
Love Killer: A Passion That Kills

Hellen is an enigmatic woman, admired for her intelligence, cunning and irresistible charm. But behind this seductive appearance, she hides a dark secret that few know about. Meanwhile, a dedicated investigator is undercover at her university, trying to uncover Hellen's secrets and her connection to the criminal underworld. As the investigator gets closer to Hellen, he begins to feel more and more attracted to her. However, he knows that she is a dangerous and ruthless person, capable of eliminating her enemies without mercy. He finds himself in an internal conflict between following the law and surrendering to his feelings for Hellen, which could put his life at risk. In this electrifying plot full of twists, readers will be taken on an exciting journey full of mysteries. They will wonder if the investigator will be able to resist the temptation to give in to his feelings for Hellen, or if he will end up falling into his deadly trap.

Yasmin_Mesquita · Urban
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10 Chs

Luis's Plan

Luis walks through the halls of the university with the gossip about Hellen pounding in his mind. He couldn't understand how someone so intelligent and beautiful could be considered a "chicken". Could there be something more behind this reputation?

As he thought, Luis remembered hearing the name "Dylan" before, but he couldn't remember where. Was Dylan involved with Hellen in some way?

Outside the university, Luis sees Hellen acting suspiciously, heading towards the college theater. Luis decides to follow her to try to find out more information about her and, who knows, about Dylan too. Could he be about to discover a dangerous secret?

As he walked behind Hellen, Luis wondered what might be happening at the college theater. Was there something illegal going on there? He was determined to discover the truth.

Arriving at the theater, Luis saw Hellen talking to a tall, muscular man. Could it be Dylan? He couldn't see his face, but his posture indicated that he was someone important to Hellen.

Luis hid behind one of the theater's columns, trying to hear their conversation. Unfortunately, the loud music coming from the stage made it difficult to understand what they were saying.

Suddenly, Hellen and Dylan pull away and run out the back door of the theater. Luis tries to follow them, but ends up losing sight of them. Were they running away from something? Luis knew he needed to find out what was going on, but now he needed to find a new way to get closer to Hellen and discover her secrets.

He returns home with his mind full of unanswered questions and decides that he needs to create a plan to get closer to Hellen without arousing suspicion.

Luis spends the night thinking about how to approach Hellen without arousing suspicion. He knows he needs to find a way to get close to her without looking like an undercover investigator. Ultimately, he decides that the best way to do this is to infiltrate Hellen's social circle. He needs to find a way to get to know the people close to her and find out more information about her secrets.

Meanwhile, news of the missing body begins to spread throughout the city. Luis vaguely remembers hearing about a certain Jung during a conversation between his father and some friends during a barbecue. He knew that the name was related to the world of American football, but he couldn't remember the details. Intrigued by this connection, Luis decides to consult sports books and magazines to find out more about Jung and his career as an American football player. impressed when reading about the various victories that Jun-Seo led his team, being considered a genius in the sport.

Could it be possible that Hellen and Dylan were involved in this story? He needs to investigate further to discover the truth.

Meanwhile, Luis also begins researching Dylan through university archives and conversations with other students. He discovers that Dylan was a law student and was also known for being an irresistible seducer among women. With all this information in mind, Luis decides to create a plan to infiltrate Hellen's social circle and find out more about her, Dylan and possibly the missing body case. He knows it won't be easy, but he's determined to find out the truth.

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Luis receives an urgent call from Paul, asking him to appear immediately at the police station. Without understanding the reason for the summons, Luis runs to the police station. Once there, Paul takes him to a room where there are some people watching a video from a security camera. In the video, Jun-Seo can be seen entering a sports car store.

Luis is shocked to see Jun-Seo in the video, as he had been missing for days. Paul explains that the images were captured the night Jun-Seo disappeared. They decide to investigate the sports car store and try to find out more information about Jun-Seo's whereabouts.

He discovers that the store is known for selling expensive and exclusive cars, and that it has a somewhat dubious reputation. Luis also finds some information about the store's owner, a man named Tony, who had previously been arrested for involvement in the black market.

Luis begins to wonder if the sports car store and Tony are involved in Jun-Seo's disappearance. He decides he needs to find out more about the store and Tony, and begins to create a plan to infiltrate the place and investigate further.

