
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs

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"It is the Eiffel Tower! How did you know I wanted to see this. It's so beautiful", squealed Belle. Jay smiled and said nothing. Little did she know that Jay pulled some strings for her to have this experience. The Eiffel Tower usually opens to public only from 9.30 am.

As they reached the compound, there were 4 personnel's standing by. "Hello sir, miss! Good morning. Shall we head up to the Eiffel Tower?"

Both of them were lead to a special elevator where they would be taken all they way up.

As they entered the elevator, Belle suddenly turned around and looked at Jay.

"Jay, I love that you brought me here but..."

"What's it Belle?" Jay had a confused look on his face.

"Erm, I have always wanted to do this but I'm afraid of heights."

Jay chuckled to himself and said "Babe, don't worry I'm here. Hug me or hold me if you are scared. I'm here for you".

Belle flushed with redness hearing his comment.

As the elevator was nearing the top, Jay sensed that Belle's face was turning white and her hands were trembling. Jay grabbed Belle's hand and gave her a reassuring grip.

They finally reached to the top, and Belle was taken away by the beauty of the rising sun. It was a good 2 minutes of looking at the view when Belle felt a gush of strong wind and felt a tremor. Belle grabbed onto the rail and almost slipped. She turned pale and her head was spinning when she looked down.

Jay saw her face and immediately hugged Belle. "Don't worry babe. I'm here". Belle never felt so safe. She melted into his arms and was at ease. They enjoyed the rest of the rising sun while holding on to each other.