
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs

She’s Gone

Jay was tossing and turning the whole night. He heard Belle coming out from the room at 4 am but didn't dare to come out, scared he would upset her again.

Finally, it was 8 am. He decided that he would give Belle sometime to herself and head to the office. He got dressed and headed out. But Jay wanted to make sure Belle was okay so he knocked on her door and announced that he was going to work but there wasn't any response.

Jay sighed and left for work. He drowned himself in work but realised he couldn't concentrate. So during lunch, he decided to pack some food and head home. After all she hasn't eaten since yesterday.

"Belle, I'm home. Come and eat. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday." Again, it was silence. No responds. Jay started to feel uneasy. He placed the pack food down on the kitchen counter and headed to her room. But he stopped halfway and looked at the kitchen counter again. There was a plate of wrapped sandwich, a letter and a gift.

His heart started to beat heavily. Jay unwrapped the present and it was a photo book. Belle had secretly compiled and created a photo book of them. He flipped the pages and there were so many pictures of them.

His hands were trembling as he was opening the letter.

"Dear Jay,

It was the best time of my life. You were there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. You took the pain away and you bought me joy. But it is time for me to face reality. I have to go back and go head strong with my life. I prepared a book of memories for you. Although we will never cross parts again, I wish that the memories stay strong with you. Shiela told me that you always worked and never enjoyed life. If you feel stressed or sad, open up the book of memories and your load will be lightened.

I'm sorry that I have to go. You pulled me out of darkness and saved me from drowning myself in sorrow. I hope that you will be able to meet someone else. She will definitely be better than me.

Once again, thank you for everything.

-Belle- "

Realisation drawn in. She was gone.