Tony: Well, well, if it isn't our friend Luis! Long time no see, huh?

Luis: I would like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind.

Tony: Sure, sure, feel free. But I have to say, I already knew you, Luis. Where did I know you from anyway?

Luis: I don't know what you're talking about. I've never seen you before in my life.

Tony: Oh, what a shame. I thought you would remember me. After all, I never forget a face. And I'm sure I've seen you somewhere before.

Luis: Well, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm here to ask questions about the football player's disappearance.

Tony: Oh, yes, of course. The missing. And what do you want to know, exactly?

Luis: I want to know if you knew the player.

Tony: Did you? Of course I knew. He was a good guy. But unfortunately, he disappeared. It's a shame, really.

Luis: Do you have any information about his disappearance?

Tony: Me? No, I haven't. But I remember seeing you that night, Luis. You were at a party in the same region where the player disappeared. Don't you find this interesting?

Luis: I already told you, I've never seen him before.

Tony: Oh, sure, sure. You know, I'm a very observant man. And I never forget a face. But okay, let's leave it there. I hope I helped with your questions.

Luis was confused by Tony's words, wondering where he could know him so well. As he tried to remember some connection, Paul approached him and asked what he had discovered during his investigation at the university.

Luis took a deep breath before responding, "I discovered some interesting things about Hellen and Dylan. It seems that Dylan was known for being a flirt and had a history of tumultuous relationships. Hellen, on the other hand, seemed quite reserved and didn't have many close friends." "

Paul looked at him with interest, "And what else did you find out?"

Luis hesitated a bit before continuing, "Well, I also found out that Hellen and Dylan were seen together several times before Jun-Seo's disappearance. I don't know what that means exactly, but it's definitely something we need to look into."

Paul nodded, pondering the information, "That's certainly interesting. We need to dig deeper into this investigation. But first, we need to better understand how Tony knows so much about you."

Luis nodded, still intrigued about Tony's connection to him. He wondered if there was something else he didn't already know about his past.

After the interrogation with Tony, Luis and Paul left the police station frustrated after not having found any concrete evidence that could incriminate the sports car store or help them find Jun-seo. The only thing they managed to do was close the store indefinitely.

After a frustrating visit to the police station, Luis and Paul were informed by a detective that Dylan's parents had called the police station to report their son missing. Luis felt butterflies in his stomach, as he knew that Dylan was involved with Hellen and possibly with the case of the missing body. He and Paul immediately went to Dylan's parents' house

Arriving there, the two were greeted by a middle-aged couple, visibly worried about their son's disappearance. They allowed Luis and Paul to enter the house to see if there were any clues that could help with the investigation.

Luis began searching Dylan's room, looking for anything that could give a clue as to his whereabouts or involvement in the case of the missing body. He found some photos of Dylan with Hellen, which intrigued him even more. But nothing that could help them find the missing young man.

Meanwhile, Paul was talking to Dylan's parents, trying to extract information that could help with the investigation. They said they didn't know much about Dylan's life at university, but they knew he frequented parties and was known for being a flirt.

Luis, in turn, found a love letter that Dylan had written to Hellen, in which he confessed his feelings for her but also confessed that he had betrayed her.

''Dear Helen,

I can't keep this feeling inside me anymore, I need to put everything into words and tell you what I feel. From the first moment I saw you, my heart beat faster and my mind was completely obsessed with you. I feel like I've never met someone like you, someone who makes me so happy and makes me want to be a better person.

But I have a secret, Hellen, and I don't know how to tell you. I betrayed your trust and your love, with a girl named Francis. I know this is unforgivable and that I'm an idiot for doing this. But please understand that I was confused and lost, and I never wanted to hurt you.

I swore to myself that I would never do anything like that again. I love you, Hellen, and I can't imagine my life without you. I know I don't deserve a second chance, but if you allow me, I promise I will do everything in my power to make you happy and prove my love for you.

With all my love,


Luis, upon hearing Hellen's voice, quickly put the letter away and left the place without attracting attention. He knew that, being undercover at the university, he couldn't risk being identified by her and ruining her entire plan. Luis now needed to think of a strategic way to approach Hellen without arousing suspicion.

