
Love Killer: A Passion That Kills

Hellen is an enigmatic woman, admired for her intelligence, cunning and irresistible charm. But behind this seductive appearance, she hides a dark secret that few know about. Meanwhile, a dedicated investigator is undercover at her university, trying to uncover Hellen's secrets and her connection to the criminal underworld. As the investigator gets closer to Hellen, he begins to feel more and more attracted to her. However, he knows that she is a dangerous and ruthless person, capable of eliminating her enemies without mercy. He finds himself in an internal conflict between following the law and surrendering to his feelings for Hellen, which could put his life at risk. In this electrifying plot full of twists, readers will be taken on an exciting journey full of mysteries. They will wonder if the investigator will be able to resist the temptation to give in to his feelings for Hellen, or if he will end up falling into his deadly trap.

Yasmin_Mesquita · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

The game of interests

While trying to calm down in his apartment, Luís begins to feel a mixture of obsession, paranoia and anxiety about James and everything that has happened. He begins polishing his collection of knives and box cutters, as a way to distract himself and deal with his feelings.

Luís obsessively thinks about James and how he could be involved in the restaurant case and the threat against Hellen. He begins to imagine different scenarios in which James could be plotting something against him.

Meanwhile, Luís tries to keep busy polishing his facades and stilettos, cleaning and sharpening each one with care and attention. He knows the obsession he's feeling isn't healthy, but he can't stop these intrusive thoughts.

He then begins to wonder if he is becoming like James, obsessed with power and control. He remembers all the times James manipulated and used him for his own purposes, and he begins to feel guilty for falling into that trap.

Luis felt a strong desire to manipulate James, to make him pay for his actions and to gain control over the situation. As he polished his favorite knife, he imagined threatening James by revealing his extramarital affairs to his wife. He wanted to feel the power of having information that could destroy someone's life and use it to his advantage. This desire for manipulation and control was a sign of the Antisocial Personality Disorder he suffered from, a condition that caused him to have difficulty following social norms and feel little or no remorse for his actions. Luis knew that his desire for manipulation could be dangerous, but he also felt a sense of pleasure at the thought of how he could control James and the situation.

Uniducks Café at 8:00....

This time, Luis decided to meet James at a cafe near the office. When James arrived, Luis started the conversation casually, asking about his wife and children. James seemed uncomfortable with the topic, which made Luis think he had guessed right.

Luis then decided to put his cards on the table and threaten James. He said he knew about her betrayals and that he could tell his wife everything. James turned pale and looked like he was about to faint, but then he regained his composure and asked what Luis wanted in exchange for his silence.

Luis: "I know about your betrayals, James. And I have proof."

James: "What are you talking about, Luis? I don't know what you're talking about."

Luis: "Don't act innocent. I have photos, text messages, call logs. You're in a delicate position."

James: "What do you want, Luis? Money? I can give you money."

Luis: "I don't want your money. I want information. I want to know what you're hiding. And if you don't tell me, I'll tell your wife everything."

James: "You can't do that. It would end my life."

Luis: "I'm not afraid to destroy your life, James. You messed with dangerous things and now it's in my hands. So tell me, what are you hiding?"

James: "I can't tell you. You don't understand what's at stake here."

Luis: "Oh, I understand perfectly. But if you don't tell me, I'll have to tell your wife. And the police."

James: "Don't do that, Luis. I can help you, we can work together."

Luis: "Working together? You think I'm stupid? You already tricked me once, I won't let it happen again. So either you tell me everything now, or I end your life forever."

After a tense moment, James finally agreed to give Luis the information he wanted in exchange for his silence. He explained that the drugs came from a supplier who had connections to the local mafia and that the chef was just an intermediary. James admitted that he was aware of the situation but was not directly involved. Luis knew he couldn't fully trust James, but for now, he decided to take the opportunity and use the information for his investigation.

When leaving the meeting, Luis felt victorious, but he also knew that he had taken a risk by messing with James

James the evil policeman

As he walked down the street after his conversation with Luis at the cafe, James couldn't get the memories of when he was Luis's chef at the police department out of his head. He remembered the good times they worked together, solving complicated cases and having a great professional relationship. However, the bad moments also came to mind, like when he was caught in the act of corruption and ended up receiving a very serious penalty.

