
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs

The First Day Out

Feeling excited, Belle got up at 4 am, washed up and stared at her clothings. She realised that she had nothing suitable to wear. She kept rummaging through her little collection of clothings she had with her but couldn't find anything when she heard a knock on her door.

Opened the door and Belle was surprised that Jay was standing in front of her holding a big load of shopping bags.

"Sorry but I thought I heard you washing up. I know this may seem a little weird but I noticed the clothings that you packed may not be suitable for this weather. Shiela went shopping and got you these."

"Oh thank you and I'm grateful. I do need to do a little of shopping after this. Let me get dressed and I'll see you in 15 minutes time". Belle took she shopping bags from Jay and spread all the stuff across the bed.

"Omg, these are so my style and it's from my favourite brand. Wow, they really thought of everything, there's 2 handbags, 3 pairs of shoes, 2 belts, 5 skirts, 5 tops and 5 dresses, 5 trousers and 3 winter coats. There's even a bag of socks, stockings and lingerie. Oh my, even a set of makeup is included and it matched my skin colour. I really got to thank Shiela for all these".

Belle picked to wear her own skinny jeans paired with a long geometric top and a beige winter coat. She pinned her hair up into a messy bun and complimented her look with a light natural makeup. She was about to put on her earrings when she realised that Alex gave it to her for her 29th birthday. Belle put her earrings down and looked into the mirror. "No way in hell am I going to let that A*****e destroy my holiday. I had enough. Now I am going to pamper myself".

Belle walked out of the room exactly at 4.30 am and saw Jay waiting for her. He looked really good. He had on a brown orange long sleeve top matched with a pair of grey skinny jeans. He was holding his coat in one hand and 2 scarfs in another. She thought it was really weird that he was going to wear two scarfs.

"Oh my, she is beautiful. Her face had this glow and when she walk, it was as if she was walking on clouds", thought Jay. He was mesmerised by her beauty. Although he spent the past few days with her but she had on her cute Pee Jays. Today she was all dressed up and he couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Shall we?" And with a gleam in her eyes Belle smiled excitedly.

"Yes, but before that". Jay walked over to Belle and took one of the scarfs. He draped it and tied it around Belle. They never have been in this close proximity before besides the accident. Lost in her thoughts, "He smells good. He smells like tomorrow. He smells of hope".

Startled by her own thoughts, Belle took a step back and said thank you.

"Let's go. Let's go. We need to reach there before 5.30 am". Jay rushed Belle and led her out.

They both got into his Evoque and headed to the secret location.