Luis was hiding outside Dylan's parents' house when he heard Hellen's voice talking to Paul and Dylan's parents. Luis immediately noticed that Hellen's reaction seemed fake, and her voice didn't seem genuine. He wondered what could be going on and if it had anything to do with Jun-seo's disappearance and the letter he found from Dylan.

Luis remained hidden and listened to the conversation for a few more minutes, but he was unable to understand what was being discussed. He then decided he needed to approach Hellen to try and get more information. He knew he needed to be very careful as he didn't want to arouse suspicion.

Luis waited until everyone left the house and then approached Hellen. He greeted her and asked how she was. Hellen looked a little surprised, but replied politely. Luis realized that she was still recovering from the shock of finding out that Dylan was missing.

Luis played along with Hellen and said that he was friends with Dylan at university and that he found out about the disappearance through a mutual friend. Hellen seemed a little more relaxed and asked if he had any information on Dylan's whereabouts. Luis replied that unfortunately not, but that he was worried and wanted to help in some way. Hellen thanked her for her concern and said that he was also doing everything he could to find out what happened to Dylan. Luis noticed that Hellen seemed to be hiding something, but he didn't want to put too much pressure on her. He told her that if he needed anything, he would be available to help. Hellen thanked him again and said goodbye, hurrying to enter the house. Luis knew that he needed to continue investigating and find out what Hellen was hiding. He decided to discreetly follow Hellen to see if she would do anything suspicious.

He saw her rushing to an isolated parking lot, looking around and getting into a car that was parked, Luis knew it would be difficult to approach without attracting attention, and he looked around and saw a bicycle thrown in some place, he decided that it would be better to use the bike to approach the hut without being seen. Carefully, he approached the cabin pedaling in silence, Luis followed Hellen's car and realized that she was driving towards an area away from the city. He decided to follow Hellen carefully and observe what she was doing.

Carefully, Luis approached the cabin and put his ear to the door, trying to hear any conversation. He heard some murmuring, but couldn't understand what was being said. He then decided to take a risk and open the door a little to try and see what was happening inside.

When Luis opened the door, he saw Hellen sitting in a chair, with a worried expression on her face. In front of her was an older man with gray hair and stubble. The man seemed angry and spoke to Hellen in an aggressive tone. Luis recognized the man as Dylan's father, and realized that something very serious was happening there.

Luis decided it was time to step in and take action. He prepared to enter the cabin, but before he could do anything, he heard Dylan's father scream and run out of the cabin. Hellen was left alone and seemed shaken.

Luis was surprised by Hellen's sarcastic laugh and her expression of satisfaction. He felt attracted to the mystery and the possibility of finding out what she was up to, but at the same time he knew that it wasn't good. He decided to follow Hellen again to try to find out more information about her plan and who Tony is.

Luis hid behind a bush while Hellen left the cabin and got into her car. He waited a few minutes for her to walk away and then carefully followed her car, keeping a safe distance.

After a few minutes, Hellen parked the car in front of a modest house in a quiet neighborhood. She got out of the car and entered the house. Luis decided to wait a little before approaching the house so as not to arouse suspicion.

After a few minutes, Luis approached the house and saw Hellen talking to an older man with gray hair and stubble, the same man he had seen in the cabin. Luis realized that this was the Tony that Hellen had mentioned.

He hid behind a car parked on the street and listened to the conversation between Hellen and Tony.

"How was it with Dylan's dad?" Tony asked.

"Everything went as planned. He was irritated, but I managed to convince him that it was the best option", replied Hellen.

"Great job. Now we need to focus on the next step. Do you know what to do yet?"

"Yes, I have a plan. I just need a few days to prepare everything."

After leaving the place where Hellen and Tony were talking, Luis decided to go to his own apartment. When he got there, he noticed that the place was ransacked, except for the room where he kept some important things very tightly locked.

Luis took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. He knew he needed to find out what had happened there and who had broken into his apartment. After a quick check, he realized that nothing had been stolen, but several things were out of place.

He found a crumpled piece of paper under the couch. He opened the paper and read what was written.

"Don't go where you're not called. If you keep investigating, you might end up getting hurt."

Luis was scared when he read the message. He knew someone was trying to intimidate him and trying to stop him from finding out the truth about Hellen and Tony.

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