As he walked, James reflected on his life and the choices that led him there. He knew he had been wrong, but he couldn't help but feel bitter about how things had turned out for him. James wondered if it would have been different if he had made other choices in life, if he had been more honest and principled.

But now, with the threat of Luis hanging over his head, James knew he needed to make a decision. He wondered if he could trust Luis to keep his secret safe, or if he would need to take drastic measures to protect his reputation and his marriage. These thoughts consumed his mind as he walked aimlessly through the city streets.

James felt a mix of surprise, anger and concern when he saw Hellen getting into a fancy car with her suitcase in hand. He stood still, observing the scene, while thousands of thoughts ran through his mind.

"What the hell is she doing with the suitcase?" he wondered. "Does she have any ties to the mafia? What if she's in danger?"

James regretted not delving deeper into the history of the mob in Boston. He knew he had an important role in the investigation, but felt limited by his duties as a police officer.

The boy stood in the middle of the street, watching the car drive away faster and faster. He tried to run after the car, but it was too late. Hellen had disappeared again.

As he walked, James realized he was near a park. He decided to go inside and sit on a bench to think better. Sitting there, watching people pass by, he began to reflect on his life and his choices. He knew he would have to make a difficult choice soon, and he didn't know if he was ready for it.

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Luis was walking through the city, his mind buzzing with thoughts. He was passing through a park, where the trees were already starting to change color for autumn, and the wind was blowing gently, creating a comforting sound. In the distance, he could see the city skyline, with its imposing, modern buildings.

It was then that he had the idea of infiltrating Hellen's school. He looked up at the sky, with a determined and confident look. Luis knew that this could be the key to unraveling the entire mystery surrounding the young woman. He felt motivated and excited, ready to find out everything he could about her.

Luis quickened his pace, heading towards the police station. He knew he would have to deal with many obstacles, but he was willing to face them. As he walked towards the police station, he couldn't help but think about how he would approach school. He knew he couldn't just pose as a private detective, so he would have to find a way to get close to Hellen without arousing suspicion.

However, Luis was not a man to give up easily. He was determined to get what he wanted and would do whatever it took to achieve his goals. His mind was focused on each step he needed to take to get into Hellen's school.

As he walked through the city's busy streets, Luis felt more and more confident in his idea. He knew he needed to be careful, but he was willing to risk everything to solve the case.

Paul began to explain the situation to his team of detectives in the detective wing: "We received an anonymous call about one of Hellen's henchmen who was found unconscious in an abandoned house. When we went to the scene, we found a bloody scene. The blood belonged to a guy named Jung-seo, a Korean-American boy who studied at the same university as Hellen. He studied physical education and it seems that he had been kidnapped by Hellen and her henchmen."

Paul looked at each of his detectives before continuing, "Unfortunately, we didn't find Jung-seo's body, but the amount of blood found at the scene suggests that he was killed. We need to find the body and find out what really happened. We need also keep this a secret so that Hellen doesn't know that we are investigating this case."

The detectives sat in silence, processing the information they had just received. Paul continued: "This is an extremely sensitive case and we need to work carefully. We can't let anything leak to the press or to Hellen. We need to find concrete evidence to arrest her once and for all."

With that, the team began to move, working together to find Jung-seo's body and discover what really happened to him.

One of the detectives asked why he was killed, joking that he didn't satisfy her properly.

Paul looked seriously at the detective who made the comment and replied, "Don't joke about serious things, Detective. This is a murder case and we are investigating to find whoever is responsible. We won't tolerate bad jokes here." He then continued to explain, "Apparently, Jung-seo and Hellen had a romantic relationship that did not end well. Hellen reportedly felt betrayed and decided to take revenge, which resulted in this murder. Now, our task is to find the body and gather enough evidence to arrest Hellen and her accomplices, Dismissed".

