
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs


It was gloomy and pouring. Although winter was coming to an end, it was still cold. Belle's mood was exactly like the weather. Just touched down, Belle collected her luggage and hopped into a cab.

"Where to Miss?"

Lost in her thoughts, Belle really didn't know where to go. Jamie, Cass or Joe's place? She would definitely not head back to Alex. Joe it is. After all, she wanted to spend time with her nephew. Giving the cab driver the address, she close her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Waking up from a short nap, Belle realised that she was approaching her brothers house. They both have been always close. Joe is 5 years older than Belle. He has always been there for her and he took on their parents duties when they both passed away from an early age.

Joe got hitched when he was 25 years old to his long term girlfriend, Kate. Unfortunately she passed away while giving birth to Dan. Belle then took over the mom duties. She was their family.

"Aunty Belle! Aunty Belle!"

Belle was just getting out of the cab when she heard this cute voice shrieking for her. Her nephew ran towards her and jumped into her embrace. Oh how she missed him. Behind Dan, Joe slowly walked to the cab and helped her with her luggage.

"Hey Sis, you all right? You look tired. I guess you are gonna stay here for a few days right?

Belle nodded her head without saying anything. They walked into the house without saying anything.

Belle always had a room in Joe's place. She straightaway headed up to her room to wash up.

"Come down for lunch in half an hour", Joe called after her.

Belle quickly took a quick shower and changed into something more comfortable and headed down. The 3 of them had a quick lunch and Little Dan couldn't stop chattering away with his favourite aunt. Belle looked at her brother and Dan and smiled to herself, "This is home. They are my home."

Soon it was time for Dan's afternoon nap. Belle sang a song and patted Dan to sleep. Meanwhile, Joe stood by the door and observed. He was glad his sister was always there for him.

"Belle, let's talk. Why did you go away? Was it a bad fight? Alex came here crying a few times. "

Belle didn't say anything but cried. Joe has never seen his sister like that. His heart sank and twisted in pain. He ran over to Belle and hugged her.

Belle poured out what happened over the few weeks. Joe was so angry that he wanted to immediately teach Alex a lesson but Belle held him back. At the same time, Joe was also curious about Jay Joseph Pierre but he decided to keep that conversation for another day.

"Joe, I need a favour. I need to get my stuff out of that place and move on. I've already started indicated very clearly that I would leave him. Can you go with me?"

"Belle, I'll do anything for you. When do you want to go?"

"I prefer to go when he isn't there. He usually has board meetings on Tuesday mornings. Let's go then. Thank you Joe. I do not know what to do without you."