (nodding) I understand, boss. I'll be careful.

Paul: (smiling) Great. I trust you, James. Now get back to work and keep me updated on the investigation.

James: (smiling) Sure, boss. Thank you for understanding.

James walks through the dark streets of the city, lost in his thoughts. He knew he had betrayed the trust of his boss and friend, Paul, by taking Hellen's job. But the temptation of money was too great to resist.

Upon arriving at Sabrina's brothel, he finds the door open and enters. The place is lit up with red lights and the smell of cheap perfume hangs in the air. He walks up to the counter and is greeted by the brothel owner, a stout woman with a cigarette in her mouth, she seems surprised by her presence there. James notices Sabrina's look and tries to explain:

James: Sabrina, I know the last time we saw each other I said we couldn't be together, but I can't stop thinking about you. I came here to apologize to you and see if there's still a chance for us.

Sabrina: James, I understand that you're a cop and that you have to follow the rules, but that doesn't mean I don't have feelings for you. I just don't want to fool myself anymore and end up getting hurt.

James: I understand, Sabrina. But I don't want to hide my feelings for you anymore. I know it's not easy, but I want to try.

Sabrina: (sighs) James, I don't know if this is a good idea. But I also can't deny how I feel about you.

The two look at each other for a moment, and Sabrina notices that there is still love in James' eyes. She smiles and calls him into her private room.

James enters Sabrina's room and looks around, admiring the luxurious decor. He smells the seductive perfume that surrounds the room and approaches Sabrina, who is sitting in a leather armchair.

Sabrina: (smiling) You came looking for me, James. What brings you here?

James: (shy) I'm sorry for everything I said. I was an idiot to say I would never come out to you.

Sabrina: (putting her hand on his face) I know, James. And I forgive you. But things haven't changed, I still own this place.

James: Sabrina, I need to ask you something. Have you had any conversations with Hellen recently?

Sabrina smiles when she hears James' question and responds:

Yes, Hellen came to me and told me everything. She said you have an open passport for my legs - says Sabrina, with a mischievous smile.

James feels a chill down his spine, wondering what else Hellen could have said to Sabrina.

And... Did she say anything else? - James asks, with fear.

No, James. She just told me about the deal you guys made. But I confess that I was happy that it was you and not some other strange client - Sabrina replies, with a provocative tone.

Sabrina looks into James' eyes and smiles mischievously.

James feels relieved but at the same time worried. He didn't want Sabrina to know everything, but at the same time, he knew he couldn't hide anything from her.

James: And did she say anything else? Did she talk about the money?

Sabrina shakes her head no.

Sabrina: No, James. She just told me that she needed a job and that you were the best man to do it. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.

James sighs in relief and approaches Sabrina, caressing her face.

James: You always know how to make me feel at ease, Sabrina.

Sabrina smiles and kisses James, while their bodies give in to desire.

As James indulges Sabrina, he can't help but think about Jane and her daughter Brien. He feels guilty, but at the same time, he can't resist Sabrina. After they finish, James quickly gets dressed and gets ready to leave.

Sabrina asks if he's okay, and James responds with a heavy sigh. He confesses that he feels bad about cheating on his wife, but that he can't resist her. Sabrina gently caresses his face and tells him that she understands the situation, but that he needs to choose what is best for him.

James knows she's right, but he feels trapped between his desires and his responsibilities. He thanks Sabrina for the moment and leaves the brothel, his mind full of conflicts and uncertainties.

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