Luis asked Paul how Hellen's case became public, as it was a confidential matter between the two. Paul explained that he received an anonymous call reporting the crime and that now the press was on top of the case. Luis was frustrated and worried about the situation, but soon shared his idea of infiltrating Hellen's university to find out more information about her and perhaps even obtain hard evidence to help with the investigation. He explained that he wanted to act discreetly and that his cover would be that of a psychology student transferring from another university.

Paul looked thoughtful for a moment and then said, "Well, it might be a risky idea, but it might be worth a try. Just don't get too involved with Hellen, okay? Remember, we're here to investigate her, not to get involved in your personal life."

Luis meticulously planned every detail to infiltrate Hellen's university as a transfer student. He spoke with the owner of the university, who agreed to facilitate his entry, and with some police friends, who would help him maintain his coverage.

Luis knew that the university would be a valuable source of information about Hellen and her connections in the city. He needed to find out everything he could to help solve the case and ensure justice was served.

But he knew that this mission would be dangerous and that he needed to always be alert. He was willing to take the risk, however, as it was the only way he had to get closer to Hellen and uncover the truth behind her mysterious life and connections in the city.

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Luis woke up early on his first day as a transfer student at the University of Hellen. He knew that his previous appearance would not be suitable for blending in with the students, so he chose a new look that would suit him. He began to dress in clothes that showed a kind of nerdy, kind of rebellious look, but with a touch of "old money" so that he could get closer to Hellen.

First, he chose a navy wool sweater over a white button-down shirt for an intellectual touch. Next, he chose dark jeans and brown boots that gave him a more relaxed look. To complement the look, he put on thick-rimmed glasses, even though he didn't need them.

He then took a look in the mirror and didn't recognize himself right away. He felt like he was in new skin, but he knew it was necessary. Luis knew that appearance was key to his plan working and he was willing to do whatever was necessary to blend in with the crowd.

Upon arriving at university, Luis felt a little nervous. He knew he would have to change his personality to adapt to the academic environment. He decided that he would be a dedicated student, but a bit of a loner, so that he could draw less attention. He started walking through the university corridors, observing everything around him, trying to get used to the new environment.

He passed by some groups of students and heard some conversations about Hellen, but chose not to get involved. He knew he needed to be careful and keep a low profile. Arriving at his classroom, he sat down in a strategic place, close to Hellen. He hoped he could gain her trust and find out more about the mafia and the murder of the Korean-American boy.

Luis watched Hellen, trying to find the perfect opportunity to get closer. When she was finally alone, he approached her, but before she could say anything, a group of girls called out to her and Hellen quickly walked away.

Luis sighed and looked around, looking for something to do. He saw a group of students gathered in a common area, and decided to join them. He tried to talk to some of them, but felt out of place.

It was then that he decided to change his approach. He observed the students and noticed that most of them seemed to be worried about their grades and schoolwork. So, he decided to present himself as a dedicated and committed student, and started talking to them about the importance of studies and hard work.

As the day went on, Luis became more comfortable at school and got closer to some students. But his main goal was still to get closer to Hellen, and he knew he would have to be persistent.

Luis walked through the halls of the university, observing the students and trying to find an opportunity to get closer to Hellen. As he walked, he heard some conversations from the students next to him. A group of girls were talking about how Hellen had ignored Luis and then approached them.

But it was in another conversation that Luis heard something that caught his attention. A group of students, who seemed to be Jung-seo's friends, were talking about what an amazing, kind, and intelligent guy he was, and how Hellen didn't deserve someone like him. They spoke derogatorily about Hellen, saying that she was a chicken and that she had probably used Jung-seo to get something she wanted.

Girl 1: Did you know that Hellen had an affair with Jung-seo?

Girl 2: Really? But he was so beautiful, he didn't deserve her.

Girl 3: And she always thought she was the queen of the university, but everyone knows she's a chicken.

Girl 1: Yeah, she hits on all the guys, without exception.

Girl 2: But at least she has good taste, right? Look at Dylan, she managed to win him over.

Girl 3: Ah, Dylan is a different case, he goes out with everyone.

These words left Luis intrigued, and he began to wonder if there was more to the relationship between Hellen and Jun-seo than he realized. He decided that he needed to investigate further and that perhaps Jun-seo could be the key to understanding the connection between Hellen and the mafia.

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